In The Name of Allah,
The Merciful,The Compassionate

The Holy Qur'an

End of Surah Al-Jinn
Ayah 14-28

 Introduction to surah

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Arabic Text

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Urdu Translation

English Translation

14. 'Amongst us are some
that submit their wills (to Allah., and some that swerve from justice.
Now those who submit their wills - they have sought out (the path) of
right conduct:

15. 'But those who swerve,- they are (but) fuel for Hell-fire'-

16. (And Allah's Message is): "If they (the Pagans) had (only)
remained on the (right) Way, We should certainly have bestowed on them
Rain in abundance.

17. "That We might try them by that (means). But if any turns
away from the remembrance of his Lord, He will cause him to undergo a
severe Penalty.

18. "And the places of worship are for Allah (alone): So invoke not any one 
along with Allah.

19. "Yet when the Devotee of Allah stands forth to invoke Him, they just make 
round him a dense crowd."

20. Say: "I do no more than invoke my Lord, and I join not with Him any (false 

21. Say: "It is not in my power to cause you harm, or to bring you to right 

22. Say: "No one can deliver me from Allah (If I were to disobey Him), nor 
should I find refuge except in Him,

23. "Unless I proclaim what I receive from Allah and His
Messages: for any that disobey Allah and His Messenger,- for them is
Hell: they shall dwell therein for ever."

24. At length, when they see (with their own eyes) that which
they are promised,- then will they know who it is that is weakest in
(his) helper and least important in point of numbers.

25. Say: "I know not whether the (Punishment) which ye are
promised is near, or whether my Lord will appoint for it a distant

26. "He (alone) knows the Unseen, nor does He make any one acquainted with His 

27. "Except an apostle whom He has chosen: and then He makes a band of watchers 
march before him and behind him,

28. "That He may know that they have (truly) brought and
delivered the Messages of their Lord: and He surrounds (all the
mysteries) that are with them, and takes account of every single


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 An-Naml, Chapter 27, Verse 19)
 "O my Lord! 
 order me that I may be grateful for Thy favours, 
which thou hast bestowed on me and on my
and that I may work the righteousness
that will please Thee:
And admit me, by Thy Grace, 
to the ranks of Thy righteous Servants."

 Aameen, Ya Rabb-ul-Aalameen!




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