          It will be nothing but sheer hypocrisy if one denies that the 
attitude of the hardcore communal elements amongst the non-Muslims in our 
country ( who, fortunately, do not constitute a majority) is not merely callous 
but  openly hostile.  This kind of attitude poses a grave problem and the 
problem affects almost every aspect of the lives of the members of the majority 
community as well as the members of the Muslim minority community.  Whilst 
Indian Muslims have a sort of sentimental attachment for Pakistan, rabidly 
communal non-Muslims hate  Pakistan for reasons, which they take and even 
proclaim to  be just, reasonable, expedient and patriotic.  The open wars waged 
by Pakistan in the past and the present proxy armed conflicts in the form of 
cross-border terrorist activities have highlighted the problem in all its 
gravity and the gravity of the problem calls for an urgent and honest 
reappraisal of the attitudes.  If this is not
 done, the Nation will not be able to march towards emotional National 
integration, which is the foundation of communal harmony, social peace and 
effective defence of the  country’s sovereignty and consequently enhancement of 
its prosperity.
         During the Indo-Pakistan wars, Indian Muslims did not create any 
disturbance of any kind whatsoever – overt or covert – in the nature of 
sabotage as a token of their support or sympathy for Pakistan.  On the other 
hand, they rose as one man to defend their Motherland and to contribute the 
maximum they could contribute for the success of the country.  This  glorious 
demonstration of their spontaneous, courageous and noble  action ought to have 
laid to rest all suspicions about their loyalty to the country. Alas! It did 
not.  The suspicion, the hatred and the hostility of the hard core communal 
elements amongst the majority community continued and still  continues so much 
so, these anti-national elements have gone to the extent of coercing Muslims to 
exhibit and prove their loyalty to India by adopting non-Muslim names like Rama 
Pasha or Krishna Khan and the like. If a Muslim face is seen, for them, it is 
like the fierce ringing
 of an alarm bell to warn them: “here is a fifth columnist, a secret Pakistani 
I.S.I agent and in their parlance a ‘ghaddar’”. The more the religious look and 
the more symptomatic the dress of a Muslim, the more convincing it is 
considered by such bigots as a sound reason to harass, humiliate, and  even 
man-handle or go to the extent of finishing him or her off  Leave alone the 
commoners, men and women of repute are not spared. It is not the commoners 
amongst the hard core non-Muslim fundamentalists alone who are hostile towards 
their non-Muslim compatriots.  What is still more distressing is that the 
attitude of the intelligentsia amongst non-Muslims is equally hostile.  Though 
the latter do not openly and aggressively trouble Muslims it looks as if they 
rejoice if and when Non-Muslim communal  elements “teach Muslims a lesson” 
since in their view “a Muslim is after all a Muslim and nothing good can be 
expected of him”.
          As stated earlier, the attitude of Indian Muslims towards Pakistan 
and the attitude of non-Muslims in the country towards Muslims are 
inter-linked. Hence, let us examine the attitude of Muslims towards Pakistan.  
Is it the same as it is towards any other Muslim country like Arabia, Turkey, 
Egypt, Iraq or Bangladesh?  The simple and true answer is a big NO. It is 
definitely different.  The attitude towards Arabia is one of religious 
reverence inasmuch as the holy cities of Makkah and Madina and “Kaaba: are 
located there; towards 
Turkey, one of nostalgic memories of the historic “Khilafath”; towards Iraq out 
of hatred towards the U.S.A. for its aggression on that Muslim land and out of 
admiration for Saddam Hussain , who, in their view was a modern day David who 
faced bravely against the modern day Goliath viz., America;  towards Egypt, out 
of appreciation  for the great seat of Islamic learning – the Al-Azhar 
University;  towards Bangladesh, because of the linguistic and cultural  
links.  But the attitude towards Pakistan is what arises out of blood-ties and  
dearest and closest relationship.  There were and still are several  families , 
which have been split because of the Partition; if a grandfather or father is 
here, the grandson or the son is there;  if a grandma or mother is here, a 
grand daughter or daughter is there; if a brother is here, a sister is there 
and so on and so forth.  Therefore, it but natural for Indian Muslims to have 
feelings of goodwill
 for the prosperity and stability of Pakistan and the peaceful existence of 
Pakistanis.  As a matter of fact, it will be an unnatural and gross violation 
of the Law of Nature if such natural feelings of affection and sympathy do not 
exist in the hearts of Indian Muslims.   The reflexes of the communal-minded 
non-Muslims in India are very much diametrically opposite and divided.  The 
reflexes are not even neutral but out and out prejudiced and hostile.  If any 
tragedy occurs in Pakistan or if any news of disturbances is heard, it gladdens 
the hearts of the fundamentalists among the majority community, whilst it is 
extremely difficult, if not impossible for the Indian Muslims to look upon the 
tragedy in Pakistan with composure for the simple reason that their kith and 
kin, near and dear ones are involved in the happening.  Thus it is clearer than 
daylight that the reaction of Indian Muslims is a reaction not primarily to 
Pakistan as an Islamic
 country but as a country where reside their near and dear ones with whom they 
have sentimental attachment.  It is imperative that this fact should be clearly 
understood by non-Muslims because once this fact is realized and once the 
genuineness of the sentiments of Indian Muslims is appreciated in the right and 
proper context, a solution is near at hand.  Unawareness of the deeper and 
dividing reflexes causes emotional conflicts.  A dispassionate analysis of the 
situation will make it clear that a two-way or two-front approach will 
facilitate the finding of a solution.  If and when non-Muslims in the country 
in general and the hardcore elements amongst them particularly realize that the 
bonds of Indian Muslims with Pakistan are only of the nature of a blood-tie, a  
great deal of tension, born out of misunderstandings and baseless suspicion is 
bound to disappear.  
