Some Things Not To Do In Ramadan
And Also in Other Months....
| Sheikh Salman al-Oadah|

Muslims make a number of mistakes during this auspicious month. These mistakes 
vary from country to country and from culture to culture, and there are many 
reasons why they happen. Sometimes they can be attributed to local customs and 
traditions. Sometimes they occur because of a misapplication of Islamic Law. At 
other times, the reason for the mistake is the desire to express happiness and 
joy during this blessed month. At other times, simple ignorance is to blame. 
Whatever the reason, the outcome is the same: a violation of Islamic teachings 
in a matter of worship. This is serious, since matters of worship in Islam are 
established and defined by the sacred texts. 

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever introduces something new into 
this matter of ours will have it rejected." [Sahîh al-Bukhar (2550) and Sahîh 
Muslim (1718)] 

Some of the mistakes people make in Ramadan are serious enough to be violations 
of Islamic Law. Some mistakes are innovations. Other mistakes are less serious, 
causing the person who errs to act in a way that is undesirable. These mistakes 
can relate to the fast itself or to other customs and practices associated with 

We will now turn our attention to some of these mistakes: 

Neglecting Congregational Prayer 

Many people increase their worship in Ramadan and frequent the mosques more 
that usual. However, some people fall short during this month of their 
observance of congregational prayer and neglect the mosque. This is a mistake, 
for there is a hadîth that reads: "Whoever hears the call to prayer but does 
not hearken to it, then he has no prayer." [Sunan al-Tirmidhî (217)] 

No doubt, neglect congregational prayer is something serious. It is even more 
serious to neglect prayer altogether. A hadîth reads: "The covenant between us 
and them is prayer. Whoever abandons it has disbelieved." [Sunan al-Tirmidhî 

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever abandons the Asr prayer, his 
deeds are lost." [Sahîh al-Bukharî (528)] 

There are numerous other hadîth that stress the importance of prayer. May Allah 
protect us from neglecting our prayers. 

A Muslim should safeguard his worship and be steadfast in prayer. Ramadan 
should be an opportunity for us to change for the better and habituate 
ourselves to doing good deeds. 

Backbiting & Rumor-Mongering 

Speaking badly about other people is a way to seriously compromise one's 
fasting. The Prophet (peace be upon him) defined backbiting in the following 

He said: “Do you know what backbiting is?” 

They said: “Allah and His Messenger know best.” 

He said: “It is to mention about your brother something that he would dislike 
having mentioned about him.” [Sahîh Muslim (2589)] 

Someone enquired: “O Messenger of Allah! How do you see it if what I said about 
him is true?” 

He replied: “If what you said about him is true, then you have backbitten him. 
If what you said about him is false, then you have slandered him.” [Sahîh 
Muslim (2589)] 

Another evil is to spread what people say about each other in order to bring 
about problems. This rumor-mongering also includes divulging secrets and 
exposing people's faults. 

Hudhayfah heard about a man who was spreading rumors and he said: "I heard 
Allah-s Messenger say: 'A rumor-monger will not enter Paradise." [Sahîh 
al-Bukhârî (6056) and Sahîh Muslim (105)] 
read more
The Evils of Backbiting
1st part from
2nd part from
3rd part from 


Vulgar Speech and Bad Manners 

Abû Hurayrah relates that the prophet (peace be upon him) said:"Whoever does 
not abandon false speech and acting falsely, then Allah has no need of his 
abandoning food and drink." [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (1903)] 

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Fasting is a shield, so the one who 
fasts should avoid obscene speech and ignorant behavior. If someone abuses him 
or starts to fight with him, he should reply by saying: 'I am fasting. I am 
fasting'." [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (1795)] 

Ibn Hajar writes in Fath al-Bârî (4/105)]: 
The hadîth means that the fasting person should not respond to the one who 
abuses him with the same kind of behavior. He should restrain himself by 
saying: "I am fasting."
Laziness and Listlessness 

Some people take the Ramadan fast as an excuse for laziness. In this, they 
behave in stark contrast to the ways of our Pious Predecessors, who had no 
qualms with working hard in Ramadan and even rallying to the defense of the 
faith. They definitely did not become lax in their regular, daily worship. 
Indeed, they would increase their religious observances in this month. 

