Dear List,

There maybe a bug of the latest release MPD 0.16.8.

I run MPD on my Mac OS X 10.7.3 which was installed by: *port install mpd*

Every time i put a mp4/m4a audio file to the current playlist and start to
play that one,
at first the playback was just fine, but if you change to another song(by
next/previous or whatever you picked) or just let it finished itself to
change to another song, MPD will crash.

And from now, you can play a song anymore, even you restart MPD service.

The only way to let MPD work again is:
Go to the playlist folder, delete the 'current' used playlist, or the
mp4/m4a song inside the playlist. Then restart the MPD service, it will
work again.

I can reproduce this each time.
Can anyone confirm this?

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