         It will not be out of context if it is pointed out that  the approach 
of Indian Muslims to this problem is rather tame and cowardly. Indian Muslims, 
fed up with sharp tongue lashings and  endless innuendos and overt as well as 
covert insults heaped on them by the fundamentalist non-Muslims  and scared of 
their open and veiled threats, pretend as if they are neither interested in nor 
concerned with Pakistan and Pakistanis.  They, at times, hypocritically, 
attempt to display their lack of interest in Pakistan and Pakistanis by 
condemning Pakistan and ridiculing  Pakistanis without rhyme or reason., 
vociferously and vituperatively in and out of season.  In short, Indian Muslims 
and their leaders have miserably failed to face the situation squarely with 
honesty and moral courage.
          As far  as the members of the majority community are concerned,  it 
is ridiculous and unjust on their part to expect or demand that the Muslim 
minority community  should prove its loyalty to India by cutting off once for 
all its  links with Pakistan and Pakistanis. The former fail to understand that 
there is nothing wrong in the latter feeling prayerfully for the safety and the 
prosperity of Pakistan because their relatives are there.  Thus, the fault lies
 partly  with those who do not realize the naturalness of that natural 
attraction of Indian 
Muslims towards Pakistan and Pakistanis and partly with the Muslims themselves 
who, to
 save their skins, and in their anxiety to be considered loyal citizens follow 
a sort of an “appeasement” course. This course of action is a clumsy devise to 
hide the inner heart. It may also be termed as a “conscious camouflage” . The 
vibrations of the inner heart are too loud and clear to be hidden.  When Indian 
Muslims do not truly give expression to their true inner feelings towards 
Pakistan and Pakistanis, non-Muslims take the professions of the former of 
indifference towards Pakistan and Pakistanis to be bogus.  Unfortunately, 
non-Muslims do not realize that there is no inconsistence in an Indian Muslim 
being at heart fully and really loyal to India – his or her homeland -  and 
also simultaneously wishing the prosperity of Pakistan – the homeland of his or 
her ear and dear ones.  
         The imperative need of the hour  for Indian Muslims is that they must 
leave the path of psychological cowardice and hypocritical camouflaging.  They 
must fearlessly and in a straight-forward manner explain their genuine love for 
their near and dear ones in Pakistan.  They should voice it openly and not feel 
guilty about it This course will create a new force ad this new force will 
prove to be a force for peace in the Indo-Pak sub-continent.  In addition to 
this, they must advance one step further and become the vanguard of that 
positive force.  Such a fresh appraisal  of the entire situation calls for a 
complete reorientation of the manner in which they express their attitude 
towards Pakistan and Pakistanis. If this done, non-Muslims in India will 
realize that Indian Muslims are speaking the language of their inner heart and 
that there is no hypocrisy or treachery involved in their attitude.  Such a 
reorientation will surely
 remove the cobwebs of distrust and suspicion. Yet another important result of 
such a reorientation will be the creation of a congenial climate for 
Pakistanis  to respond in an equally sympathetic, straight-forward manner and 
courageously demand of their rulers to keep their relations with India and 
Indians on a friendly, tension-free, non-conflict level.  Thus the desire for 
peaceful and cordial relations between Pakistan and India  will become a 
two-way traffic and God-willing it will not remain an empty dream.
* The author is the President of the  MUSLIM MEDIA TRUST based at Chennai and 
can be reached at:esempee2...@yahoo.com


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