Some people justify their laziness with the weak hadîth that reads: "The sleep 
of the fasting person is worship." If, for the sake of argument, we assume that 
the hadîth is authentic, it does not justify laziness. It certainly does not 
pardon the practice of those who sleep all day in Ramadan and then spend the 
nights in feasting and merriment. The hadîth refers to the normal sleeping 
habits of the person, like the person's usual daily nap. This normal sleep 
helps invigorate the person for further acts of worship. 

It is necessary for a person to capitalize on the opportunity for blessings 
that the month of Ramadan has to offer. A Muslim should strive to the utmost to 
earn Allah's reward during this month, keeping in mind that there is no 
guarantee of his living to see another Ramadan. 
read more
Sleeping all day long during Ramadaan


Excessive Eating and Drinking 

Some people spend their nights in Ramadan filling their stomachs with all types 
of food and drink, sometimes indulging in delicacies that they do not ever eat 
outside of Ramadan. This practice, without doubt, contradicts the very essence 
of Ramadan and the wisdom behind our fasting. 

It is related from al-Miqdâm b. Ma di Yakrib that the Prophet (peace be upon 
him) said:"The human being does not fill up any vessel worse than his stomach. 
It is sufficient for a person to eat just enough to keep his back straight. If 
he must eat more, then he can fill a third with food, a third with drink, and 
leave a third for air." [Sunan al-Tirmidhî (2380)] 

How can a person learn to subdue his base impulses and desires through fasting, 
when he makes up for it all by indulging his every whim at night, eating even 
more during Ramadan than he does during the rest of the year? In some places, 
people have a custom of storing food and reserving it for Ramadan, so that they 
consume in Ramadan the quantity of food that would usually take them months to 

We all know that the purpose of fasting is to rein in our passions and break 
our desires in order to grow in piety. If we allow our hunger to build in 
strength from dawn to dinner time only to then indulge our hunger with greater 
gusto, this merely magnifies the pleasure of eating. It strengthens our 
passions more than if we had been left to our normal eating patterns. 

read more
Etiquette of Eating

Getting Angry 

Some people seem to think that their bad tempers are excused because they are 
fasting. They allow their anger its full spectrum of expression, saying the 
most horrible things and doing the most preposterous deeds. 

A fasting person needs to adorn his fast with magnanimity and good manners. He 
should remind himself that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "The strong 
person is not the one who can wrestle someone else down. The strong person is 
the one who can control himself when he is angry." [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (5763) and 
Sahîh Muslim (2609)] 

Staying Up Late 

This is a mistake if it leads to bed consequences. Some people stay up late at 
nightand then sleep through the Fajr prayer. Some even sleep through the Zuhr 
and Asr prayers. If they forces themselves to get up during the day, they can 
suffer extreme fatigue on account of it. If they are employees, their 
performance at work suffers. 

Such people need to keep cognizant of the blessings of this month that they 
lose out on because of these consequences.
Also read
Some Things To Do In Ramadaan 
As-Salaam Walekum
Adil Khan
Bombay Women Putting on Perfume to Go to the Mosque 

Some women put on attractive perfumes to when they go to the mosque at night in 
Ramadan. This is a mistake. 

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:"Any woman who dons perfume should refrain 
from attending the `Ishâ' congregation with us." [Sahîh Muslim (444)] 

The Prophet (peace be upon him) also said: "Any woman who puts on perfume and 
then walks by people so they can get a whiff of her perfume is a wanton woman." 
[Sunan al-Tirmidhî (2786) and Sunan al-Nasâ'î (5126)] 
Abandoning Fasting Without an Excuse 

Abandoning a Ramadan fast without a valid excuse is a major sin. A person who 
falls into this sin must repent sincerely and earnestly to his Lord. He must 
also make up the days that he missed later. He must also provide a meal for a 
poor person for each day that he missed if he is financially able to do so. 

Fasting is one of the five pillars of the religion of Islam. A person who 
openly abandons the Ramadan fast should be rebuked for doing so and not left to 
be a bad example for others. 
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In the name of Allah, the Most-Merciful, the All-Compassionate
"May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon You"
 Praise be to Allaah, we seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with 
Allaah from the evil of our own souls and from our bad deeds. Whomsoever Allaah 
guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allaah leaves astray, no one 
can guide. I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah, and I bear witness 
that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah
As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu


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