Dec. 15, 2007
  Via Regular Mail, Facsimile & E-Mail
  Office of the Attorney General
  P. O. Box 080, Trenton, NJ 08625-0080
        Complaint 12-03-07 on Traffic Summons Quota for Dark Skin & Minorities
  Hon. Anne Milgram:
  My fears are all coming true that I will never get any justice from Union Twp 
under organized Political & Bureaucratic criminals posing as custodians of so 
called Home Rule. Under this Home Rule the Rulers know each other too well and 
never hesitate to gang up against their own people who have put them in office 
to govern them. 
  First Union Twp denied legitimate information when was the last time Union PD 
had undergone Sensitivity, basic Manners & Etiquettes Training and now the 
issuance of Arrest Warrants for me for contempt of Court on account of failure 
to appear on Dec 03, 2007. This was done despite a written request to the Court 
on 11-29-07 to combine both Summons and Union PD must provide certain 
information before an effective Trial can take place. Union MC has acted with 
lightning speed first to issue an Arrest Warrant on 12-03-07, sending it to 
Springfield PD on 12-07-07 where I live for execution and deliberately mailing 
my copy on 12-12-03. It is a clear case of intimidation, defamation, 
harassment, financial, physical and mental torture done with full knowledge & 
understanding under Racial Bias to scare the defendant. 
  I have been running a Check Cashing store for almost a decade and must have 
appeared couple of hundred times in Irvington Municipal Court & Essex County 
Superior Court as State witness & as Plaintiff in the matters of Federal Check 
Frauds, Bad Checks & Identity Frauds. Since 1999 I can not recall in any case 
where Arrest Warrants were issued on the very first non appearance against any 
defendant. Then I can not recall Irvington Police ever arresting any Defendant 
with Pending Arrest Warrants who is very much visible to them practically every 
day and happen to live right next to an Irvington Councilman or working right 
next to the Plaintiff. Under these circumstances how I can give Your Honor an 
example that Irvington PD has ever acted to get Arrest Warrants executed from 
another Town against a Defendant who may have stolen Federal Checks?
  If what Union Municipal Court & Police Department has done in my case is 
ethically, morally & professionally right without any racial bias; then I will 
plead Your Honor to give them the charge to maintain Law & Order in entire New 
Jersey. One thing they have done good to me is that now I know Springfield too 
has a Quota for Traffic Summons. While I was waiting for my sloppy & incomplete 
Bail Papers, this was confirmed by a Sergeant in uniform on duty with in the 
premises of Springfield PD. Earlier the same was confirmed for Union Twp by an 
off duty Union Cop out side Union theater in Union.  
  After getting information of Quota for Traffic Summons in Springfield I got 
answer to why the Court of a Racist & corrupt Judge Steven Firsichbaum was over 
crowded & cars were spilling on side roads. This Judge is famous for allowing 
his community people to walk away with crimes on the basis of false witnesses & 
false evidences. If one of his attorney friend like Keith Beibelberg comes to 
his court he, his client and false witnesses can use the Court room for ethnic 
party room. During court proceedings Keith can talk to his woman companion with 
his one hand over her shoulder. Keith can also instigate a woman cop Kahora to 
stop a 5 yr & 9 yr old at gun point from meeting their mother during recess 
when Keith & party were eating & drinking in the presence of Judge Firsichbaum. 
This Judge can allow his friend to intimidate, harass and torture this woman by 
keeping her in the Court till midnight after calling her to report at 5.00 PM 
in a minor traffic matter. She can be
 called a Con Artist for reporting this matter to her Congressman
  As a concerned resident of New Jersey and citizen of United States of America 
I have a question to Your Honor since you are a genius in America Law, “Is it 
constitutional for a New Jersey town to enforce thru its Police Department a 
specified Quota for Traffic Summons which may be misused primarily for Dark 
Skin & Minorities? My next question is The Bill of Rights & Constitution of 
America is applicable to New Jersey? If yes than why New Jersey in 8,000 sq 
miles for 8.5 million residents in 566 racially segregated towns have 588 
Governments with 9,000 Elected Officials & over 400,000 employees rather 
organized Political Gangs committing all kinds of crimes? Why Gov Corzine’s 
friend Ziggi Wilf is not stopped from doing massive permanent Environmental 
destruction to a Hill in Springfield facing a National Monument Baltursol Golf 
Club & right next to a Christian Church which no country in the world will ever 
allow? Why  Edison Police Patrolman Michael Dotro beat up a brown
 skin man after handcuffing him in front of 30-40 witnesses which a Prosecutor 
Bruce Kaplan rejects by saying they are not credible witnesses? Why this man 
Rajnikant Parikh was denied a free & fair public trial even after spending 9 
months in Jail in which he has accused Dotro of Police Brutality under Racial 
Bias? Why even after more than 2 years murder of a brown skin Scientist Geetha 
Angare is still not solved? She was murdered on duty at a high security water 
treatment Plant in New Jersey and her murderers are still working there. Why 
Edison Police Union got away with making the worst Racial Slurs in American 
History that “Indians are cockroaches, animals, illiterates & illegal go home.”
