Assalamu Alaykum Wa RahmatullahWaBarakatuhu,
We are pleased to announce that by
the Mercy of Allah the site has been launched 
and is currently online. 
The site is aimed at explaining and
presenting Islam to both Muslims and non-Muslims, providing refutations to the
commonly brought-up allegations against Islam, as well as providing Da’wah
material specific to the beliefs of the major non-Muslim religions of the
Currently the site has a number of
articles and works, mostly from other online Muslim sources. We have a goal of
expanding beyond this sphere and into broader horizons. Thus, we are kindly
requesting for you to participate in our site in one of the following ways:
1.     Administration:
Uploading articles and other works
Formatting of articles and other works
Looking for more volunteers to help in our site. If you know of any
knowledgeable Muslims and/or local Aalims, this would be very beneficial.
Promoting the site by sending the URL to others through emails, posting it on
forums, blogs and other groups, etc.
2.     Review:
Review of the Islamic concepts presented in the works to be uploaded
Review and arranging of grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc of works to be
posted, depending on the strength of the person in either one of these fields.
3.     Research
you are confident in any one of the following topics:
Explaining and presenting Islam to Muslims and non Muslims
Refutations against allegations made by non Muslims against Islam
Knowledgeable and/or willing to learn in-depth about one of the following
religions for the purpose of bringing them to Islam: 
·         Christianity
·         Hinduism
·         Buddhism
·         Atheism/Agnosticism
·         Pseudo-Islamic
groups such as Shi’as, Ahmadis, etc.
·         Other
religions (Judaism, Sikhism, Confucianism, etc.)
Knowledgeable in one of the following fields:
·         Medicine
·         Physics
·         Economics
·         Political
·         Astronomy
·         History 
·         Sociology
·         Law
And/or any other fields that could be of use in
giving Da’wah to Islam, insofar as having expertise in such fields can help
Muslims and Non-Muslims understand Islam and provide the proper background
through which to refute those who wish to belittle Islam in any of the
specialties mentioned above (and any other specialties).
If you are not able to help our site by means of
research, administration, or review of the content of our site, then please
consider making a monetary contribution so that we may support the Islamic
propagation work that this site has taken on. You may read more about how your
donation will be used at
If you are interested in any of
these areas and would like to contribute to this Islamic propagation work
either through your effort, knowledge and time or through monetary funds, you
can email us at .
Please forward this message to your Muslim friends and acquaintances so that
Insha Allah they will also be able to contribute to this noble cause.
All reward is with Allah.
Wa Alaykum Salam wa Rahmatullah wa


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