Assalamu Alaikum, 

Any of you who happen to write for mainstream publications that would possibly 
be interested in the idea (below), please contact me directly, insha'Allah. 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Aishah Schwartz 
Cc: Muslimah Writers Alliance 
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 6:42 PM
Subject: ISO Mainstream Muslim Women Journalists

Hi Donna! 

How are you?!  Happy Holidays!!!

Looooooong time!  *smile*  I, (obviously), forwarded a few items to you on the 
Bhutto assassination thinking you might be able to use some of the info or 
forward it accordingly.  Terrible turn of events... 

I'm writing this evening to ask if you might be able to toss me the names of a 
few female journalists that you happen to know as being Muslim. There is an 
idea floating among MWA members to possibly interview a few of these women as a 
feature on the MWA website - with the hope of gaining some inspiration and 
insight as to how they broke into mainstream. 

I'd be most appreciative for any suggestions you might be able to share! 

Take care. 



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