Hi Everyone,

I've just joined your list so I thought I'd first say hello :-)

I have been using mpd for a while and I have to say its an awesome piece of
software. I have an old Toshiba laptop thats over 12 years old running
ubuntu server that performs some other functions as well as my MPD server
and it works very well.

I have a rather odd problem though. I use mpd clients such as "sonata" on a
PC, "Mpad" on Andriod devices and "Mpod" on an apple iPad. In all cases the
problem is the same and it usually follows this sequence of events;

1. mpd is running and client(s) are connected
2. the clients are disconnected and the home router is switched off
3. the home router is switched back on and the connection is re-established
(I know this because I run squid on the same machine and that works fine)
4. The mpd clients can connect and see the "currently playing" song or even
the "play queue" in but when we try to select a playlist or stop / start or
select a new stream / song, nothing happens
5. I log into the server via ssh using a portable device or PC
6. Mpd springs into action and accepts the play / select action or displays
the playlist.

The server is configured using DHCP but the home router has DHCP
reservation configured so it always gets the same IP. As I mentioned above
the connection is fine because other machines using the squid web proxy on
this machine can connect ok and obviously i can also connect via ssh so its
not a networking or connectivity issue, at least it seems to. I've upped
the logs to "debug" for mpd but there is no messages other than the
ordinary about clients connected or not.

Perhaps mpd does not like it when the network connection is severed?
Perhaps someone has seen this kind of problem before? My mpd version is
installed from the Ubuntu repos and currently on

$ /usr/bin/mpd --version
mpd (MPD: Music Player Daemon) 0.16.2

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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