April 20, 2010
Is Benazir Bhutto’s Will a Forged Document?
By Saeed Qureshi
The United Nations Commission’s inquiry report, released on April 15, on 
Benazir Bhutto’s murder is patently an eyewash. It is tantamount to a 
distraction, waste of money and time, perhaps a crude bid to gain time and to 
dilute the impact of the assassination of a towering political personage of 
international standing and renown. The cardinal need is to mount an indigenous 
investigation that would decidedly lay bare the contours and masterminds of 
this diabolic crime that should not be consigned to confusion and a kind of 
wild goose chase game. A string of questions are being raised by both 
discerning and common folks in Pakistan with regard to the veracity and 
genuineness of the will of BB, hand written by her some time before her 
In a television talk show, it was pointed out by the moderator that though the 
handwriting resembles with that of Benazir. He argued that since it contains 
several grammatical and spelling mistakes, which are not expected of a Harvard 
and Oxford graduate, it may therefore, be a fictitious and forged document. It 
was further claimed in the same discussion that the will was reportedly handed 
over to a house maid-servant, a possibility which could have never happened 
because the will is a secret document and kept in the safest custody. Moreover, 
instead of the whole report, only that portion was revealed which exclusively 
related to the appointment of Asif Zardari as a successor to Bibi, in case of 
her death. 
 In another talk show on GEO channel 902, a disgruntled adherent of PPP claimed 
that he can catch the Bhutto’s assassins in a few days if he was given 
authority and an SHO (Station House officer in charge of a police station). 
Same gauntlet was thrown by Naheed Khan, the closest friend and political 
secretary of Benazir that any indigenous inquiry to reach the culprits of 
Benazir should be started from her, adding that she knew  who the assassins 
were and that she could apprehend them sooner than later. She called upon 
president Zardari to reveal the identities of the perpetrators as was claimed 
by him some time back.
The United Nations’ report was clamorously applauded and gleefully welcomed by 
the presidency in particular and the PPP echelons in general. Now every effort 
is being bent, besides flurry of statements to implicate President Musharraf 
for masterminding Ms Bhutto’s murder. The speculation is that he wanted to 
remove a formidable political challenger to his power, who contrary to her 
previous commitment to sail along Mushrraf, starting blowing rebellious bugles.
But accusing fingers are also being pointed at the people responsible for 
providing security to Benazir Bhutto. It is being alleged that certain high 
ranking members within PPP were part of a conspiracy to remove Benazir to clear 
the path for her husband to lord over the party and to consequently become 
president or the prime minister of Pakistan. The names that are being thrown up 
as partners in this conspiracy among others include, the incumbent interior 
minister Rehman Malik and the law minister Malik Babar Awan. 
Another character Shahinshah responsible for the security of BB on that fateful 
day of December 27, 2007 was also later killed in mysterious circumstances. 
Shahinshah, it is being speculated, was making queer gestures at a time when 
Bhutto’s procession has just started moving and she appeared from the roof top 
of the car. More intriguing question is being posed and that carries some 
weight  that why Rehman Malik, Babar Awan and Farhatullah Babar riding the 
bullet proof escort car that was supported to be used as a replacement in case 
of any mobility problem, sped away from the scene , did not reach the hospital 
and instead went somewhere else. 
Two other crucial aspects of this high profile murder case are being debated in 
Pakistan. One is the hasty washing of the venue of mammoth blast and the place 
where Benazir was hit by the blast waves as a result of which she fell down in 
the car and perhaps died instantaneously. It is being argued that even if she 
had struck her head against the handle of the sunroof, it could not have caused 
her immediate death. It is also being propounded that a bullet from a silencer 
gun killed her. The second theory is that it was a strong laser beam that made 
her collapse without causing any visible big injury or wound to her head.  The 
second conjecture sound more persuasive.
She was rushed to the hospital in the most distressing and prohibitive 
conditions by the co- travelers who were no experts in providing first aid in a 
situation of acute and colossal emergency as that of Benazir. The tire of the 
car burst on the way and there was no other vehicle around for immediate 
transfer of Benazir to the hospital. Every second was precious and finally some 
vehicle was stopped and Benazir, in an extremely precarious condition, was 
taken to the nearest Rawalpindi General Hospital situated on Murree road. The 
elephantine question is: where were the body guards, the security staff and 
even PPP’s own custodians from the time of blast to the hospital destination?  
No one even bothered to make a call to Naheed Khan or Makhdoom Amin Fahim, who 
everyone knew, were with BB in the car.  Doesn’t this entire scenario smack of 
a conspiracy or some hidden hands pulling strings from behind the scene at that 
The second aspect that merits attention is the haphazard manner, by which the 
post mortem was about to be started but was stopped at the behest of someone, 
presumably a call from BB’s spouse Asif Ali Zardari. But the doctors are privy 
to the information that they did perform some kind of procedure that aimed at 
resuscitating her breath for which they opened her chest and tried to enliven 
heart by pumping it with the hands. These developments however, do not weaken 
the argument that why a full-fledged post mortem was neither performed for 
Benazir nor for other two scores of PPP activists perished in the blast.
So if the PPP ministers are confidently pointing their fingers at Musharraf for 
conspiring to kill Bhutto then let the former president come forward and clear 
the fuzzy fog that is getting deeper and thicker as the speculations on the 
identities of the assassins and conspirators gather momentum. In the meantime, 
the PPP leadership is throwing hints to initiate a domestic investigation into 
the assassination of Benazir Bhutto who was a political leader of exceptional 
stature and eminence, who had been instrumental in rekindling a hope for 
democracy in Pakistan and who was the chairperson of the leading political 
party in Pakistan. 
 Such an inquiry is long overdue. So far PPP did not move fast enough to even 
register a proper FIR. It is time for PPP and particularly for president 
Zardari who is also the co-chairman of the party; to amend for the otherwise 
unpardonable delay and dithering in regards unearthing Benazir’s assassins and 
other collaborators and masterminds. Because of this delay and lack of any 
passion, many a top notche, even Asif Zardari are not above suspicion. So a 
prompt investigation, though belated, must be undertaken for redeeming the 
honor and face that the PPP and its government have lost in the meantime. It’s 
also time for the PPP to unveil the full text of late Benazir’s will, if the 
party leadership is earnest about dispelling the floating apprehensions about 
its authenticity.
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Saeed Qureshi

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