  If Your Honor believe in justice in the matters of Racially Biased Summons 
issued to me by Union PD. Than I must be provided with the Discovery request & 
dates for Sensitivity and Basic Manners & Etiquettes training to Union PD well 
in advance before my trial date. I must be allowed to cross examine Twp 
Council, Planning Board & Police personals about the existence of Quota for 
Traffic Summons in Union. Union MC, PD & Twp must stop Racially Biased illegal 
prosecution, harassment and intimidation to me.
  Respectfully Submitted,
  Devendra Makkar, Pro Se (Defendant)
  568 Ashwood Rd., Springfield, NJ 07081
  973 416 1600 Fax: 973 416 1500
  Encl. Protest letter Springfield PD 12-13 & for adjournment to Union MC 
  Devendra Makkar, Pro Se (Defendant)
  568 Ashwood Rd., 
  Springfield, NJ 07081
  973 416 1600 Fax: 973 416 1500
  Via Hand Delivery
  Dec. 14, 2007
  Hon. Judge Jonathan Rosenbluth
  Union Twp Municipal Court
  981 Caldwell Ave.
  Union, New Jersey 07081
  Re: Request for New Court date/Adjournment for Summons # UNN638639, request to
        address these together with Summons # UNN637580 Letter dated Nov. 29, 
  Despite request of 11-29-07 for New Court date for valid reasons for 
UNN637580 defendant’s Arrest Warrants have been issued on 12-3-07 information 
received on 12-13-07 where as according to Lt Daubner Union Police an Internal 
Affair Investigation has been ordered in the matters of UNN637580 on receipt of 
the letter from the Court
  Hon. Sir:
              In my earlier request of 11-29-07 I informed the Hon. Court I am 
waiting for some information requested to the town about the dates for 
Sensitivity Training & training in basic Etiquettes & Manners for its Police 
Dept. Unfortunately that request has been denied and it looks like there is a 
operation cover up going on to the serious issues of Racial Profiling & 
existence of Traffic Summons Quota probably for dark skin & minorities. The 
information denied by the Twp is essential for my defense as well as to prove 
Racial Profiling. With this letter I request the Honorable Court to issue 
directives to the Twp that the same is provided to me well in advance before my 
trial date.
              Further I request the Hon. Court to call in the Twp Committee 
Members along with the Mayor to testify under oath in the matters of Traffic 
Summons Quota in Union. Besides them the Twp Planning & Zoning Board should 
also be called to testify under oath why they had allowed and are allowing so 
many sit in eatery’s, nail, tanning & hair saloons, Dollar Stores & Banks when 
practically there is hardly any parking on Stuyvesant Ave. & on the junction of 
Stuyvesant & Morris Ave. 
  Coming soon “Dunkin Donut” in place of Union Courtesy Center is an example of 
total moral, ethical & professional bankruptcy on the part of the Zoning & 
Planning Board which without application of mind dishonestly may be under 
influence paddling & corruption is making all efforts to convert Stuyvesant & 
its junction with Morris Ave. a night mare for the drivers. Together with the 
twp Council may have been instrumental in forcing the Police Dept. for an 
illegal, unconstitutional quota for Traffic Summons.
  Despite the written request for adjournment delivered in person & stamped by 
the Court Clerk an arrest warrant for contempt of court for failure to appear 
has been issued on Dec 3, 2007. Just to harass the defendant mentally, 
physically, financially & emotionally as per the letter received on 12-13-07 
the same has been sent to the Springfield Police Station for execution. The 
defendant is a respectable citizen and has been running a check cashing store 
for almost a decade and has never seen such a lightning speed for the 
complaints filed against people who are doing check frauds & writing bad 
checks. Just to give an example to the Court; arrest warrants issued by 
Irvington M.C. on 7-16-07 S2007 2020-22 for non appearance in the Court against 
Ms. Natasha Johnson for writing bad checks are still pending. The most 
interesting is defendant Ms. Johnson’s business Rise & Shine Day Care Center is 
½ block from the Plaintiff besides one more location she has on Chancellor Ave. 
