

Attention: Sir/Madam,


The Iraq American Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IACCI)is saddled with the responsibility

of sourcing for companies from around the world to supply various Government Establishment

including Government-sponsored Multi-purpose Co-operative Markets/Malls set up all over Iraq

under the Iraq Development Program. This responsibility is required to be carried out transparently.

Your company has been chosen for this purpose. Iraq’s Developmental Program is worth a stunning

$100 billion - making it one of the biggest anywhere in the world - and is set to expand further,

as more contracts are signed and projects drawn up. Frenzied activities surround hundreds of

projects, worth billions of dollars, and spanning every single sector of Iraq’s rebounding economy.

Iraq’s liberal, open markets - almost entirely free of restrictions - are helping construction sector

activity. Below in this link are list of some of the firms that have profited from the re-building

process in Iraq:




Meanwhile, more leading manufacturers and suppliers from across the globe are seizing lucrative slices

of Iraq’s growing markets, and in doing so are helping positively to forge the future of the country.

Benefits from all Iraqi sectors are set to increase further. The country's revenue generation potential

- bolstered by abundant oil and other resources, as well as the long-term commitment of global donors

to the rebuilding effort - is enormous. It can rival all other major regional economies. Despite the

present security situation, many businesses are already successfully gaining strong foot-hold in the

large under-developed and investment-hungry market. I will reveal more procedural information to

you upon your re-confirmation of your participation/interest. Thank you and kindly respond via my

email address or fax number below.


Yours Faithfully,


Dr. Faisal Adams

Email: drfaisalad...@iacc-i.org

Tel: +964-780-380-0101, +44-70-240-93667

Fax: +1-206-984-4104, +44-70-240-10405


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