I have used ALSA/MPD for a few years now with great success.  But I recently
ran into DACs that do not appear to work with this setup.  They are rated up
to 24/96 with a USB input.


The first DAC in question is a Jeff Roland Aeris DAC.  This DAC costs about
$6000 (although price is not always a good measure of performance).


When the customer hooked up his player via USB, the volume was very low and
there was random static in the playback.  We contacted Jeff Roland and they
put us in touch with a gentleman named Thomas Holm of Holm Acoustics.  Since
I was in the US and the customer in question was in Australia, Thomas
suggested I pick up a Parasound ZDAC for testing (which I did).  He
indicated that he worked on both USB interfaces and the Parasound unit used
the same enumeration as the Aeris DAC.


When I tested the Parasound DAC, I got the same results.  While the volume
was not an issue, static interrupted the music randomly, more so toward the
beginning of each music cut but randomly throughout.


Both of these DACs are said to work under both MAC and Linux.  But neither
seems to play nice with Linux (Voyage MPD 0.9.2 - the latest version).


These DACs are not USB Class 2.0 audio.  According to Thomas, they are USB


Is there anything I can do to get these DACs working properly with ALSA/MPD?


- Jim

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