Bismillahir Rahmanir 



 Alaikum wa 
Rahmatullahi wa Barkatuh!





Allah Subhanuhu
 wa Ta`ala says 
(interpretation of the meaning):

"And when My slaves ask you

(O Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)

concerning Me, then (answer them),

I am indeed near (to them by My Knowledge).

I respond to the invocations of the supplicant

when he calls on Me

(without any mediator or intercessor).

So let them obey Me and believe in Me,

so that they may be led aright."

(The Noble Qur'an: Surah 
#2, Ayah #186) 

We would like to share 

      some invocations from the Noble Qur'an. 
Since these invocations are mentioned 
in Qur'an
and are taught to us by
Allah Subhanuhu wa Ta`ala 
they are the best and perfect invocations. 






Dua for Sincere Repentance
and for
 the Relief from Distress



"Laa 'ilaaha illaa 'anta 
'in-nee kuntu minaz-zalimeen."

(Aye Allah!)
"Aapke siwa koi (Sachcha) Ma'abood nahi

Aapki Zaat Paak hay;
Beshaq main qusoorwaar hoon."
( The 
Noble Qur'an: Surah-21 ~ Ayah-87 ) 


"None has the right to be worshipped
You (O Allah)
 Glorified (and Exalted) be You; 

Truly, I have been of the wrongdoers."

  ( The 
Noble Qur'an: Surah-21 ~ Ayah-87 ) 



Yunus (Jonah/Jonas) (alayh as-Salaam) was distraught 

due to the refusal of his people in accepting the truth. 

Upset, Yunus (alayh as-Salaam) abandoned his people, 

while he was supposed to be persistent in sipte of initial failure.
 During a ship voyage, sailors thought he was a bad omen and threw 
him out of the ship.

Allah commanded a huge fish to swallow Yunus (alayh as-Salaam)
 without hurting him or breaking his bones. 

Yunus (alayh as-Salaam) realized that he had made a mistake 

by leaving his town and its people without the permission of Allah.
 This was why he was now imprisoned in this strange way
 in the belly of a fish in the depths of the ocean.

Upon realizing his error, he repented sincerely to Allah,
 and called out to his Lord in the following words:
 "Laa 'ilaaha illaa 'anta subhaanaka 'in-nee kuntu minaz-zalimeen"

(There is no God but You, Glorified be You! Truly, I have been of the 

Allah was so pleased with his repentance that 

He brought Yunus (alayh as-Salaam) out from the darkness of the 
fish's belly,
 and the fish threw Yunus (alayh as-Salaam) on a flat and plain 

In the verse following this supplication, Allah mentions that 

He responded and delivered Yunus (alayh as-Salaam) from the grief. 

This verse (21:88) also tells us that Allah will deliver the 
believers in a similar fashion 

(if they make sincere repentance and seek forgiveness).

Prophet Muhammad (Sall'Allahu alaihi wasallam) said, 
 a Muslim asks Allah (Subhanuhu wa Ta`ala) 
with the 
supplication of Prophet Yunus (alayh as-Salaam), 
he will be 
responded to". 
[Reported by Ahmed].

URL for Dua in Arabic & Urdu:



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