Anyone give me a clue?


On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 10:15 PM, zw g <> wrote:

> Dear List,
> Sorry if here was the wrong place to ask this question, but i couldn't find
> a way to resolve my question.
> Below was the mail i sent to the python-mpd maintainer JAT couple of days
> before, but without response so far.
> So i post it here. Could some one help me to answer it? Or is there any
> other way/method to achieve this?
> Big thanks.
> =====================================================
> Dear Jat,
> Sorry for my rude if you feel uncomfortable.
> I am a python newbie, and i would like to write a MPD front-end by using
> python-mpd from you, huge thanks to you and your great job.
> From my other music player's experience, like Amarok, Clementine...,  i
> notice there is a cool feature called "Queue" which i liked very much.
> And that feature can be used for some particular timeļ¼Œe.g:  a music party
> which let you predefine some songs before others.
> After read from MPD's protocol documents, i found that actually MPD
> provides the "Queue" feature by "prio" and "prioid" commands which you can
> find from the following url:
> Now my request is: Could you help us to add "Queue" , maybe "prio" and
> "prioid" function for python-mpd?
> I think most people would appreciate you for your great,great, great job!
> If you're happy to do that, could you let us know?  (or post a plan on the
> python-mpd page?)
> Really appreciate.
> Best regards,
> Gui
> =====================================================
> Gui
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