March 12, 2010
Lean Facets of American Justice System 
By Saeed Qureshi
The constitution of the United States of America deserves the highest tribute 
as a beacon of light for all the democracies in the world. It would continue to 
serve as an invaluable embodiment of all such hallmarks that constitute civil 
societies. However, the American justice system is yet to reach a stage of 
being immaculate. An observation that I read in the New York Times so 
succinctly illustrates the way the American Justice is aborted. It says, “The 
judge’s whim is all that mattered in that courtroom. The law was basically 
irrelevant." (MARSHA LEVICK, the legal director of the Juvenile Law Center, on 
two Pennsylvania judges who sent thousands of juveniles to detention centers 
for $2.6 million in kickbacks).
If any branch of the civil society is enormously independent and truly 
powerful, it is the judiciary in America. Now I would not endorse the kickbacks 
blemish but certainly there are dark shades here and there that come in the way 
of the dispensation of an absolutely unalloyed and sparkling justice. There is 
a laudable culture and tradition of strict accountability running into the body 
politic of the United States. But it is seldom and once in a blue moon that a 
member of judiciary is held accountable. Judges in the courts are like 
sovereigns whose every movement of hands and eyebrows, wrinkle of the face and 
every word uttered and rebukes have to be swallowed by those attending the 
Up to this threshold, all the judges and dispensers of justice enjoy massive 
and rather arbitrary powers all over the world.  But in the American courts, it 
is a different story. If judges’ powers are inhibited by someone it is the jury 
that has to come up with a unanimous YES or NO verdict. Based upon jury’s yes 
or no consensus vote, the judge awards the sentence. But if it is exclusively 
up to the judge to give a verdict, he is prone to be swayed by many 
Now the DNA, a unique and amazing invention of the modern age has proven that 
many convicts of heinous crime such as rape and murder, who were put to death, 
were actually innocents. 
Some were acquitted due to the timely results of the DNA that showed no link of 
the convicts with the victims. It unambiguously, goes to establish that there 
have been some very serious flaws in the U. S. justice system. The fact is that 
the prosecution is always overbearing and maintains an upper edge over the 
defense. Those who were electrocuted or given lethal injection got their 
sentence because the prosecution was dominant in the court as ever. In courts, 
what matters is how the lawyers can manipulate the case.
As a casual visitor to the courts for interpretation on behalf of the 
prosecution or the defense, I have seen kind of bitter verbal fights between 
the prosecuting and defending lawyers. In one of the cases at the end of the 
day a verdict came out that stunned the dumbfounded seekers of justice. The 
judge swept aside the tons of evidence produced by the defense and issued an 
order that defied all the logic and rationale of the discussion. No questions 
asked. Now there are many considerations that weigh heavily in certain cases 
irrespective of the merits of the cases or the guts of the defense to browbeat 
the argument of the prosecution. 
As I have observed, invariably, it is the prosecution that triumphs. In 
predominant number of cases a plea bargain is the ultimate outcome. It means, 
“don’t care or press for the merit of the case, get rid of the agony and accept 
less punishment, in order to avoid more excruciating hassle and waste of time 
and money”. There is an element of fear lurking behind the verdicts that may 
not be in complete fulfillment of the due norms of justice.
Now race or ethnic background might be a very potent factor influencing the 
verdict of a case. The minority alien communities that are usually involved in 
violation of immigration rules, overstaying, small felonies as a brawl between 
the wife and husband or a theft that can be summarily disposed off, are trapped 
in an adjudication system between a prosecution and the defense attorneys for 
years together which culminates in a plea bargain or a conviction for the 
accused. In case of choosing the option of fine to avoid the sentence, another 
torturous process of rehabilitation starts, leaving a person in a mentally or 
physically mauled state.
In a case that was being adjudicated between a white drunken driver and a 
turbaned Sikh from India offers a classic example of how the judge cam impose 
his fiat ultimately. The defense attorney took the whole day to produce eye 
witnesses to prove that the Indian family was beaten by the white drunken 
driver. But in the evening the verdict, to the utter bewilderment, was given in 
favor of the driver who simply walked out of the court. The judge in one single 
utterance said that he did not believe the evidence or the arguments of the 
defense attorney.
