In the Name of Allah, 
the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful 

Zina : The Easy Option
Taken from
All praise is due to Allah, the One Who says:
[And do not come near to the unlawful sexual intercourse.] 
(Al-Israa 17:32)

And peace and blessings be upon His slave and Messenger Muhammad, who said, 
"When a man commits fornication, faith departs from him and there is something 
like a canvas roof over his head; and when he quits that action, faith returns 
to him" 
(Abu Dawud 40:4673).

Undoubtedly, all Muslims are aware of the prohibition of adultery and 
fornication. However, many of us live in a Western society where this crime has 
become widespread and commonly accepted. This crime has even crept into some 
Muslim homes to the extent that we find some who are proud to see their son 
entering the house with a girl accompanying him. 
This article will define adultery and fornication in Islam; it will discuss the 
punishment for them and the status of ones marriage to one who commits either 
of them; and it will advise how to repent and how to protect yourself from them.

In todays English, unlawful sexual intercourse by a married person is called 
adultery; sexual intercourse by an unmarried person is called fornication. 
Unlike English, Arabic has only one word for both cases — zina. 
Throughout the history of religions, zina always has been prohibited; however, 
its prohibition is more emphatic and forceful in Islam. 
Zina is regarded as one of the gravest of all the major sins. 
Over fourteen hundred years ago, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon 
him) prophesied that among the signs of the Day of Judgment is the prevalence 
of illegal sexual intercourse.

Anas ibn Malik reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying, 
"It is from the conditions of the Last Hour that knowledge would be taken away 
and ignorance would prevail (upon the world), liquor would be drunk, and 
adultery would become rampant" (Muslim 34:6451).

Prophet Muhammad viewed zina as a serious crime. It is reported that Allahs 
Messenger ordered that an unmarried man who committed illegal sexual 
intercourse be scourged one hundred lashes and sent into exile for one year 
(Al-Bukhari 3:48 817).

A person has committed zina if he or she voluntarily and deliberately performs 
sexual intercourse with other than his or her spouse. The act of zina has taken 
place when the mans sexual organ has been inserted inside the womans , 
regardless of the number of times or whether contraception was used, such as a 
condom or separator between the consenting adults organs.

 Proving Zina

The testimony to the act of four reliable and pious men, each of whom must 
testify that he actually saw the mans sexual organ inserted inside the womans. 
This stringent condition is to protect innocent Muslims and to block the road 
for those who want to spread evil among the Muslim society. 

If a woman who is not married is found pregnant. 
Punishment for Zina in This Life
There are definite prescribed punishments known as hadd (plural: hudud), which 
have been mentioned in the Quran and the Sunnah concerning those who engage in 
the criminal act. 
The following conditions must be fulfilled before the hadd is applied:
1. The offenders must be sane.
2. They must be Muslim.
3. They have reached the age of puberty.
4. They must be free and not slaves.
The Quranic injunctions with regards to those who commit zina were revealed in 
The wisdom behind this was to make these injunctions acceptable to the new 
converts to Islam who often engaged in zina during the days of Jahiliyah 
The first revelation concerning the punishment of zina was that a woman guilty 
of zina was to be confined to her home until she died (An-Nisaa 4:15). 
The second revelation covered both men and women and was not very specific 
regarding punishment:
[And as for the two who are guilty of indecency from among you, give them both 
a punishment; then if they repent and amend, turn aside from them; surely Allah 
is Oft-returning (to mercy), the Merciful.] (An-Nisaa 4:16)

Allah Almighty then revealed:
[(As for) the fornicatress and the fornicator, flog each of them, (giving) a 
hundred stripes, and let not pity for them detain you in the matter of 
obedience to Allah and the last day.] (An-Nur 24:2)

Know that punishment for this crime of zina acts as atonement for this sin. The 
idea behind the harsh and severe punishment does not contradict the spirit of 
Islam; it actually serves as a deterrent in society. It protects a persons 
family lineage and the spread of moral decadence and disease in society. 
When people realize the graveness of their sin, and that its punishment is most 
humiliating and painful, very few would dare to commit it.

Marriage to a Person Guilty of Zina

Marriage between two who are guilty of zina is permissible as per what Allah 
Almighty says:
[The fornicator shall not marry any but a fornicatress or idolatress, and (as 
for) the fornicatress, none shall marry her but a fornicator or an idolater; 
and it is forbidden to the believers."] (An-Nur 24:3)

There is a difference of opinion among the scholars with regards to a chaste 
man marrying an adulteress who has not repented or vice versa. Some of them 
said that it is not lawful. 
This is the opinion of Ali, Al-Baraa, Aishah, and Masud (may Allah be pleased 
with them all). 
The majority of scholars, including Abu Bakr, Umar or Uthman, and Ibn Abbas 
(may Allah be pleased with them all), on the other hand, permitted marriage 
with an adulterer, adding however, that marriage to a chaste and pure person 
was more virtuous.


One might think that the only way a person guilty of zina can be forgiven is by 
undergoing the prescribed punishment (hadd), but scholars have said that a 
person who commits a sin should repent to Allah Almighty. 
The repentance should be sincere, and the guilty person should perform lots of 
righteous acts and acts of worship. Furthermore, the person should feel remorse 
and have no intention of ever committing the sin again. 
The repentance will not be accepted if it is done during the throes of death, 
as Allah Most High says
[And repentance is not for those who go on doing evil deeds, until when death 
comes to one of them, he says: Surely now I repent; nor (for) those who die 
while they are unbelievers.] (An-Nisaa' 4:18)


(Al-Ankabut 29:45)

Regular fasting is another way of suppressing sexual desires, as Allahs 
Messenger prescribed it for young people who could not afford to get married. 
Another way to keep away from zina is by reminding yourself how you would abhor 
and dislike it for your mother, daughter, sister, brother, and aunt. 
This was how Prophet Muhammad explained it to a man who came seeking permission 
to commitzina. The Prophet told him to remember that Satan watches and waits 
for you to be distant from your Muslim brethren, then he makes his attack. And 
so among the things that will deter you from zina is to always be in the 
company of righteous people who will remind you of Allah Almighty.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said in the hadith 
collection of Abu Dawud, "Indeed the wolf devours the lone sheep." Remember 
that saying "no" to someone who invites you to commit zina will secure you a 
place of shelter under the shade of Allah's throne on the day when their will 
be no shelter except His.

We ask Allah Most High to protect us from the evil of zina, to accept out 
righteous actions, and to shower us with His bounties in this life and in the 
source: are many ways that 
Muslims can protect themselves from zina. Salah (prayer), both obligatory and 
supererogatory, is one of the strongest defenses against zina. Allah Almighty 
[Recite that which has been revealed to you of the Book and keep up prayer; 
surely prayer keeps (one) away from indecency and evil, and certainly the 
remembrance of Allah is the greatest.] Protection From Committing ZinaA person 
is convicted of zina by one or more of the following ways:
If the zaani (fornicator or adulterer) makes a confession without going back on 
his or her word until he or she is subjected to any prescribed punishment. If 
at some stage the person retracts the confession, he or she must not be 
subjected to any prescribed punishment. 


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