 Irvington. Ms. Johnson freely drives from Irvington to her home in Edison 5 
days a week. Defendant can quote numerous cases where the Arrest Warrants are 
pending for more than a year. 
  All this special efforts by Union Police & Court despite a written request 
for adjournment for some one who had nothing in his record other than helping 
the Law Enforcement with his own life & money in the arrest of people doing 
financial & identity frauds?”  Why all these special efforts, because I happen 
to be a brown skin who has raised his voice against Racial Profiling, Selective 
Enforcement of Law, Obscene Gestures by a Union Twp Patrolman in uniform and 
above all the existence of Quota for traffic summons?
  It is very sad & disgusting Quota for Traffic Summons also exists in 
Springfield, which was confirmed by a Sergeant in Uniform on duty inside the 
Police Dept. Where as the same was confirmed by an off duty Union Twp Cop in 
civil dress out side Union Theater. We all know & especially the people in 
Uniform as well as the Politicians who are all the time aided by Attorney’s 
that such a practice is unconstitutional & inhuman. When we call ourselves the 
oldest Democracy in the world then why we are allowing it? 
  Under protest the defendant has posted the bail at Springfield and if this 
harassment to the defendant or defendant’s family members or employees 
continues the defendant will be forced to take these matters to appropriate 
Federal Agencies, Court and various Civil right organizations in America and 
around the world. 
  Respectfully Submitted,
  Devendra Makkar, Pro Se (Defendant)
  Encl.: Copy of the request for information made to Twp 11-26-07
            Copy of the denial to the above by Union Police received 12-01-07
            Copy of the protest letter to Springfield Police Dept. 12-13-07   
       cc: Mayor Brenda Restivo & all the Council Members 
        Township Administrator Mr. Frank Bradley
  Devendra Makkar, Pro Se (Defendant)
  568 Ashwood Rd., Springfield, NJ 07081
  973 416 1600 Fax: 973 416 1500
  Via Hand Delivery
  Dec. 13, 2007
  Springfield Police Dept.
  65 Caldwell Ave.
  Springfield, New Jersey 07083
  Re: Posting of Bail against arrest warrants for Summons # UNN 637580 Union M. 
  Dear Sir:
              Please be advised a written request for adjournment in the above 
matters was made to Union Municipal Court. Despite the written request for 
adjournment delivered in person & stamped by the Court Clerk an arrest warrant 
for contempt of court for failure to appear has been issued on Dec 3, 2007. 
Just to harass the defendant mentally, physically, financially & emotionally as 
per the letter received on 12-13-07 the same has been sent to the Springfield 
Police Station for execution. The defendant is a respectable citizen and has 
been running a check cashing store for almost a decade. The defendant has never 
seen such a lightning speed for the complaints filed against people who are 
doing check frauds & writing bad checks. Just to give an example; arrest 
warrants issued by Irvington M.C. on 7-16-07 S2007 2020-22 for non appearance 
in the Court against Ms. Natasha Johnson for writing bad checks are still 
pending. The most interesting is defendant Ms. Johnson’s
 business Rise & Shine Day Care Center is ½ block from the Plaintiff besides 
one more location she has on Chancellor Ave. in Irvington. Ms. Johnson freely 
drives from Irvington to her home in Edison 5 days a week. Defendant can quote 
numerous cases where the Arrest Warrants are pending for more than a year. 
  All this special efforts by Union Police & Court despite a written request 
for adjournment for some one who had nothing in his record other than helping 
the Law Enforcement with his own life & money in the arrest of people doing 
financial frauds?”  why all these special efforts, because I happen to be a 
brown skin who has raised his voice against Racial Profiling, Selective 
Enforcement of Law, obscene gestures by a Union Patrolman in uniform and above 
all the existence of Quota for Traffic Summons?
  Under protest the defendant is posting the bail at Springfield and if this 
harassment to the defendant or defendant’s family members or employees 
continues the defendant will be forced to take these matters to an appropriate 
Federal Court and various Civil Right organizations in America and around the 
  Respectfully Submitted,
  Devendra Makkar, Pro Se (Defendant)
  Encl.: Copy of the adjournment request dated 11-29-07 to Court & Union Twp
  cc: Twp of Union & Municipal Court of Union

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