Bismillahir Rahmanir 



 Alaikum wa 
Rahmatullahi wa Barkatuh!






  An invocation or a 
is not the crutch of the weak or the incapable.

    It is
 the finest strategy for all kinds of success

    - whether material or spiritual.

Most of the time men have worded their invocations

    in their own languages. 

However, the finest of the invocations are the ones worded by 

    Allah Subhanuhu wa 
Ta`ala Himself 

    and mentioned in the Noble 

Allah Subhanuhu
 wa Ta`ala says (interpretation of the meaning):

"And when My slaves ask you
(O Muhammad Sallallahu

 Alaihi Wasallam)
concerning Me, then 
(answer them), 
I am indeed near (to them by My Knowledge).
respond to the invocations of the supplicant 
when he calls on Me 
(without any mediator or
So let them obey Me and believe in Me, 
so that 
they may be led aright. 

(The Noble Qur'an: Chapter #2, 
Verse #186) 

We would like to share 

      some invocations from the Noble Qur'an. 
Since these invocations are mentioned 
in Qur'an
and are taught to us by
Allah Subhanuhu wa Ta`ala 
they are the best and perfect invocations. 

          What's more, Allah has promised that 

          He will respond to supplications 

          made by the righteous,
 by the sinners

          and even by unbelievers.







Rabbana amanna bima anzalta 

wattaba 'nar-Rusula 

fak-tubna ma'ash-Shahideen.


O our Lord! We believe in 

what You have sent down,

 and we follow the Messenger 

(peace be upon him),

so Write us down among those
 who bear witness. 

Noble Qur'an: Chapter #3, Verse #53) 




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