In the name of Allah, the Most-Merciful, the All-Compassionate
"May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon You"
 Praise be to Allaah, we seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with 
Allaah from the evil of our own souls and from our bad deeds. Whomsoever Allaah 
guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allaah leaves astray, no one 
can guide. I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah, and I bear witness 
that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah
As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu
Importance of Giving Salaams 
 Written by Moulana Yusuf Motala
Offering Salaam Is An Islamic Duty
It has been narrated from Hazrat Ali that the Rasullah said, 
"Commonly in Islam there are six rights of a Muslim upon a Muslim: 
when he meets him he should give him salaam; 
when he invites him (to a meal) he should accept it; 
when he sneezes he should bless him; 
when he falls ill he should visit him; 
when he dies he should accompany his funeral 
and he should prefer for him that which he prefers for himself."  
 Warning Upon Not Replying To The Salaam
It has been narrated from Abdur Rahmaan ibn Shayba; he says the Holy 
Prophet said, "A rider should give salaam to a walking person, a walking person 
should give salaam to a seated person, a small group should give salaam to a 
larger group, whoever then responds to salaam, it is for his benefit, and he 
who does not respond to salaam, is not from amongst us." 
Ibn Sunni has narrated this and also Imam Bukhari in his book Al Adabul Mufrad. 
On these bases Allama Nawawi in his commentary of Sahih Muslim has said, "To 
commence salaam is Sunnah and to reply is Wajib." 
Similarly Hafiz ibn Abdul Bar says, "It is an unanimous agreement of the 
Muslims that to commence Salaam is Sunnah and to reply is Wajib."  
The Virtue of Commencing Salaam
It has been narrated by Abu Umamah that the Holy Prophet said, "Whoever 
commences Salaam is very close to Allah and His Messenger Muhammad ()" Ibn 
Sunni has narrated this.  
In Imaam Ahmads narration there is, "The closest to Allah, the most glorious 
and eminent one, from amongst all the people is the one who commences salaam."  
Similarly Tabrani narrates from Abu Darda, who says that we asked the Holy 
Prophet , "O Prophet of Allah, we meet each other, so who from amongst us 
should give salaam first?" The Holy Prophet replied, "The one who is the most 
obedient to Allah from amongst you."  
Reward For Giving Salaam
It has been narrated by Saalim that the Holy Prophet said,
"He who says Assalaamu Alaikum (Peace be upon you) ten rewards are written down 
for him, 
and he who says Assalaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah (Peace be upon you and Allah’s 
mercy) for him twenty rewards are written down 
and he who says Assalaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh (Peace be upon 
you and Allah’s mercy and blessing) thirty rewards are written down (for 
In support of this Hadeeth we find a narration by Ibn Umar in 
It has been narrated in this Hadeeth that a person came in the presence of the 
Holy Prophet and said, "Assalamu Alaikum." The Holy Prophet replied, "Ten." 
Then a second Sahabi came and said, "Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah." The Holy 
Prophet replied, "Twenty." Then a third Sahabi arrived and said, "Assalamu 
Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh." Upon this the Holy Prophetsaid, 
"Thirty." That is to say upon three words thirty rewards will be written down.  
What is Salaam ?
Imam Baihaqi narrates in discontinuation from Ibne Abbas, that As-Salaam is 
amongst Allahs names and also this is the greeting of the dwellers of 
Imaam Bukhari in his Al-Adabul-Mufrad narrates from Hazrat Anas that the Holy 
Prophet said, "As-salaam is indeed a name from the names of Allah, which Allah 
has placed upon the Earth, therefore spread salaam amongst yourselves in 
The Manner of giving Salaam
Abu Yala narrates from Hazrat Abu Hurairah that the Holy Prophet said, "When 
anyone of you decides to offer salaam he should say Assalaamu Alaikum, because 
Allah, the most Glorious and Eminent one is As-salaam, for this reason do not 
commence with anything before saying Allahs name."  
Conduct With The Person Who Does Not Say Salaam
It has been narrated from Ibn Umar, that the Holy Prophet said, "He who speaks 
without firstly giving salaam, then do not answer him (to what he has to 
Spread Salaam
Hazrat Abdullah ibn Salaam says, "When the Holy Prophet arrived in Madinah, the 
people lost no time in arriving in the presence of the Holy Prophet . I was 
amongst the people who had arrived to see him. When I looked with 
thoughtfulness at the Holy Prophets radiant face, I realized with certainty 
that this is no face of a liar."  
Abdullah ibn Salaam says, "The very first thing which I heard the Holy 
Prophet say was, O People, spread salaam and feed the people, keep good 
relations with your kith and kin and at nightfall engage yourself in salaah 
while others are asleep, for you will enter Paradise safely."  
In Muatta, Tufail ibn Abi Shayba regarding Ibn Umar radiyallahu anhuma says 
that one day when I came to Abdullah ibn Umar, he asked me to go to the market 
(with him). I asked, "What are you going to do in the market? You do not go to 
any salesman, or ask about any goods or its price nor do you want to sit in any 
market gatherings, so stay here with us, we will talk here."  
