Mark Elsdon, Nefesch, Ben Harris, Stefan Olschewski, Stephen Ward, Alan 
Rorrison and Paul Carnazzo just arrived to!

IONIC FORCE by Ben Harris
IONIC is a ranging force, applied with the fingers, in order to arrive at an 
apparently random (or unknown number). Such forces-performed on the 
fingers-have been used for decades. Karrel Fox and Max Maven are both famous 
for their applications of the approach. For the record, Ray Hyman is credited 
with FIRST applying the idea to the use of the fingers. (See The Linking Ring, 
October, 1953). Ray's application was for a book test called "It's In The Book."

Here's how it usually works: Imagine asking a spectator to hold up any number 
of fingers on her left hand, and any number of fingers on her right hand. We'll 
say she holds up TWO fingers and THREE fingers respectively. The performer 
would take these two numbers (two and three) and reference them to a page 
number: "So that's page 23..." in this example. Sometimes, the range would 
appear to be larger as the performer would offer the CHOICE of reversing the 
number like this: "So that's page 23... or would you like to reverse the digits 
and call it page 32?" (This subtlety is credited to Sandy Marshall).

The IONIC process however, allows you to limit the result to just six possible 
outcomes!This can be further compressed to allow JUST THREE OUTCOMES, if you 

Clever performers will find dozens of innovative routines to use this with. 
Harris discusses applications with Book Tests, the ACAAN plot, and some very 
direct "mind-reading" styled reveals. Andrew Brown has given permission to 
include his AMAZING "Invisible Card" routine which first apperaed in SR3. Find 
it here with ALL THE DETAILS.

(Please note, if you have SR3, you already have the material described in this 
pdf. SR3 is NOT REQUIRED in order to understand and apply the IONIC concept. 
This is a stand-alone forcing procedure.

IONIC & APPLICATIONS is a 38 page, photo illustrated pdf.

THE UNFOLDING by Paul Carnazzo
Three photographs are displayed, each is of a different statue of Marcus 

(The photographs can be any 3, so presentational possibilities are endless)

It is explained that Marcus Aurelius was a Roman Emperor, and is also 
considered one of the most important Stoic philosophers. One of his most famous 
quotes is displayed:"Everything is unfolding as it must, and if you observe 
carefully, you will find this to be so."

The mentalist explains that this philosophy will be put to the test.

A man and a woman are asked to help.

The woman is asked to choose a photo (any one) a completely free choice, and 
she can change her mind as often as she likes until she is 100% sure that she 
has the one she wants. The photo she chooses is placed face up in front of her 
on the table.

The man is given the same choice, and it is explained that the photo that he 
does not choose will be left for the performer. Again, he has a completely free 
choice, and can change his mind as often as he likes. The photo he chooses is 
placed in front of him, and the remaining photo is placed in front of the 

The quote by Marcus Aurelius is mentioned again.

"Isn't it interesting how this quote often relates so well to our lives? It 
makes me wonder if the reason that things often work out this way is due to 
fate, or perhaps our own intuition of the way things should be. Even in simple 
demonstrations like this...everything has unfolded as it must..."

The photo in front of the woman is turned over, and written on the back is: 

The photo in front of the male participant is turned over, and written on it 

Finally, the photo in front of the performer is turned over, and, of course, on 

No forcing, equivoque, secret writing, switching, ambiguity, or multiple 
outcomes (the outcome will always be as listed above).

Only 3 photos are used. The participants make all of the choices.

What you get:

A PDF containing the full routine as outlined above, artwork to print your own 
photos, and additional presentational ideas.

Aside from the main effect, the PDF also has a version of Technicolor 
Prediction, titled "Multi-Colored", with no need for any type of i***x.

Also included is an effect called "House Hunting", where you correctly predict 
which photograph of several houses a participant will choose.

There is also "Murder-Suicide" where the photos of murder weapons are shown, 
and the spec. must choose the correct weapons in order for their lives to be 
spared! (they will always choose no blood shed!)

NOTE: The PDF describes the above effects. There is a small "something" you'll 
need to buy, which is readily available, and inexpensive.

