Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem 

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barkatuh!

Narrated Abu Hazim (Radi'Allahu anhu): 
Sahl bin Sad (Radi'Allahu anhu) said, 

"We used to feel happy on Fridays."

 I asked Sahl (Radi'Allahu anhu), "Why?" 


He said,

"There was an old woman of our
who used to send somebody to Buda'a 
(Ibn Maslama said,
"Buda'a was a garden of date-palms at Medina).
She used to pull out the
silq (a kind of vegetable) 
from its roots and put it in a cooking pot,
adding some powdered barley over it (and cook it).
After finishing the
Jumua (Friday) prayer
 we used to (pass by her and) greet her, 
whereupon she would present us with that meal,
 so we used to feel happy because of that. 

We used to have neither a mid-day nap,
nor meals, except after the Friday prayer."

 (See Hadith No. 60, Vol.2)

 (Sahih Bukhari ~ Book #74, Hadith #265)

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Our Lord! grant us good in this world
and good in the hereafter,
and save us from the chastisement of the fire



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