Hi Sean,
hi all,

first of all thank you for the very detailed answer.
I appreciate that :-).

>> 1. How do i get a list of the available channels in
>>   MPD/Alsa notation (hw:x,x or plughw:x,x)?
> Device enumeration in ALSA is a non-trivial problem. To be honest, the
> one piece of software I know of that does this really well is
> PulseAudio.

I tried PA tree years ago on a thin client without X and
it was not configurable without X. After two days i give up :-(.

> We *could* add support for device enumeration from one source or
> another to mpd, but if you're using the ALSA backend, chances are high
> that you don't *want* to use a raw device. Unless you have hardware
> mixing, which is less and less common, you will want to use a virtual
> device such as dmix for software mixing. Otherwise, mpd's audio will
> "hog" your soundcard, preventing other apps from using it.

Yes, that is excactly what i want.
I have an server with 3 MPD's running on 3 soundcards
that stream sound over SPDIF to CAT5 converter in other rooms.
No need for X. Even no keyboard or mouse on that server.
And of course no other application that uses the soundcard.
These soundcards are also never the default once.

> understand how to parse all possible versions of the config files,
> etc.


>> 2. How can if configure that channel (SPDIF, volume)?
> Well, if you knew the ALSA device number in hw:x,y format,

That's excactly the problem. How do i get them.
hw:1,1 means "First Soundcard, 1 output channel?"

> itself is extremely finnicky and complex; it is not user-friendly, and
> it is almost impossible to *make* it user-friendly. I said _almost_
> impossible, though: PulseAudio is currently the best tool we have for,
> in short, bringing order to the chaos that is ALSA.

Is pulse is now configurable completely on the command line?
Does it stops playing if you switch over to the command line
like before?

> for the pulse output; see http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/PulseAudio for
> details. To designate a soundcard as default sink,...

I don't want to do that, because i have 4 soundcards
in that system.

> with some known flaws (but still gets the job done), is padevchooser.
> Use gnome-volume-control-applet or the CLI as your first choices,
> though.

Yes i know, nice gui stuff but nothing for the command line :-).

pactl list reports:

Senke #0
        Status: SUSPENDED
        Name: alsa_output.pci_1102_4_sound_card_0
        Beschreibung: SB Audigy
        Treiber: module-alsa-card.c
        Sample-Angabe: s16le 2ch 44100Hz

So i have tried:

audio_output {
        type    "pulse"
        name    "MPD PulseAudio Output 3"
        server  "localhost"
        sink    "alsa_output.pci_1102_4_sound_card_0"

This doesn't work at the moment.
MPD report "Cannot connect to PulseAudio server: Connection refused"
I will check first that i didn't mess up pulseaudio and
then will report back if i knew more.

Thanks for now,


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