The main effect described above is designed to work in English, but may be 
applicable to other languages. I've been told it works in Spanish and Italian 
without much trouble. Some of the other effects described will work in any 

"I like what you have done with it. Keep up the good work. Like me, you manage 
to squeeze all the juice out of an idea and even then, there's still more to be 
had" -Larry Becker

"One of the nicest uses for (this principle) I have seen." -Banachek

"This is sweet! So clever and using a principle that is close to my heart!" 
-Ben Harris

"Very nice! ...this is a really effective and clever use of (this 
principle)"-Joshua Quinn

"The Unfolding is reallyf@#kin cool" -Ran Pink

"The unfolding is very direct I love it. "-Michael Murray

AQUA-IMP by Ben Harris
Aqua~imp is one powerful piece of "incidental" magic. It appears almost 
impromptu. This illusion of spontaneity actually enhances the mystery-for it is 
at this magical (and supposedly offhanded moment) you give your spectators a 
thought-provoking, gentle, and fun glimpse at an un-imagined world of 

Here's what Aqua~imp looks like: You join friends or clients at a social or 
office environment where there happen to be bottles of drinking water being 
consumed. This can be at a bar, outdoor event, sporting occasion, party, 
anywhere. Bottles of drinking water are ubiquitous these days. Commenting on 
someone's particular brand of bottled water, the performer states: "You know 
this (insert brand) bottled water really does have amazing properties. The ions 
in the water can transcend to pure helium, making the entire bottle lighter, 
almost blimp-like... Let me show you. May I have your bottle?"

The performer takes the spectator's almost empty bottle of water, uncaps it, 
and spills a little on his outstretched palm. He now smells the water, 
breathing in deeply and commenting: "Yes, this is the real stuff... amazing. 
Here, you smell. Can you detect the faint scent of 'jasmine?' Upon ionization 
the water gives off that scent!"

The spectator looks a bit puzzled, being able to detect nothing, but the 
performer continues and provides proof... The bottle is re-capped and the 
placed on the table so it is lying down flat. Several other bottles are also 
laid down flat on the table. The performer now rolls the spectator's bottle 
under his palm, back and forth across the table. He then allows the spectator 
to do the same. "Just roll it back and forth, the remaining water will 
transcend to a higher state and the bottle will become lighter. It will make 
the bottle want to float off the table. It's a bit too heavy to actually do 
that, but you should see it try darned hard!" After rolling the bottle flat on 
the table for a few seconds, the spectator lifts her hand and the bottom of the 
bottle rises up, off the table, following her hand. "It almost does look like a 
blimp trying to take flight! Push it down flat again. Now release it. Look it 
really has become lighter!"

The sight of the bottle bobbing up and down is quite freaky. Especially as the 
other bottles have remained flat on the table throughout. Remember this can be 
the spectator's bottle. Commenting that, "The transcended air is too dangerous 
to leave floating around," the performer offers to: " the 
molecules, removing all evidence of the ionization." He instructs the spectator 
to once again press the bottle flat to the table, but to roll it in an 
East-West direction. This she does. Upon completion she lifts her hand and the 
bottle now remains lying flat on the table. The molecules inside the bottle now 
having returned to their normal state. Further, the bottle is now uncapped and 
a little of the water tipped out onto your palm. Everyone can now smell the 
scent of jasmine! Even the spectator's water bottle will smell like jasmine all 
day long!

The bottle bobbing upwards looks quite stange indeed. Clearly, gravity is being 
over-thrown, if just by a little! You'll make this up, ready to go for 20c, 
literally! Even use a borrowed bottle under the right circumstances. There are 
many ways you can theme this. Is it a "Genie in A Bottle?"... is it "Heavy 
Water?" about a "Lie Detector" test??? Adult performers could use it as 
a "Compatability Test."

AQUA-IMP is a 20 page, photo illustrated pdf.

Now available for the first time is The Inevitable and it is one of the 
strongest pieces I have ever created. I have used it as the closer at every 
single private and house party I have worked for the last couple of years and 
it brings the house down (pardon the pun).

The only other performer who has known about it is Paul Vigil and this is what 
he has to say about it:

"I call this "My friend Mark Elsdon's ACAA...," but he calls it The Inevitable; 
and it's one of the strongest and most clever uses of The Invisible Deck I've 
ever witnessed. It went directly into my performance repertoire and can quickly 
become the perfect closer (or encore piece) for you too!"

As Paul says above, it uses an Invisible Deck, and I honestly believe it is one 
of the most powerful uses of the ID that you could possibly perform. The ID 
however is just one part of it - there is so much more to it than that. It is 
and it isn't an Any Card At, it is and it isn't a Prediction, it is and it 
isn't a Revelation.

Playable as the most impossible magic or the most incredible mentalism, The 
Inevitable is as close to a miracle as a card trick can probably be to a layman.

