Quite Simply, They Lied

 <> The Cresent Report - with Imam Mahdi Bray

There is a campaign of slander and smear being carried out against American
Muslim organizations, and their leaders, by the likes of such people as,
Steve Emerson, Daniel Pipes, Robert Spencer, and Joe Kaufman. Their approach
mirrors the racist and segregationist attacks against Rev. Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. in the late 1960's. In pandering to fear and anti-Muslim
prejudice, they question the patriotism and honesty of those whom they

But what is more significant about their activities is that - they tell
deliberate lies. 

The article below addresses the latest propaganda campaign, circulated in
the web forum of Sean Hannity and other Right-wing internet bloggers and
pundits, against MAS Freedom's successful work in the area of voter
registration, education, and mobilization within the national Muslim


MAS Freedom has declared that, despite the attacks, rest assured, the
organization will not be deterred or intimidated - and it will continue to
work in the best tradition of both American democratic participation and
civic activism.




In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful


MAS Freedom 'Voting Is Power' Not Connected to Democratic Party

Voting Campaign in Louisiana



Contact: MAS Freedom National

Mahdi Bray, Executive Director 

Phone: (202) 552-7414

Cell: (202) 421-3623


Right-Wing Groups Push False Information Concerning National Muslim Voter


2008 - MAS Freedom ( <> MASF),
the civic and human rights advocacy entity of the Muslim American Society (
<> MAS), has learned that numerous individuals and
organizations on the political right have recently embarked upon a campaign,
through various internet-based "news" sources, to openly vilify both MAS and
MASF by falsely associating the MASF voter registration, mobilization and
education campaign, Voting is Power ( <> VIP), to an
investigation of possible election fraud in the state of Louisiana.  

The campaign, through no fewer than 16 separate cross-postings of similarly
accusatory articles, began surfacing on the internet June 12, 2008, directly
identifying MAS/MASF as having contracted with the national Democratic Party
to register voters in Louisiana. 

An article posted on the web forum of conservative FOX news host Sean
Hannity, displayed a headline reading: "Democrats Hire Radical Islamic Group
to Register Voters - Fraud Ensues". Other headlines read, "Islamic Group
Hired to Register Voters - Result, Fraud" and "Muslim American Society
Committing Voter Fraud in Louisiana", which also incorporated unauthorized
<> * use of the MAS
logo. These allegations are absolutely false. 

Here are the facts:

*       The issue related to Democratic Party voter registration in the
state of Louisiana was first reported on June 11, 2008 by,
produced by The Advocate and WBRZ News 2 Louisiana, in an article written by
Marsha Shuller, which accurately stated, that the Secretary of State was
meeting "with a Democrat-affiliated group responsible for a voter
registration effort - VIP is a Washington, D.C. group hired by national

*       On June 15, 2008, the New York Times published an article written by
Shaila Dewan, reporting that, "A Democratic voter registration drive - has
raised complaints from registrars about large numbers of duplicate, invalid
or incomplete applications, and has led to an investigation by the Louisiana
secretary of state - Democratic officials said the - drive - was called
Voting is Power."

*       Neither the nor The New York Times, in their
referral to the Washington DC-based VIP group, affiliate the group with MAS
or MAS Freedom. 

*       MAS/MAS Freedom has never been employed by the Democratic Party to
conduct voter registration campaigns. 

*       The MAS Freedom Voting is Power (VIP) Campaign, was
<> launched in August 2003, as an
independent, non-partisan initiative for voter registration, education, and
mobilization, and has never been affiliated with the similarly named
Washington, D.C.-based firm 'Voting is Power', located at 1250 21st Street,

MAS Freedom is convinced that this latest anti-Muslim campaign of
vilification-by-false-association was not motivated by a genuine opposition
to alleged voter fraud; rather, its sole purpose was to augment an agenda to
discredit legitimate Muslim organizations striving to encourage civic
empowerment and engagement, and to perpetuate an unfounded climate of
extreme prejudice, suspicion and fear against the Muslim American community.
Tactics such as this are also used by the likes of 'terrorism expert' Steve
Emerson, who appeared on the FOX News Bill Hammer show and insinuated that
the success of the MAS Freedom VIP initiative,
<> covered in
national media, should be viewed with suspicion. 

MAS Freedom will not be dissuaded by the false allegations of pundits and
bigots. We will continue to exercise our rights as citizens to register,
educate, mobilize, and vote.



 <> State Probes
Voter Registration Drive (June 11, 2008 - 

5200&en=a785c70557868c26&ei=5087%0A&oref=slogin> Democrats' Vote Drive in
Louisiana Stirs Concern (June 16, 2008 - New York Times)

Muslim-Americans Launch Nationwide Voter Registration Campaign (CBS News -
August 12, 2003)

 <> MAS Freedom Announces Launch of
Voter Registration Campaign (MASNET - August 12, 2003)

 <> * Corporate logos
should not generally be used in contexts which are, taken as a whole,
strongly negative toward another company.


MAS Freedom . 1325 G Street NW, Suite 500 . Washington DC 20005 . Phone:
(202) 552-7414 . Toll Free: 1-(888)-627-8471 . Fax: (703) 998-6526

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