Abdullah ibn Umar then said,"O Abu Battan, (he called him Abu Battan because 
Tufail ibn Abi had a large stomach) we are going to the market for the cause of 
giving salaam."  
Similarly Ibn Sunni has narrated about Abu Imaam Baaali that he said to 
Muhammad ibn Ziyaad, "O my nephew the Holy Prophethas commanded us that we 
spread salaam."  
A Rider Should Give Salaam To A Walking Person
It has been narrated by Fudhala ibn Ubaid that the Holy Prophet said, 
"A rider should give salaam to a walking person, 
a walking person should give salaam to a standing person 
and a small group of people should give salaam to a larger group."  
Similarly it has been narrated by Hazrat Jabir that the Holy Prophet said, "An 
elder person should give salaam to a younger one, 
one person should give salaam to two, 
a small group of people should give salaam to a larger one, 
a rider should give salaam to a walking person, 
a passer-by should give salaam to a standing person 
and a person who is standing should give salaam to a seated person."  
Giving And Replying To Salaam From One Person Is Sufficient
It has been narrated by Hazrat Ali that the Holy Prophet said,"The salaam of a 
person, from a passing group of people, will be sufficient on behalf of all the 
group, likewise if one person from those who are seated replies to the salaam, 
it will be sufficient on behalf of all the rest."  
Giving Salaam To The Children
In Sunan-e-Abu Dawood, it has been narrated by Hazrat Anas that,"The Holy 
Prophet came by us at the time when I was a child together with other children 
and greeted us all with salaam."  
Similarly Imaam Muslim, Imaam Ahmad, Imaam Tirmidhi and Imaam Darami narrate 
from Hazrat Yasaar that he said, "I was walking with Thabit Binai when he 
passed by some children. He conveyed salaam to them, and began to say that once 
he was walking with Hazrat Anas and when he passed by some children he also 
greeted them with salaam. Hazrat Anas then narrated a Hadeeth, that he was 
walking with the Holy Prophetand when they passed by some children, the Holy 
Prophet greeted them with salaam."  
Similarly Imaam Nasai narrates from Hazrat Anas that when the Holy Prophet  
would set out to meet the Ansaar, he would greet their children with salaam, 
and would place his blessed hands upon the childrens heads and make dua for 
Similarly Imaam Bukhari and Ibn Sunni narrate that Hazrat Anas has related that 
the Holy Prophet suddenly came upon some women, children and some servants who 
were returning from a wedding. The Holy Prophet gave salaam to them and said, 
"In the name of Allah, I love you all."  
The Correct Words Of Salaam
Abu Tameema narrates from a Sahabi who reported, "I said Alaikas Salaam (Upon 
you be peace) O Messenger of Allah."  
The Holy Prophet said, "Alaikas Salaam are the words of the deceased persons 
When one of you meets his fellow brother, he should say Assalamu Alaikum wa 
The Manner Of Greeting The Dead In The Grave Yard
It has been narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira that the Holy Prophet came towards 
the cemetery and said, "Alaikas Salaam (Upon you be peace), O people of this 
abode, from amongst the believers, verily, if Allah wishes, we are going to 
join you in a short while."  
Giving Salaam To The People Of A Gathering
It has been narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira that the Holy Prophet said,"If any 
one of you enters any gathering, he should give salaam. He should then remain 
seated to that extent he has in his mind, and when he decides to return, he 
should again give salaam. The reason being that the first salaam is not more 
rightful than the second, that is, he gives the first salaam and not the 
second." This narration has been narrated by Imaam Abu Dawood, Imaam Tirmizi 
and Ibne Sunni.  
Reply To A Third Persons Salaam
A person from (the tribe of) Banu Tameem narrates from his father who narrates 
from his paternal grandfather that he arrived in the presence of the Holy 
Prophet and said, "My father sends salaam upon you."  
The Holy Prophet replied, "Wa Alaika Wa’alaa Abeekas Salaam (Peace be upon you 
and your father)." Imaam Abu Dawood, Nasai and Ibn Sunni have narrated this.  
Similarly it has been narrated by Hazrat Aisha radiyallahu anha that the Holy 
Prophet said, "Jibraeel sends salaam upon you."  
Hazrat Aisha replied, "Wa Alaihis Salaam Wa Rahmatullahi Wabarakatuh (Peace be 
upon him and Allah’s mercy and blessings). You (O Prophet) can see things which 
we cannot." 
Similarly Imaam Bukhari and Imaam Muslim have related Abu Huraira’s narration, 
he says, Jibraeel the trustworthy arrived in the presence of the Noble 
Prophet and said, "This is Khadija, who is coming, she has with her a utensil 
in which there is curry (or he said food, or drink). When she arrives give, her 
salaam from her sustainer and myself, and give her glad tidings of a house in 
Paradise which will be hollow in which there will be no loud noise (din) nor 
Ibne Sunni has narrated this narration in more detail. 
