Following are the two Declarations, on Lebanon and on
Palestine, adopted by the mini-Summit of the OIC which
was held today in Putrajaya (Malaysia).
You may wish to share the same with friends and media.

Sincerely yours
Ambassador Abdul Wahab


3 AUGUST 2006

We, the Heads of State and Government of the Republic
of Azerbaijan,
People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam,
Republic of 
Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Malaysia, Islamic
Republic of Pakistan, 
Republic of Turkey, and the Representatives of the
Arab Republic of Egypt,
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Republic of Lebanon,
State of Palestine,
State of Qatar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Republic of
Senegal, Syrian 
Arab Republic, United Arab Emirates, and Republic of
Yemen, met at the 
Special Meeting of the Extended Executive Committee of
the Organisation of 
Islamic Conference on 3 August 2006 in Putrajaya,
Malaysia to discuss the
situation in Lebanon. The OIC Secretary-General was
also in 

The Meeting was chaired by the Honourable Dato’ Seri
Abdullah Ahmad
Badawi, Prime Minister of Malaysia as the Chairman of
the 10th Islamic
Summit Conference.

2. At the invitation of the Chair, we came together to
demonstrate our serious concern over the grave crisis
in the Middle 
East arising from the continuing Israeli aggression
against Lebanon. We 
express our full support for and solidarity with the
Government and people of
Lebanon in their legitimate and heroic resistance
against the Israeli

3. We strongly condemn the relentless Israeli
against Lebanon and the serious violations of the
latter’s territorial
integrity and sovereignty and in this regard charge
Israel with full
responsibility for the consequences of its aggression.

4. We express our concern at the inability of the
United Nations 
Security Council to take the necessary actions for a
ceasefire and demand that 
the Council fulfill its responsibility for the
maintenance of 
international peace and security without any further
delay by deciding on and 
enforcing an immediate and unconditional comprehensive
ceasefire. In the event 
of failure by the United Nations Security Council to
act immediately, we 
call upon all OIC Member States to be united in
support of the convening of 
a meeting of the General Assembly under Uniting for
Peace, in 
cooperation with other Member States of the United

5. We also strongly condemn the indiscriminate and
massive Israeli air
strikes, in particular on the village of Qana on 30
July 2006, killing
more than 60 civilians, mostly children, and the
targeting of United
Nations peacekeepers at the United Nations Observer
post at Khiam in
Southern Lebanon on 25 July 2006. In this regard, we
strongly urge 
that a full investigation into these criminal acts
perpetrated by Israel be
conducted by the United Nations. The attacks and
killing of innocent
civilians and the destruction of houses, properties
and infrastructure 
are a breach of the principles of the Charter of the
United Nations,
international law and international humanitarian law
and blatant and
flagrant violations of human rights.

6. We call for the immediate and unconditional release
of all Lebanese
detainees held by Israel.

7. We are strongly convinced that there should be no
impunity for
violations by Israel of international humanitarian law
international human rights law. Israel must be held
accountable for all its actions. 
We call for the immediate convening of a special
session of the United
Nations Human Rights Council as well as a meeting of
the High 
Contracting Parties to the 4th Geneva Convention to
address these violations.

8. We welcome all efforts towards immediate and
unconditional ending 
of Israeli aggression and fully support the Lebanese
Government 7-Point 
Plan* and stress the important role of the United
Nations in this regard,
underlining also the importance of the consent of all
parties in Lebanon on any future settlement, and all
other efforts towards ending 
the violence and to bring about lasting peace in

9. We recognize the dire humanitarian situation in
Lebanon and the 
urgent need to expedite the delivery of relief
assistance to the Lebanese 
people, including through the immediate allowing of
safe passages inside 
Lebanon. We demand that Israel provide unimpeded
access for the delivery of 
such assistance. We urge the international community,
especially the Member
Countries of the OIC to generously contribute to
current humanitarian
relief efforts. In this regard, we express our deep
appreciation to 
the countries that have contributed generously to
alleviate the suffering 
of the people in Lebanon.  We welcome the role of the
UN in the delivery 
of humanitarian assistance and relief.

10.  We note with satisfaction the efforts of OIC
Member Countries, 
the General Secretariat and OIC Organs to provide
humanitarian assistance 
to Lebanon and requests the OIC Secretary-General to
continue to work 
closely with OIC Member Countries, regional and
international organizations 
and NGOs in bringing humanitarian relief and
assistance to the people 
affectedby the conflict and facilitate the early
return of displaced persons.

11.  We urge the international community to support
Lebanon on all 
levels, including through organizing a donor’s
conference to assist the 
country in facing the tremendous burden resulting from
the human, social and 
economic tragedy which has afflicted the country in
the areas of relief,
reconstruction and rebuilding of the national economy.

12.  We condemn the destruction of religious and
historical sites in
Lebanon by Israel and demand that Israel immediately
stop further
destruction of these sites.

13.  We hold Israel responsible for the loss of lives
and suffering 
as well as the destruction of properties and
infrastructure and demand Israel 
to compensate the Republic of Lebanon and its people
for the losses 
sustained resulting from Israeli aggression.

14. We agree to establish a Contact Group on the
current situation 
in Lebanon. The Contact Group will be coordinated by
Malaysia and 
comprise members of the OIC Troika and other
interested members.

15.  We urge all OIC Member States to be united in
facing the 
current crisis in the Middle East. Towards this end,
we reaffirm our 
commitment to Islamic solidarity among OIC Member
States, including solidarity and
support to Member States who are facing threats, as
mandated in the
"Ten-Year Programme of Action to Meet the Challenges
Facing the Muslim
Ummah in the 21st Century” adopted in Makkah in
December 2005.

