Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem 

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barkatuh!

Higher Level of Dutifulness 

A Prophetic Advice

                          Editor, Arab 
News — Saudi Arabia     

                    A man came to the Prophet 
(peace and blessings be upon him) and asked:

Oh! Messenger of Allah, 
now that my parents are dead, is there any act of dutifulness left for 
me to do towards them? The 
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) answered, "Yes,
 there are four things; supplication for them, praying that they are 
forgiven, fulfillment of their wills, being kind to their friends and 
maintaining good relations with those of your relatives with whom your 
kinship is established only through them." (Abu Dawood and Ibn Majah)

 best  du`aa' one can get is that by satisfied parents to their 
dutiful children. Allah may defer answering their prayer, though He will
 definitely answer it. But does the same apply when a child supplicates 
for his parents? Will his du`aa' get answered too? The answer is a
 most definitely "yes". Allah orders us in the Qur’an to pray 
(make du`aa') for our parents, in these terms,

(And lower unto them the wing of 
submission through mercy, and say: My Lord! Have mercy on them both as 
they did care for me when I was little. ) (Al-Israa’

Almighty Allah would not have told us to pray Him 
for our parents if our prayers were not beneficial to them. Our 
supplication on their behalf, however, benefits us as well. It is a mark
 of being dutiful, and Allah rewards the dutiful child. In other words, 
when we pray Allah to be kind to our parents, to have mercy on them and 
to forgive them, He credits us with a good deed for being dutiful and He
 answers our prayer bestowing mercy on our parents.

Hence, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) who has taught us 
every good thing tells us to conclude our formal prayers, whether 
voluntary or obligatory, with a supplication for our parents. Almighty 
Allah says in the Qur'an,

 (...O my Lord! Have compassion on them, 
as they brought me up (when I was ) little)  (Al-Israa’ 17:24)

Thus, thinking of one’s parents and remembering their kindness and love 
to us when we were young, making du`aa' for them in obligatory 
and voluntary prayer becomes intertwined with worship. It can help our 
parents attain a higher position in their relation with Almighty Allah 
during their life and even after death.

Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) mentions this specifically in a
 hadith related by Muslim, An-Nassaie, Abu Dawood, as well as Al-Bukhari
 in "Al-Adab Al-Mufrad" on the authority of Abu Hurairah,

"When a 
person dies, his actions come to an end, except in one of three ways: a 
continuing act of charity, (sadaqah), a useful contribution to 
knowledge, or a righteous child who prays for him ."

this hadith has been quoted in "Al-Adab Al-Mufrad" which is 
considered of a slightly lesser degree of authenticity than Al-Bukhari's
 compilation of highly authenticated hadiths, known as the "Sahih",
 the following hadith also reinforces it:

rank of a dead person may be raised after his death. He asks; My Lord, 
how does this come about? He is then told: Your child has prayed for 
your forgiveness." (Related by Ibn Majah and

 two hadiths need no comment. A child who does not pray Allah for his 
parents, particularly, after their death, when he knows that his 
supplication on their behalf benefits them and him also, is either 
undutiful or lacking faith.

A Role Model for Dutifulness




Again in this respect, the whole question is about 
debt repayment. When my children notice that I supplicate to Allah for 
my parents and ask Him to have mercy on them, they will supplicate on my
 behalf when I am dead. In the same way, if they see me treat them as 
dutiful child should treat his parents, it is likely that they will 
treat me in the same way. 


If they realize that I am undutiful, (May Allah forbids), the likelihood
 of them being undutiful to me is very high indeed. A dutiful child is 
to walk along the path which leads to the benefit of oneself, one’s 
parents and one’s children. Given this, only a loser can be undutiful.

When one’s parents are alive, their presence may be a
 great motivator for their son or daughter to be dutiful. When they die,
 we tend to think that we fully fulfill our duty towards them by praying
 for them. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) teaches us that
 there are other ways in which we prove our dutifulness. The emphasis 
the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) puts on kindness to 
parents motivated his companions to be exemplary in their treatment of 
their parents.

We lose nothing by treating 
our parents’ friends with respect and kindness. Indeed we gain a great 

They frequently came to him 
with questions exploring every way which might grant them greater 
reward.They (may Allah be pleased with them all) were very keen to do 
their best to please their parents even after their death and the 
previous hadith clearly shows this. 

Towards Widening The Term 

It may be 
useful to point out that family relationships may be established through
 breast-feeding, marriage and birth. If a child is breast-fed by a woman
 who is a stranger to him/her, he/she becomes related to her in the same
 way as his/her own mother.

Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also explains to us a higher 
standard of being a dutiful child. While everyone appreciates the first 
two of these four actions "…supplication for them, praying that they 
are forgiven, fulfillment of their wills …" the Prophet (peace and 
blessings be upon him) mentions that the last two are not so easily 
appreciated "...being kind to their friends and maintaining good
 relations with those of your relatives with whom your kinship is 
established only through them . " 

Someone may say: what claim can my father’s friends have on me when our 
ways hardly meet? I may have nothing to do with them. Their way of 
thinking may be very different from mine. The Prophet (peace and 
blessings be upon him) emphasizes this point as an evidence of good 
upbringing, good personality and dutifulness. We lose nothing by 
treating our parents’ friends with respect and kindness. Indeed we gain a
 great deal as our reputation in our society is greatly enhanced.

Ibn `Umar, who is highly renowned as one of the best scholars among the 
Prophet’s Companions, was traveling with a group of people when he met a
 Bedouin who had been a friend of his father. The Bedouin asked him: 
"Are you not `Umar’s son?" He answered in the affirmative. Ibn `Umar 
then gave the Bedouin his own donkey and took his turban off his head 
and gave it to the man. Some of his companions remarked that a couple of
 dirhams (the silver coin of that time) would have been adequate,
 since Bedouins did not expect much.

Ibn `Umar 
told them that the Prophet said,

"Maintain your father’s friendly ties. Do
 not sever them lest Allah should put out your light." (Muslim)
Adil Salahi 
is the Religious Page editor of the Jeddah-based Arab News.



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Our Lord! grant us good in this world
and good in the hereafter,
and save us from the chastisement of the fire



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