Which Muslim, Christian or Jew does not know the name of Ibrahim (peace be on 
him)! Two-thirds of mankind revere him as their leader. The Prophets Musa, Isa 
and Muhammad, peace be on them, are all his descendants. It is the lamp 
guidance light by him that has long illuminated the whole world.
  The word Hajj means to make a resolve to visit a holy place: visiting the 
Ka’ba in Makka is, therefore, called Hajj. How did it begin? The origin of Hajj 
is rooted in the Prophet Ibrahim’s life, peace be on him. That story is very 
instructive, and illustrative, too, of the true meaning and significance of 
Hajj. That story you must know to fully understand the benefits Hajj can bring 
to you. Life and Mission of the Prophet Ibrahim(pbuh).
Commitment to the Truth
  But the Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) was no ordinary man; he was made of different 
stuff. On reaching maturity he began to reflect thus: How can the sun, moon or 
stars, which are rotating as if by order like slaves, and these stone idols, 
which are made by man himself; and these kings, who are human beings like our 
selves, be gods? What is there in these powerless objects, which cannot move of 
their own volition, which have no power to help themselves and have no control 
over their own lives and deaths, that man should worship them, seek fulfillment 
of his wants from them, fear their powers and submit in obedience to them?…
  The Universal Islamic Movement  In this manner Ibrahim became a pioneer of 
the universal Islamic movement and set about establishing permanent missions in 
different regions. In this task he was aided by his nephew, Lut, his eldest 
son, Ismail who, on learning that the Lord of the worlds wanted the sacrifice 
of his life, had him self willingly placed his neck under the knife, and his 
younger son, Ishaq…. 
The first House ever set up for mankind was indeed that at Bakkah, a blessed 
place, and a guidance unto all beings; wherein are clear sings---the place 
whereon Ibrahim stood; and whosoever enters it finds peace (Al ‘Imran 3: 
  Labbyk, Allahumma labbayk, labbayk, la sharika laka labbauyk, inna ‘l-hamda 
‘n-ni’mata laka wa ‘l-mulka la sharika lak

  Here am I before Thee, O God, doubly at Thy service. Before Thee I am, there 
is no partner unto Thee, doubly at Thy service here am I All praise and 
blessings are Thine, and power. There is no partner unto Thee.
  If you are looking to a basic & comprehensive introduction to the HAJJ, this 
book goes deeper into the spiritual meaning, historical details, Impact of Hajj 
  Appropriate for Muslims, and for Non-Muslims wishing to gain a deeper 
understanding of the faith.
  This book is AN ALL TIME RECORD SELLER. Let Us Be Muslims is no ordinary 
book, for it has stirred more hearts and impelled more lives to change their 
course than any of this scholar's other works.
  Time to know the GREAT Truth of Prophet Ibrahim(pbuh)
  Please read 
    Let Us Be Muslim Part-V (HAJJ)

  Kutbath  Part  V  HAJJ (in Urdu)
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