
I am looking at the current mpd protocol spec, and it is quite vague in
several aspects, which makes difficult to know what is the intended answer
of a query, etc.

One of this examples, is the audio output management. The protocol spec
just tells us that "Shows information about all outputs.", which doesn't
give any clue to someone trying to implement the protocol.

And if we look at the current mpd implementation, the mpd server, we get
the following flow:

> $ telnet localhost 6600
> Trying ::1...
> Connected to localhost.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> OK MPD 0.16.0
> outputs
> outputid: 0
> outputname: My ALSA Device
> outputenabled: 1
> OK
> disableoutput 0
> OK
> outputs
> outputid: 0
> outputname: My ALSA Device
> outputenabled: 0
> OK

Which reading the protocol leads you to think that "outputenabled: 0" means
muted and 1 means unmuted (this is, enabled). In mpc says "Output 1 (My
ALSA Device) is disabled" so, alright till here.

But if you go to gmpc, you see that it interprets ouputenabled the opposite
way, and so do many other of the programs listed in the recommended third
party programs.

Would it be possible to write more concisely what each command is meant to
do and what the output is supposed to be? Or is there any way I can propose
changes to this specs?

Thanks for your attention,


Javier Domingo Cansino
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