
November 13, 2007


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To sponsor a journalist's guide to Islam, click here
<http://crm.cair.com/site/R?i=dwMDsGSzsn7bW0yZh6KTpA..> .

Help Improve Coverage of Islam in the U.S. Media 
Sponsor 'A Journalist's Guide to Understanding Islam and Muslims'

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 11/13/2007) - CAIR today called on Muslims to support a
major new initiative to help improve coverage of Islam in the American news

At a press conference in the nation's capital, CAIR said the centerpiece of
its "Beyond Stereotypes" campaign will be distribution of the
newly-published "American Muslims: A Journalist's Guide to Understanding
Islam and Muslims" to some 40,000 media professionals nationwide.

Muslims are being asked to sponsor
<http://crm.cair.com/site/R?i=2YverepucXGeeyLo5eUxMA..>  copies of the guide
for $20 or to order hard copies for distribution to local media outlets.

SEE: Beyond Stereotypes: A CAIR Initiative to Enhance
<http://crm.cair.com/site/R?i=wnhi3jiemoHSQ8ydMu9Y3g..>  Understanding of
Islam in the Media 

CAIR's new guide offers journalists the tools needed to gain a better
understanding of Islam and to write accurate and balanced stories about
Muslims. The guide also offers background information on issues related to
Islam and Muslims, best practices for reporting on the American Muslim
community and definitions of terminology often used in news stories or

In challenging common misconceptions about Islam and Muslims, the guide
provides an Islamic perspective on hot-button issues such as Islam and
democracy, freedom of religion, women's rights, and interfaith relations.

Media professionals may request a free copy of CAIR's journalist guide
through the "Beyond Stereotypes" website
<http://crm.cair.com/site/R?i=5QUAQXpek5mVp0kU9ZgUtA..> . (Sample pages of
the guide can be viewed on the website.)

Along with distribution of the guide to editors, reporters, producers, and
other journalists, CAIR is offering media relations training to Muslim
communities nationwide. The "Beyond Stereotypes" website also offers tips on
pro-active educational activities such as hosting media events and meeting
with newspaper editorial boards.

"Because we work with media professionals on a daily basis, we know the vast
majority of journalists are doing the best job they can with the information
resources they have available," said CAIR Communications Coordinator Rabiah
Ahmed. "It is our duty, and that of the Muslim community, to make sure every
journalist who writes about Islam or Muslims has access to accurate

In a statement released at today's news conference, CAIR said: "We recognize
that much of the negative perception of Islam and Muslims is the result of
negative actions by a tiny minority of Muslims. That minority should not be
allowed to overshadow the vast majority of Muslims in this country and
worldwide who reject terrorism and religious extremism."


1. SPONSOR A JOURNALIST'S GUIDE. For only $20, you can help improve coverage
of Islam and Muslims in the U.S. media. Click here
<http://crm.cair.com/site/R?i=c6jqMvVebVV3m_zLDx777Q..>  to sponsor a
journalist's guide.

2. ORDER HARD COPIES OF THE JOURNALIST'S GUIDE for distribution to local
media outlets. Click here
<http://crm.cair.com/site/R?i=cj9YG0_3h1pzii7Q3YqsdQ..>  to order a guide.

3. REQUEST MEDIA RELATIONS TRAINING for your community. Either contact a
local CAIR chapter <http://crm.cair.com/site/R?i=NPZPBqLDf3NiVqVRvOCGiw..> ,
or click here <http://crm.cair.com/site/R?i=m3nr-NU9ATPO5WwLfNh50g..>  to
request training or learn about other actions you can take. 


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