Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem



Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa 





Allah Subhanuhu
 wa Ta`ala says 
(interpretation of the meaning):

"And when My slaves ask you

(O Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)

concerning Me, then (answer them),

I am indeed near (to them by My Knowledge).

I respond to the invocations of the supplicant

when he calls on Me

(without any mediator or intercessor).

So let them obey Me and believe in Me,

so that they may be led aright."

(The Noble Qur'an: Surah-
 2 *Al-Baqara* Ayah-186) 

We would like to share 

      some invocations from the Noble Qur'an. 
Since these invocations are mentioned 
in Qur'an
and are taught to us by
Allah Subhanuhu wa Ta`ala 
they are the best and perfect invocations. 






Du'a for the perfection of light 
 for the forgiveness

Takmeel-e-noor aur 
talab karne ki Du'a



Atmim lana noorana

waghfir lana

Innaka 'ala kulli shay-in qadir."

 Noble Qur'an: Surah-66 *At-Tahreem* Ayah-8)

      Interpretation of the meaning 

in Roman Urdu


"Aye Humare Rabb!

*Humara noor humare liye
mukammal farmaa dijiye*

[ise uss waqt tak bujhne na dijiye jab tak ki hum

Pul-Siraat se bakhairiyat na guzar jaayein];

Aur humaari maghfirat farmaaiye;

Aap Hi har cheez par Qudrat Rakhte Hain."

Interpretation of the meaning 

in English

"Our Lord!

*Perfect our light for us*

[and do not put it off till we cross over 
(a slippery bridge over the Hell) safely];

And grant us forgiveness;
for You Have the Power over all things."

(The Noble 
Qur'an: Surah-66 
*At-Tahreem* Ayah-8)



Du'a ki Urdu-Tafheem

Explanation of Du'a 
in English

*When this verse (Surah-66 *At-Tahreem* Ayah-8) is read 
along with verses 12-13 of Surah AI-Hadid, it becomes clear that the 
running on of the light before the believers will take place when they 
will be proceeding towards Paradise from the Plain of Resurrection. 
There it will be pitch dark alI around and those who will have been 
condenmed to Hell, will be groping; about in it; the light will only be 
with the believers by which they will be travelling on their way. 

 this critical occasion, hearing the wailings and groanings of those 
groping in the dark the believers will be feeling terror-stricken. In 
view of their past errors and short-comings they will be afraid lest 
they too should be deprived of their light and made to grope about like 
those-wretched people. 

Therefore, they will pray: "O our Lord, forgive us our sins and Iet our light
 remain with us until we reach Paradise." 

Ibn Jarir 
has cited Hadrat Abdullah bin 'Abbas® as explaining the meaning of 
Rabbana-atimim lana noorana thus They will implore AIIah AI-mighty that their 
be allowed to remain with them and kept from going out until they have 
crossed the bridge across Hell."

The commentary given 
by Hadrat Hasan Basri®, Mujahid® and Dahhak® also is almost the same. Ibn 
Kathir® has cited their this saying: "When the believers see that the 
hypocrites have
 been deprived of the light, they will pray to Allah for the perfection 
of their light." 

(For further explanation, see E.N. 
17 of Surah Al Hadid).

URL for Dua in Arabic & Urdu and Urdu-Tafheem:

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