Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem



Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa 





Allah Subhanuhu
 wa Ta`ala says 
(interpretation of the meaning):

"And when My slaves ask you

(O Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)

concerning Me, then (answer them),

I am indeed near (to them by My Knowledge).

I respond to the invocations of the supplicant

when he calls on Me

(without any mediator or intercessor).

So let them obey Me and believe in Me,

so that they may be led aright."

(The Noble Qur'an: Surah-
 2 *Al-Baqara* Ayah-186) 

We would like to share 

      some invocations from the Noble Qur'an. 
Since these invocations are mentioned 
in Qur'an
and are taught to us by
Allah Subhanuhu wa Ta`ala 
they are the best and perfect invocations. 






Du'a for the grant of the ability
 be grateful to Allah
for all His Bounties

Allah ki be-hisab Ni`amaton ka 
shukr ada 
karne ki taufeeq
talab karne ki Du'a


"Rabbi 'awzi'nee
'an 'ashkura ni'matakallatee
'an 'amta 'alayya wa 'ala waalidayya
wa 'an 'amala saalihan tarzaahu
wa'aslih lee fee zurriyyatee.
'Innee tubtu 'ilayka
wa-innee minal-muslimeen."

(The Noble Qur'an: Surah-46 
*Al-Ahqaf* Ayah-15)

      Interpretation of the meaning 

in Roman Urdu


"Aye mere Rabb!

Mujhe taufeeq inaayat kijiye ki main

Aap ki unn ni`amaton ka 

shukr adaa karoon

jo Aapne mujhe aur mere waldain ko

`ataa farma'in, 

aur aisa nek amal karoon

jiss se Aap raazi ho jaayein;

Aur meri aulad ko bhi nek bana kar

mujhe khushi dijiye.

Beshaq main Aapke huzoor mein
taubah karta hoon; 

Aur beshaq main Aapke 

Taaba farman bandon mein se hoon."

 of the meaning 

in English

"My Lord!

Grant me taufeeq (Your special help)

to thank You for all the Bounties
which You have Bestowed
upon me and my parents,
and (Help me) do deeds
that may win Your favour.
And make my offspring righteous as well.
Indeed, I seek Your Forgiveness;
And indeed I am one of the Muslims
(those who submit to Your Will). "

(The Noble Qur'an: 
*Al-Ahqaf* Ayah-15)




URL for Dua in Arabic & Urdu:

In Surah Al-Ahqaf, 
(Subhanuhu wa Ta`ala) teaches us 
 make this supplication. 
Allah (Subhanuhu wa Ta`ala) relates 
several preceding verses
about the characteristics of believers

 how they give thanks to Allah for His kindness. 
This supplication 
is particularly important 
as Allah says this supplication for people
 who reaches
physical and spiritual maturity by reaching age forty. 


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