*Forthcoming Events - Meeting The Challenges Ahead*

The following international events are being held at which Thinkers Forum
will be making a substantial contribution :-

*OIC Inter-Governmental History & Cultures Meeting, Turkey - 16-17 May

   On 16-17 May 2008 ICYF-DC and ISESCO are planning to hold the OIC
inter-governmental Meeting of high-level experts in our Istanbul

Thinkers Forum will be presenting a report on the "Massacres perpetrated
against Muslim Communities throughout the 20th century" to be presented as a
working paper for the OIC Inter-governmental Meeting of Experts. The report
is to be commissioned as ICYF-DC official document and to analyze the common
patterns behind the massacres, the impacts of these events on the general
mindset of the Muslim communities and the historic lessons to be drawn out
of them.

*Event link*: http://www.thinkersforum.org/article_547.php

 *OIC Youth Leadership Conference, Egypt - 28 May - 6 June

   "Iqraa" The First Islamic Youth Leadership Forum is a comprehensive youth
leadership training program jointly organized by Islamic Chamber of Commerce
and Industry (ICCI) represented by Iqraa Organization for Human Relations
(IOHR) and Islamic Conference Youth Forum for Dialogue and Cooperation
(ICYF-DC), will be held in Cairo, Egypt on 28 May - 6 June 2008.
    [image: TF-OIC]

The programme aims to provide high-level comprehensive training and
intellectual development of the best representatives of youth of the OIC

 *Event link:*  http://www.thinkersforum.org/article_544.php

*Please visit the website for regular updates.*

Thinkers Forum International
A Global Intellectual Movement Working For Social Change
'Transforming The Individual, Society & System'

Vision :  'TFI to be the Leading Muslim Think Tank in Formulation,
Development & Implementation of Policy Proposals for Elevation of the
Community in Education, Socio-Economics (Poverty Alleviation) and

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