Abdullah Adiyar
A must read for any new Muslim and a good review even for those who may have been Muslim for a while.
'Islam My Fascination' is a compilation of a series of articles written by Mr. Abdullah Adiyar. He is a famous Tamil playwright, journalist and orator. Once he was a popular film dialogue writer. But his foremost preoccupation has been journalism. Since school days he kept himself engaged in literary activities.
Some of the excerpts from his book:
I do have extraordinary reverence for Islam and I want to pen down my impressions about this great religion, with a hope that readers too would ponder over them.
These days the pioneers of religions are, generally, taken as conservative and dogmatic, but my own study led me to the conclusion that they are revolutionary leaders of their times. They voiced their dislike for the evil customs of their age….
I can fearlessly proclaim that the greatest of all of these revolutionaries was Muhammad (peace be upon him). The revolutionaries, other than Muhammad (PBUH), acquired knowledge and wisdom in someone's company, through their parents or in family environment, but in the case of Muhammad (PBUH) we come across a totally different situation….
Muhammad's life (PBUH) is the finest example for the entire humankind from beginning to end. The early life of many leaders and clerics was blemished but the life of the Prophet remained clean and spotless from the very beginning….
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Jazakumullah Khair/Peace
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