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      B i s m i l l a a h i r   R a h m a a n i r   R a h e e m

      Teachings of the Qur`aan

      Teachings and Commentary
      Soorah 78:21-40
      Ayub A. Hamid
      Teachings and Commentary

      The next section describes the fate of the rebels who are refusing to 
believe in the Hereafter.

      21 Surely hell lies in wait, 22 a home for the rebellious 23 who will 
dwell therein for ages. 24 They shall taste therein neither coolness nor drink, 
25 but boiling fluid and discharge of wounds 26 a fitting recompense. 27 They 
never expected to be held accountable 28 and rejected Our Signs as false. 29 
While in reality We have kept a complete account of every action of people in 
writing. 30 Thus, they will be told, “So taste the consequences of your 
behaviour, We will increase for you only the intensity of punishment.”

      Characterizing “hell” as “lying in wait” like a hunter, warns that the 
disbelievers who deny the Hereafter will fall into Hell in the same way as an 
animal that is not aware of the presence of the hunter falls prey to it. The 
difference is that the disbelievers have been clearly warned about its reality 
but they have chosen to ignore the warning and are assuming it will never 
happen or that they will somehow be able to avoid it. 

      “Ages” (Ahqaab) is the plural of “Huqb”, which means “a very long period 
of time”. Thus the plural implies successive units of “a very long period of 
time” (ages). The Qur-aan has defined at other places that these ages 
collectively will be indefinite; i.e., eternity.

      The next section indicates the kind of life that will be enjoyed by 
people with Taqwa -- those who live their worldly life keeping accountability 
of the Hereafter in mind and striving to maximize the pleasure of Allaah 
Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala, while staying away from anything that displeases Him. 

      31 On the other hand, for people with Taqwa[1] there will be ultimate 
success – 32 gardens and vineyards, 33 curvaceous  and youthful maidens, of 
equal age, 34 and brimming glasses. 35 They will not hear therein any vain 
words nor falsehood. 36 This performance-based reward being the recompense from 
your Lord – 37 the Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, 
the Most Gracious, with whom the disbelievers or their assumed gods will not be 
able to converse.

      The sentence “They will not hear therein any vain words nor falsehood” 
makes two significant points: Firstly, the drinks of Jannah (the Gardens) will 
not be like the alcoholic drinks of this world that overpower human 
consciousness and sensibility, causing people  to use foul language or say 
inappropriate things. Secondly, the residents of Jannah will not only enjoy all 
kinds of physical comforts and bounties, but will also be totally free from any 
kind of psychological discomfort because they will never encounter any words 
that may cause discomfort or ill will.

      The description of signs of Allaah, Jahannam (Hell) and Jannah (Gardens), 
in the four sections above, underscores three points to help the disbelievers 
correct their speculative opinions about the Hereafter: 

      ·         Life and death are not accidents of nature; rather they are 
purposeful acts of the Creator. 

      ·         Death is not an equalizer; rather it is a transition to a new 
phase of life where the lifestyle will be totally dependent on one’s 
performance in this world. 

      ·         Being a member of a “chosen” race or tribe is going to be 
meaningless. The only thing that will matter is whether a person has been 
rebellious to Allaah and His Messenger disbelieving in the Hereafter or 
obedient to Allaah and His Messenger sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam in an effort 
to please Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala to attain success in the Hereafter.

      The next section mentions the awe which every creature will be exhibiting 
that day. No creature, not even angels, including the arch angel, Jibreel, will 
dare say a word unless invited to do so by Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala.

      38 The day on which the Spirit (Jibreel[2]) and the angels will stand in 
ranks, no one will speak unless granted permission by the Most Gracious, and he 
will say only what is right and to the point. 

      The scenario of awe in Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala on that Day has been 
described to correct the views of those disbelievers who think that their gods 
will attain salvation for them by interceding on their behalf. Note that angels 
were also worshipped by the Arabs as the daughters of Allaah, who, according to 
their belief, could intercede on behalf of their worshippers. 

      The last two verses invite everyone to take this opportunity to prepare 
for the Hereafter which is a sure, inevitable reality.  

      39 That day is the sure reality, so whoever wants may take refuge with 
his Lord. 40 Verily, We have warned you of a soon-to-come punishment, on the 
day when every person will see what his own hands have sent on ahead, and every 
disbeliever will wish, “Would that I were dust!”

      Finally, those disbelievers who think that resurrection is impossible 
once people have become dust are being told that when they see the consequences 
of their lifestyles, they will wish that they had remained dust, and not 
resurrected. But their wish is not going to change the reality.


      [1] Those who, knowing that they will be held accountable on the Day of 
Judgment, make all their day-to-day decisions from the perspective of 
maximizing Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala’s pleasure and avoiding His displeasure.

      [2] Gabriel’s name in Arabic is Jibreel and he is called the Spirit or 
the Trusted Spirit in the Qur-aan. He is also called the Holy Spirit who was 
erroneously deified by the Christians.



      Copyright © 2009 Ayub A. Hamid 

      All rights reserved


      This document may be used, only with this copyright notice included. 
Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups, to 
post on internet forums, and include in not-for-profit publications subject to 
the following conditions: (1) Material used must be produced faithfully in 
full, without alteration or omission; (2) The author's subject title must 
remain unchanged, in whole or in part; (3) Material must be attributed to the 
author Ayub A. Hamid. Contact the author for all other rights, which are 

      Note: This series is providing the teachings of the Qur`aan, not a 
literal translation. Instead of  literal translation, it gives interpretive 
meanings of the verses, along with their contextual details. Please remember 
that any translation of the Holy Qur`aan is in fact only an expression of the 
translator's understanding of  the Word of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala, and 
hence cannot be equated with the Qur`aan itself.  Only the original Arabic text 
can be called the Holy Qur`aan. 


      Ustaadz Ayub A. Hamid is a visionary and strategic Islamic thinker 
residing in Canada for the last 34 years. His recently published books are:

      1.   Islam - Does It Make Sense?
      2.   Unveiling the Commands - The Truth about Hijaab, Khimaar and Jilbaab.

      3.   Finding A Soulmate - A Guide for Parents and Youth.

      4.   A Book Unlike Any Other.

      5.   Islam - Adopting Its Paradigms.

      6.   Exploring the Islamic Beliefs. 


      The following soowar 'Teachings of the Qur`aan' series by Ustaadz Ayub A. 
Hamid, are available on request:-

      Al Faatihah

      Al Baqarah


      A Nisaa'

      Al Maaidah

      Al An`aam

      Al A`raaf

      Al Anfaal

      At Teen


      Al Qadr

      Al Bayyinah

      Al Zilzaal

      Al Aadiyatt

      Al Qaari`ah

      At Takaathur


      Al Humazah

      Al Feel

      Al Quraish

      Al Maa`oon


      Al Kaafiroon

      Al Nasr

      Al Lahab

      Al Ikhlaas

      Al Falaq 

      An Naas

      Al Mulk 

      Al Qalam

      Al Haaqqah 

      Al Ma`aarij


      Al Jinn

      Al Muzammil

      Al Muddaththir

      Al Qiyaamah 

      Ad-Dahr or Al-Insaan 

      Al Mursalaat 

      An Nabaa 78:1-20  

      K a r i m a 

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