 Now the jury system is a legacy of the past when community involvement was 
deemed necessary to arrive at a decision. The jury consists of the people 
invited from various walks of life who would not have enough inkling of the 
legal intricacies. They are students, businessmen, employees or people from 
other walks of, life. They are briefed for a limited time both by the 
prosecution and defense to formulate a verdict on which depends the future of 
the accused person as well as upholding compliance with the imperatives of 
justice. Prior to the jury verdict, the case keeps lingering some time for 
years together. The debates, the arguments, the evidence, the merits of the 
cases, notwithstanding, if the jury that cannot comprehend the essence of the 
case in a day or so, declares the person guilty despite being innocent, he or 
she would be declared as such. The jury system is indeed like a spanner in the 
smooth sailing of the justice system because it is
 superimposed and nullifies all the work done by the attorneys on both the 
Even if the jury is divided a consensus is necessary to declare some one guilty 
or not guilty. This is all a matter of persuasion, good luck or bad luck of the 
accused as to what kind of opinion he gets from the jury. If it is 
predominately black or white jury they might be swayed by the racial or ethnic 
considerations thus tainting the legal process that should be absolutely fair 
as upon it, depends the life and honor of a human being or a member of society.
The  Sixth Amendment stipulates that, “ In all criminal prosecutions, the 
accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial 
jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, 
which district shall have been previously ascertained by law and to be informed 
of the nature and cause of the accusation to  be confronted with the witnesses 
against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, 
and to have the assistance of the counsel for his defense.” 
Now so many individuals accused of fighting against NATO troops in Afghanistan 
have been languishing in Guantanamo concentration camp. If the incumbent 
administration tries to initiate their trial after decade of incarceration, the 
respective states don’t allow that legal process to take place on their soil. 
Interestingly those captured at the time of defeat of Taliban were not all the 
members of despicable al-Qaida: they were basically Taliban or their civilian 
cohorts. But the legal process stands so much subverted and tainted that these 
hapless guys are not being given the chance as per American constitution to be 
proven guilty or innocent. The justice has fallen prey to an exuberant 
emotionalism that defies fair play and hampers due course of justice. Right or 
wrong, these people deserve benefit of doubt, though some of them might be 
friends of America. 
But one exceptionally distinctive feature of this system is the right to appeal 
to the upper courts that give an option and a way-out for the aggrieved persons 
to keep exploring and seeking the justice till the final appeal is rejected or 
accepted. But on the whole, it is very arduous, time consuming and costly 
course that the economic immigrants can seldom afford. The overriding spirit 
and general attitude of the adjudicating authorities is punitive and not 
forgiving even in minor cases where a simple warning would be enough.
After 9/11 the justice system was given a new meaning and interpretation. The 
Patriot Act empowered the administration to bend the law in case of the persons 
who were labeled as enemy combatants. It is primarily for this reason that the 
Guantanamo inmates some of whom might have been caught by default or were even 
friends of America could not be prosecuted all these years. Their trial could 
not be carried out in New York and in other states because of the deep hatred 
for these individuals whose crime is yet to be determined. Such are the 
pressures from the society that can even set aside the law to take its 
legitimate course for determining the culpability of an accused. 
The professional ethics among the attorneys, lawyers and interpreters of law, 
occasionally, seems to fall short of the required norms. As one can look from a 
distance, there would be an effort by the defense lawyers to prolong the cases 
as long as they can because thus they keep the inflow of the fees and other 
charges intact. If the private doctors are some time accused of charging high 
fees and keeping the patients on the tenterhooks, the lawyers too try to keep 
the cauldron of the cases boiling which normally ends at the threshold of plea 
bargain. These are the aberrations of the justice system that do not reflect 
any derliction on the part of the law makers but are at play during its 
practical follow up.
Now for suggestion how to expunge the lacunas, as a lay man I would recommend 
doing away with the jury system. I plead this because with raw knowledge in 
legal matters, with diverse racial and ethnic proclivities and with very little 
time to understand the intricacies of the case, the jury cannot come up with 
the right decision. This custom can be replaced with a panel of judges who as 
legal experts would be in a strong position to hand out a wholesome decision.
If there is more than one judge, the whims and changing moods of one single 
judge can be effectively checked. 
It should also be worthwhile if in every criminal case, the DNA evidence should 
be made obligatory because that is the incontrovertible way to determine one’s 
involvement or otherwise in the crime or the felony he or she is accused of 
committing. Somehow the attitude of soft corner for some ethnic groups and hard 
stances against the others must be addressed and a viable way-out should be 
evolved to keep the judges on the right side of law, regardless of their 
personal impulses.
The judges come to the bar through elections and by votes of the community. 
This system speaks for the grassroots democratic culture and is praiseworthy. 
But the qualifications of the judges and legal arbiters some time are not up to 
the mark to entitle them to hold these immensely crucial public offices and 
perform in a highly professional manner. In my view, the election of the judges 
should be replaced by a panel of experts who should thoroughly scrutinize the 
professional credentials of the candidates and recommend the most qualified or 
eligible among them. This is how a fully competent person can be chosen who 
would not take sides in favor of certain community members that were 
instrumental in his election victory.
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Saeed Qureshi


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