Putrajaya, Malaysia
3 August 2006

 * See Annex
An immediate and comprehensive cease-fire and a
declaration of 
agreement on the following issues:

1. An undertaking to release the Lebanese and Israeli
prisoners and
detainees through the ICRC.

2. The withdrawal of the Israeli army behind the Blue
Line, and the 
return of the displaced to their villages.

3. A commitment from the Security Council to place the
Shebaa Farms 
area and the Kfarshouba Hills under UN jurisdiction
until border 
delineation and Lebanese sovereignty over them are
fully settled. While in UN 
custody, the area will be accessible to Lebanese
property owners there. 
Further, Israel surrenders all remaining landmine maps
in South Lebanon to the 

4. The Lebanese government extends its authority over
its territory
through its own legitimate armed forces, such that
there will be no
weapons or authority other than that of the Lebanese
state as 
stipulated in the Taef national reconciliation

5. The UN international force, operating in South
Lebanon, is 
supplemented and enhanced in numbers, equipment,
mandate and scope of operation, as
needed, in order to undertake urgent humanitarian and
relief work and
guarantee stability and security in the south so that
those who fled 
their homes can return.

6. The UN, in cooperation with the relevant parties,
undertakes the
necessary measures to once again put into effect the
Agreement signed by Lebanon and Israel in 1949, and to
insure adherence to the
provisions of that agreement, as well as to explore
possible amendments to
or development of said provisions, as necessary.

7. The international community commits to support
Lebanon on all 
levels, and to assist it in facing the tremendous
burden resulting from the 
human, social and economic tragedy which has afflicted
the country, 
especially in the areas of relief, reconstruction and
rebuilding of the national



3 AUGUST 2006

We, the Heads of State or Government of the Republic
of Azerbaijan,
People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam,
Republic of 
Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Malaysia, Islamic
Republic of Pakistan, 
Republic of Turkey, and the Representatives of the
Arab Republic of Egypt,
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Republic of Lebanon,
State of Palestine,
State of Qatar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Republic of
Senegal, Syrian 
Arab Republic, United Arab Emirates, and Republic of
Yemen, met at the 
Special Meeting of the Extended Executive Committee of
the Organisation of 
Islamic Conference on 3 August 2006 in Putrajaya,
Malaysia to discuss the
situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The
Secretary-General was also in attendance. The Meeting
was chaired by 
the Honourable Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi,
Prime Minister of 
Malaysia as the Chairman of the 10th Islamic Summit

2.  At the invitation of the Chair, we came together 
out of our serious concern over the continuing Israeli
occupation of 
Palestine and aggression in the occupied territories.

3. We strongly condemn the Israeli occupation of
Palestinian lands and for its unrelenting aggression
against the
Palestinian people, which have caused the loss of
lives and 
destruction of properties and demand the total,
complete and unconditional withdrawal 
of Israel from the Occupied Palestinian Territories,
since 1967, 
including East Jerusalem.

4. We further condemn Israel for the abduction and
detention of Palestinian Cabinet Ministers, government
officials, and other individuals and call for the
immediate and unconditional release of all Palestinian
detainees held by Israel.

5. We call on the United Nations Security Council to
assume its responsibilities to compel Israel to
respect international lawand put an end to Israel’s
occupation and illegitimate practices in theOccupied
Palestinian Territories, including placing collective 
punishment and unilateral sanctions over the
Palestinian people and economy, and 
the illegal construction of settlements and the
separation wall which is aimed
at confiscating and annexing Palestinian land and
property and altering the demographic and geographic
character of the Palestinian territories, including
Al-Quds Al-Sharif.

6. We commended the free and democratic Palestinian
Legislative Council election, which have demonstrated
the free will of 
the Palestinian people. In this regard, we call upon
the international
community to respect the outcome of the elections and
to be supportive 
of Palestinians in exercising their rights.

7.  We recognize the dire humanitarian situation in
Occupied Palestinian Territories and the urgent need
for relief,
reconstruction and rehabilitation assistance. In this
regard, we 
express our deep appreciation to the countries that
have contributed 
generously to alleviate the suffering of the
Palestinian people and urge the
international community to continue contributing to
rehabilitation efforts.

8.  We reaffirm our commitment and support for all
initiatives leading to a peacefully negotiated
settlement to the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including the Quartet
Roadmap leading to a permanent Two-State solution to
israeli-Palestinian conflict as outlined in UNSC
Resolution 1515 and 
the Arab Peace Initiative. The solution to the
conflictwould constitute the only guarantee for
durable peace in this region.

9. We strongly urge the United Nations to convene an
international conference on the Middle East to
deliberate on a
comprehensive, just and durable plan for the region
based on the 
relevant United Nations resolutions, with the
involvement of the Permanent 
Members of the Security Council and other interested
parties, including OIC 
Member States.

10.  We reiterate our commitment and support towards
in achieving self-determination and establishment of a
sovereign and
independent Palestinian state with Al-Quds Al-Sharif
as its capital 
and the return of Palestinian refugees, in accordance
with General 
Assembly resolution 194.

11. We urge all OIC Member States to be united in
facing the
current crisis in the Middle East. Towards this end,
we reaffirm our
commitment to Islamic solidarity among OIC Member
States, including
solidarity and support to Member States who are facing
threats, as
mandated in the “Ten-Year Programme of Action to
Meet the Challenges
Facing the Muslim Ummah in the 21st Century” adopted
in Makkah in 
December 2005.

Putrajaya, Malaysia
3 August 2006

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