In The Name of Allah,
The Merciful,The Compassionate

The Holy Qur'an

Surah Al-Munafiqoon
Ayah 1-4

 Introduction to surah

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English Translation

1. When the Hypocrites
come to thee, they say, "We bear witness that thou art indeed the
Messenger of Allah." Yea, Allah knoweth that thou art indeed His
Messenger, and Allah beareth witness that the Hypocrites are indeed

2. They have made their oaths a screen (for their misdeeds):
thus they obstruct (men) from the Path of Allah. truly evil are their

3. That is because they believed, then they rejected Faith: So a seal was set 
on their hearts: therefore they understand not.

4. When thou lookest at them, their exteriors please thee; and
when they speak, thou listenest to their words. They are as (worthless
as hollow) pieces of timber propped up, (unable to stand on their own).
They think that every cry is against them. They are the enemies; so
beware of them. The curse of Allah be on them! How are they deluded
(away from the Truth)! 


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 An-Naml, Chapter 27, Verse 19)
 "O my Lord! 
 order me that I may be grateful for Thy favours, 
which thou hast bestowed on me and on my
and that I may work the righteousness
that will please Thee:
And admit me, by Thy Grace, 
to the ranks of Thy righteous Servants."

 Aameen, Ya Rabb-ul-Aalameen!






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