By Alan Rorrison - Creator of Smoke.
What is Inception?
To put it simply, inception is the art of implanting a thought into some one's 
head and making them think it was their own idea. Making them think that the 
genesis of the idea was all their own and no one else's
A daunting thought and a power that should never be abused so lets keep it 
simple. You place a prediction down on the table or in the spectators lap 
before they even know what is going to happen.
Then you ask them to visulize a drink that they would generally have if they 
went to a bar. Think on how it looks and the taste etc then let them name their 
thought of drink out loud so the whole room can hear.
Astoundingly your prediction matches their thought of drink!
I will not tell you if inception uses a peek, force or real magic but I will 
state this:
No cards are used.
The spectator never utters a single word until they name their drink.
Nothing is written down in the routine.
You can set yourself up right in front of the spectator if need be and it looks 
It's so simple you will be performing it in minutes.
This is something you will and can carry on you at all times to be ready at a 
moments notice. Perfect for a casual performance in a bar or a huge performance 
on stage with out compromising on the end result. Trust me, you need this!


"Alan never ceases to amaze me with his offbeat thinking and creativity. 
Inception is just plain devious! It's seemingly impromptu and the casual nature 
reminds me of early Michael Weber. The simplicity behind the method will fool 
magicians and laymen alike. Definitely something to have in the back pocket for 
when the right situation arises... Especially if you work or hang out in bars, 
and who doesn't?!" - James Went

"Inception is the kind of effect that I LOVE to perform. Not only does it look 
like REAL mind reading to your spectators, but it FEELS like you really are 
reading minds when you perform it!"-Dee Christopher

"Alan absolutly killed in the bar at the blackpool convention 2011 with this. 
It shows Alan's off the wall thinking and creativity perfectly and leaves 
everyone speechless!" - Ben Williams

THE GATE by Martin Adams
THE GATE contains on 36 pages 9 mentalism routines most of it completely 
impromptu! All the routines are audience tested and comes from Martin's 

Living and Dead Test:
This is my take on the classic plot. This effect is completely IMPROMPTU and 
not use any gimmicks at all. The spectator who thinks the dead person name is 
random and unknown by the performer. You are able to reveal the dead person's 
name and as and additional kicker you know which spectator thought of that 
Perform this classic mentalism piece WITHOUT any gimmicks whatsoever!

The Any Word Book Test:
Imagine a book test that use any ordinary book and able to involve 30-40 
audience members!
This routine is a complete 8-10 minutes stunning mentalism act.

X is a "spectator as a mindreader" type of routine where the spectator is able 
to reveal the country that the performer is thinking of.
X uses no gimmicks at all just a pen and a paper.

Lotto is a stage routine that involves 5 spectators on stage. In this routine 
the performer predict 5 freely selected numbers by the spectators.
There is nothing written down and the prediction is in full view at the entire 
time and as an additional kicker you can reveal a joker number that thought of 
by a 6th spectator.

Guess Who:
This routine is perfect for stage and close-up even for strolling.
The performer hold a stack of photographs and invite 3 spectators to play an 
imaginary game of "Guess Who". Three spectators take out one photograph each 
and thru that time the performer not touch the stack of photographs at all.

The performer able to reveal all three selections in a mental game of "Guess 
-There is nothing to memorize
-No stacked deck
-No Force

The Bold Peek:
The Bold Peek is allow you to peek drawings, words, numbers, cards anything.
Martin offer various routines even a black and red separation.
The gimmick is the most ordinary object that nobody would suspect!

Make your choice!:
Make your choice is a mental game where the performer predict and say out loud 
the outcome before the game begins. The spectators have as many choices as they 
wish and of course the prediction will be always correct.
This routine is fits in your pocket and ready to go anywhere anytime!

Chocolate Roulette:
Chocolate Roulette is a pocket size russian roulette effect. The performer show 
6 piece of chocolate to the audience and they select 5 out from the six. The 
performer ask the spectators to open the chocolates and bite it. All the 
chocolates seems normal. The performer ask one of the spectator's to carefully 
open the chocolate that remained ont he table. When the performer open the 
chocolate there is a sharp razorblade sticking out from the chocolate.
This stunning mentalism classic fits in your pocket and you can perform it 
anywhere, anytime from close up to stage.

Serialistic is a 3 phase serial number divination routine that involves 2 

Zerg is a two phase mentalism card routine where the spectator able to divine a 
freely selected card that unseen by him.

And A LOT MORE eBooks!

We wish you the best,
The MindShocks Team

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