It is narrated by Amr bin Wahb that Hazrat Khadija set out in search of the 
Holy Prophet in the upper part of Makkah Mukarrama. Hazrat Khadija had the Holy 
Prophet’sfood with her. Jibraeel the trustworthy met Hazrat Khadija in the form 
of a man and questioned her regarding the Holy Prophet . Hazrat Khadija began 
to tremble and thought that, probably he is from those who are out to harm the 
Holy Prophet .  
Hazrat Khadija mentioned this incident to the Holy Prophet. The Holy 
Prophet replied that he was Jibraeel the trustworthy. He has informed me that 
he has met you and he has also told me that you have food with you and that is 
Hees (a sweet dish). Hazrat Jibraeel the trustworthy has said, "Give salaam to 
Khadija from Allah the most glorious and eminent one, and give her glad tidings 
of a house in Paradise which will be hollow in which they will no loud noise 
(din) nor weariness."  
Hazrat Khadija said, "Allah the exalted is Himself As-Salaam (The Giver of 
peace) and peace comes from Him, Salaam be upon Jibraeel, he is the messenger 
of Allah. Salaam be upon you and salaam be upon all those who are listening but 
O Prophet of Allah, what is the hollow house in Paradise wherein they will be 
no loud noise (din) nor weariness?"  
The Holy Prophet replied, "It will be a secure house made out of pearl." 
Giving Salaam Even After A Short Separation
It has been narrated by Anas that the companions of the Holy Prophet would walk 
together and when a tree would come in their way they would separate towards 
the left and right. Then on meeting each other, one of them would greet the 
other with salaam.  
Salaam Upon The Noble Prophet Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam At The Time Of 
Entering A Masjid.
Hazrat Abu Huraira narrates the saying of the Holy Prophet , 
"When anyone amongst you enters a Masjid" or he said, "When anyone amongst you 
arrives at a Masjid, he should send salaam upon the Holy Prophet and say, 
Allahumma aftahli abwaba rahmatik, 
(O Allah, open the doors of your mercy for me) and when he comes out of the 
Masjid he should also then send salaam upon the Holy Prophet and say, Allahumma 
a’ithni min ash-shaytaan ir-rajee 
(O Allah give me refuge from the accursed Shaytaan). 
In the narration of Ibn Majah these words have been narrated, ‘Bismillahi 
was-salaamu ala rasullullahi’ (I begin in the name of Allah, Salaam be upon 
Allahs Messenger)."  
The Virtue Of Giving Salaam In Ones Own Home And Then Setting Out
It has been narrated by Abu Umamah Al Baali from the Holy Prophet that he said, 
"There is no one like he who performs wudhu thoroughly and then washes both his 
hands, feet and face, then gargles his mouth and performs his wudhu in the 
manner in which Allah has commanded him but sins which he has committed by 
talking or walking towards are wiped away, such that sins committed by his 
limbs are forgiven. When he walks towards the Masjid he gets one reward for 
every step he takes. His salaah remains an extra bonus for him, that is when he 
enters upon his family, greets them with salaam and lies down upon his bed, for 
him is the reward of a full nights worship."  
Likewise it has been narrated by Abu Umamah al-Baali that the Holy 
Prophet said, "They are three people under the care of Allah the most glorious 
and eminent one; one who goes out in the path of Allah as a Muslim soldier is 
in the care of Allah until Allah takes his soul away. He will be entered into 
paradise or Allah will return him with reward and booty which he has gained. 
The second person who is also in the care of Allah until Allah takes his soul 
away, is he who walks towards the Masjid. Allah will enter him into Paradise or 
make him return, giving him reward and booty which he has gained. 
The third person who is in the care of Allah is he who enters his own home and 
gives salaam." 
Also Ibn Sunni relates a narration of Abu Huraira that he said, "It is the 
saying of the Holy Prophet  that definitely there is an illumination and light 
for Islam, like a pathway which is well lit. That a Muslim should worship Allah 
and must not associate anything with him. He must carry out Fardh Salaah, give 
Zakaah, perform Hajj of Baitullah, keep the fast of the auspicious month of 
Ramadan and enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency. To give salaam to your 
household when you enter upon them, and to give salaam upon those Muslims you 
pass by. If they reply to your salaam then the angels will return salaam upon 
them and if they do not answer to your salaam, the angels will reply to your 
salaam, and curse them or they will stay quiet with them. Whoever has let go of 
one of the above mentioned then he has let go of a part of Islam and whoever 
throws them all away has thrown Islam behind his back."  
Likewise a narration of Sahih Muslim is narrated from Miqdad ibn Aswad , he 
says we three companions arrived in the presence of the Holy ProphetThen the 
Holy Prophet took us to his household (family), there were three goats there. 
He (The Holy Prophet ) told the three of us to take the milk and distribute it 
amongst ourselves whenever we needed it. Miqdad says, "We obeyed the command 
and would leave a portion for the Holy Prophet." Hazrat Miqdad says that the 
Holy Prophet would come at night and would give salaam in such a manner that it 
would not wake a sleeping person but would be heard by a person who was awake. 
Then he would go to the Masjid to pray his salaah and then would drink his own 
source: Darul Uloom Bury, United Kingdom
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The Virtues of Islamic Greeting.

The Best Greeting There Could Ever Be

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