February 14, 2010
The Latest Tangle
By Saeed Qureshi
I have great liking for Mr. Asif Zardari as a person. But, solemnly, I cannot 
support or vouch for his politicking style which in the mildest term is bizarre 
and shifty. He has exhibited himself more like a street urchin than the father 
figure of a nation yearning for a redeemer for six decades now. He possesses a 
mindset to sacrifice the supreme national interests for the basest personal 
motives. He seems ready, for no cogent reasons, to demonstrate defiance that if 
shown for good causes, could have earned him the abiding gratitude of the 
Pakistani nation. Only a psychiatrist can figure out as to why he has an 
unenviable knack to do even the harmless things in a wrong and intriguing 
manner. Is he being pampered and puffed up by his imprudent and fair-weather 
advisers or is he a victim of the personality disorders that impel him to move 
in self-chosen paths unmindful of the ground realities? He has infamously 
distinguished himself to be a past master in
 palace intrigues and uncanny scheming that earn him more ridicule and vitriol 
by the already harried citizenry of Pakistan.
Perhaps he is under the self gratifying delusion that he is the one out of 
millions who possesses the amazing guts to outsmart every Tom Dick and Harry in 
politics and business. He is on record of making the boastful claim that he is 
blessed with the eyes of a hawk and can read the minds of the mischief mongers 
and, therefore, preempts them before they spill the disaster. To beef up his 
claim he cited the example of Taliban and the way they were routed in the 
Northern scenic valleys of Pakistan. He grins copiously and grins viciously 
that strikes awe and palpable fear in the minds of discernable and sensitive 
Now if all these and a host of other freakish symptoms were not made public by 
him through myriad acts of omission and commission, how could he defy the 
Supreme Court’s rulings and mount an avoidable fracas. It freezes the mind when 
someone thinks how insane such a course is, both for him and for the sacred 
rule of law and for upholding the sanctity of the constitution of Pakistan. His 
latest mindboggling bloomer has flashed in his blatant foot dragging  in regard 
to the compliance of the apex Court’s decision relating to the follow up action 
of NRO’s nullification and appointment of the two senior judges. If the 
constitutional canon stipulating appointment of judges in consultation with the 
chief Justice, which apparently is an innocuous administrative obligation, is 
not being complied with, then patently the government is spurring more 
A cut and dried flamboyant person grilled in jails for years on real or trumped 
up charges should have turned a 7th century saint like Bayazid Bustami or 
Junaid Baghdadi and in case of becoming a president should have doled out 
plenteous rectitude, spirituality, wisdom and virtue and piety. Such a uniquely 
fortunate person should have turned a sage to deliver sublime guidance to his 
countrymen and even the humanity at large. Woefully, he has lost that rare 
blessing of time. Instead of a person recast and reoriented nobly, after such 
hair-raising tribulations, he has bounced back with a renewed roguish vigor 
surpassing his past lurid deeds. From all visible indications he likes to style 
himself like Italian mafia leaders never to roll back from devious path and 
keep fighting for the shady pursuits hammered in their minds either genetically 
or by the compulsions of clannish culture.
The most tragic and spine-chilling aggravation in the poltical bellicosity can 
be seen in  the riots that, of late, have broken out between the activists of 
PPP and the Pakistan Muslim League led by Mian Nawaz Sharif. The inflammatory 
slogans are being raised, the effigies of Zardari and Nawaz Sharif being burnt, 
and the battle lines are being drawn. Could this appalling bad blood be 
avoided? Yes, if the good will that had bound the two leading parties together 
at the start could have been preserved. Both were part of the government and 
could have stabilized Pakistan variously, had their coalition not stymied by 
throwing the pledges overboard. Mr. Zardari chose to choose lesser partners who 
had their own humble pie to eat. Their subservient position to predominant 
majority in the center and elsewhere in three provinces suited the designs of 
the incumbent government. That historic chance for forging unity and projecting 
good governance by sharing power
 was unscrupulously lost.
So in the wake of a continuing constitutional deadlock a volatile situation is 
being brewed and fueled by the hidden hands? The street battles and riotous 
rallies between the charged activists of the two leading parties are 
horrifically ominous for Pakistan, faced concurrently with raging religious 
militancy.  Other fringe parties are also hurling themselves into the street 
agitations taken out against a dysfunctional and besieged government. There is 
going to be a kind of mayhem, presumably, prodding army to step in. The 
detriment can still be contained if there is a sincere will to do so.  
Tragically, a nation has been persistently betrayed by the poltical leaders who 
still remain grossly unmindful and stubbornly indifference to their prime 
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Saeed Qureshi

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