The Jewish lobby (Jewish businessmen, Politicians, and
Journalists) plays important role in USA. The US
Presidential Candidates must get support from the
Jewish Lobby so the they could finance their campaign
and also get good coverage in Mass Media owned by Jews
to win the election.

So, whenever there is conflict between Israel and
Islam, the US presidents always support Israel.

The Palestinian people who live in Israel country
treated as second class citizens. They have no vote
and could not be voted as Israel president. While the
Israel youth could carry guns and shoot them to
Palestinian people, the Palestinians are forbid to own

Israelis also take Palestinian’s land for their own
settlement. Yet, the Palestinian freedom fighters who
try to defend their land treated as terrorists that
should be wiped out.

US Presidents, including (maybe) Barack Obama make
Iranian Peace Nuclear Program for Electricity as a big
thing. They prepare economic and political sanctions
against Iran. Even war if they have to.

But all US Presidents just keep silent about thousands
of Israel’s Nuclear Bombs which purpose is not for
peace. But WAR!


“All men are equal,” that is what many US
presidents said, including Barack Obama. But are they
really mean it? Do they treat Israel and Islam equal?
…Is Justice for All?

Well I hope Obama could be a just president.

Read for more in:

Paket Umrah 2009 Mulai Rp 16,9 juta
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