In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful


MAS Freedom Responds to Initial U.S. District Court Victory in 'Flying
Imams' Case


Imam Omar Shahin, Ibrahim Ramey, Walter Fauntroy, Imam Mahdi Bray, and Rabbi
Arthur Waskow.


Nov. 21, 2007 - MAS Freedom ( <>
MASF), as the civic and human rights advocacy entity of the Muslim American
Society ( <> MAS), responds to Minneapolis U.S.
District Court Judge Ann D. Montgomery's ruling in the initial hearing of
the "Flying Imams" lawsuit. In her Nov. 20, 2007, 41-page ruling
.source.prod_affiliate.2.pdf> , Judge Montgomery rejected most of the
defendants' arguments to dismiss the case.  


MAS Freedom Executive Director, Mahdi Bray stated, "Clearly the court did
today what we at MAS Freedom have always urged the media and the public to
do; ignore the Islamophobic hype and follow the
<> facts. 


"When we held the nationwide interfaith prayer-in
<>  and press conference
<>  at National Airport on
behalf of the six Imams, we told the world that the Imams had done nothing
wrong. We also made it clear that some members of the media - such as Fox
News and Laura Ingram - had not seriously fact checked this case or their
sources and were pandering misinformation and rumors.


"MAS Freedom has always maintained that the
<> facts would reveal that it
was US Airways that had violated the Imams' rights. The facts demonstrated
that the Imams had been victims of religious prejudice and unwarranted
hysteria . It is because of the facts and not the sentiment of fear and
religious prejudice that this case has moved forward with merit. Truly facts
are really stubborn things."


The Star Tribune reported Frederick Goetz, one of the imams' attorneys, as
stating, "This has always been a straightforward civil rights case. You had
six individuals ... doing absolutely nothing wrong. They prayed in the
airport and got arrested. That's unconstitutional, and they deserve redress.


"They'll have their day in court on certainly the most significant issues,"
he said. "You don't arrest people because of their faith. You don't arrest
people because of their national origin. That's just fundamentally wrong."


The lawsuit was sparked by an incident at a Minneapolis airport that
transpired on November 20, 2006, exactly one year-to-the-date of Judge
Montgomery's initial ruling in the case, when a passenger observed the
activity of six Muslim imams observing pre-flight prayers; activity that was
subsequently deemed as "suspicious". Airline personnel escorted the imams
off the plane and they were detained at the airport for questioning.   



 <> Judge Rejects
Dismissal of Imams' Suit 
 <> Judge Rejects
Defense Arguments to Dismiss Imams' Lawsuit 

.source.prod_affiliate.2.pdf> Judge Montgomery's Memorandum Opinion and
Order - Filed Nov. 20, 2007 

 <> MAS Freedom Executive
Director Takes on FOX News Concerning Imam's US Airways Lawsuit 
 <> Imams, Airplanes, and my
 <> MAS Freedom Foundation
'Flying Imams' Case Fact Sheet 
 <> MAS Freedom Files Complaint
to Dept. of Transportation and Justice Dept. Concerning Imams Removal from
 <> MAS Freedom Leads Interfaith
Response to Air Travel Profiling 
 <> Footage of MAS Freedom
"Pray-In" Now Available for Viewing Online 
 <> Imam Barred From US Airways
Joins Interfaith Clerics and NAACP Leader for Press Conference, Prayer, and
Flight on US Airways 
 <> Recent Treatment of Muslim
Imams Prompts MAS Freedom Response 
 <> 6 Imams Traveling from
Conference In Minnesota Detained at Airport and Prevented from Boarding
Later Flights 


MAS Freedom ( <> MASF) is a
civic and human rights advocacy entity and sister organization of the Muslim
American Society ( <> MAS), the largest Muslim,
grassroots, charitable, religious, social, cultural, civic and educational
organization in America - with 55 chapters in 35 states. Learn more
<> here.



MAS Freedom

1325 G Street NW, Suite 500

Washington DC 20005

Phone: (202) 552-7414

Toll Free: 1-(888)-627-8471 

Fax: (703) 998-6526

 <> MASF on the Web

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