Assalaamu`Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu

Israel rejects its reflection in world mirror  / Tobias Buck in Jerusalem
Like patients contemplating the eponymous inkblot pictures, Israelis and 
nonIsraelis see the same images, but often perceive different things. "From an 
Israeli viewpoint, the image that is seared into Israeli minds is that of 
soldiers being beaten and attacked with knives. For a European, the central 
event is that nine people were killed," says Prof Wolfsfeld. "Both sides are 
building different stories based on their assumptions of who is the aggressor 
and who is the victim." ... The backdrop to the controversy is also important, 
particularly the differing views of Gaza, the Hamas-ruled Palestinian 
territory. "One of the things that Israelis don't understand is the outrage in 
the entire world against the blockade of Gaza in general," says Prof Fuchs. 
"Here, Gaza is perceived as a terrorist state. Israelis feel they want to 
destroy the state of Israel. Therefore, whatever means are taken to get rid of 
Hamas are acceptable means."
Activism / Solidarity / Boycott, Divestment & Sanction

Video interview: Mairead Corrigan, Nobel Peace Laureate, defies Gaza blockade
Irish Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Mairead Corrigan, who is among the 11 
passengers on the MV Rachel Corrie, the Gaza-bound Irish aid ship that Israel 
has vowed to block from breaching the blockade, told the AP today [Fri] that 
the group would not offer resistance if the Israeli military tried to take over 
the vessel. "We will sit down," Corrie said in a telephone interview with the 
AP. "They will probably arrest us ... But there will be no resistance." 
Corrigan also told the AP that she has faith that Israel will allow the boat 

Irish group condemns ship 'hijacking' (AFP)
Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign slams military takeover of aid ship en 
route to Gaza, says passengers were 'hijacked' by IDF,7340,L-3899296,00.html
PNI chief dedicates protests to flotilla dead
Palestinian National Initiative Secretary-General Mustafa Barghouthi called the 
West Bank-wide dedication of protest rallies to the Mavi Marmara dead an 
indication of national unity when he addressed a protest Friday.  “All of the 
weekly rallies that are carried in all of the villages; Bil'in, Ni'lin, 
Al-Ma'sara, Jurat Ash-Sham’ah, Iraq Burin and along road 443 were dedicated to 
the denunciation of the Israeli massacre aboard the ships of the Freedom 
Flotilla," Barghouthi told protesters in Bil'in.

Israeli-Swedish activist to sue over flotilla attack
Israeli-Swedish peace activist and artist Dror Feiler will file suit against 
Israel, following its fatal attack of a civilian aid boat intercepted in 
international waters, for assault and false imprisonment, he said Saturday.
Turkish migrants lead pro-Gaza demonstration in Germany
(dpa) More than 5000 demonstrators wave banners saying, 'Palestinians have the 
right to exist,' and 'Israel kills civilians' in Duisburg ... A similar 
protest, with 1,000 people, both Palestinians and Turks, taking part, was held 
in the nearby city of Dusseldorf.
Leftists march in Tel Aviv
Thousands of leftists rally in Tel Aviv to mark '43 years of occupation,' 
condemn lethal takeover of Gaza-bound ship; protestors hold up signs reading 
'government sinking all of us',7340,L-3899354,00.html
Vietnam postpones Peres visit after raid
Hanoi officials ask president to reschedule next week's planned visit following 
worldwide criticism against Israel over deadly takeover of Gaza-bound flotilla,7340,L-3899282,00.html
Hollow victory
The "Rachel Corrie" affair will figure prominently in tonight's Tel Aviv peace 
march. The boat takeover is a hollow victory. Protesters will call for an end 
to the Gaza siege and the 43-year old occupation. In the midst of a noisy 
campaign of praise for the naval commandos who "fought like lions" our deep 
respect goes to the small group of peace activists on board the "Rachel 
Corrie", who went on sailing, unarmed and undaunted, and who now find 
themselves in captivity for the crime of sailing aid to the people of Gaza" 
says Adam Keller, spokesperson for Gush Shalom, one of the groups organizing 
this evening's Tel Aviv march. [Keller is an outspoken advocate of nonviolence, 
but this statement plays into Israeli propaganda that the Turks were 
'Islamists' who had planned violent resistance]
Protests flare across Egypt against Gaza blockade (Reuters)
Egypt (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of people across Egypt protested against 
Israel's Gaza blockade on Friday, chanting pro-Hamas slogans in a sign of 
mounting rancour in the first Arab country to make peace with the Jewish state. 
About 20,000 protesters gathered in the port city of Alexandria, waving 
Egyptian, Turkish and Palestinian flags in response to Israel's raid on an aid 
ship bound for Gaza. The protest, organized by Egypt's most powerful opposition 
group, the Muslim Brotherhood, was unusual in a country where public 
demonstrations are often swiftly suppressed.
Thousands demonstrate across Arab world against Israel's raid on Gaza flotilla
Largest demonstration took place in Alexandria, Egypt, where 15,000 people 
called for cutting ties with Israel, closing Israeli embassies across Arab 
Egyptian convoy heading to Gaza Monday
Egyptian Legislator, Dr. Hazim Farouq, stated Friday that an Egyptian 
humanitarian convoy will be heading to the Gaza Strip this coming Monday 
carrying construction materials.
Jordanian aid convoy on way to Gaza
Six truckloads of medical equipment and food are en route to Gaza, donated by 
Jordan, Jordanian media reported.  Prince Rashid bin Al-Hassan said medical 
supplies for the Jordanian Hospital in Gaza were included in the aid convoy, 
where major and minor surgeries are carried out, as well as the training of 
medical staff in the coastal enclave.
Video: See the racist hate in today's Israel / Helena Cobban
The present era in Israel is one in many members of the Jewish majority are 
expressing anti-Arab race-hate more openly and more frequently than ever 
before. But there are also courageous Israelis-- Jewish and Palestinian-- who 
try to counter this trend. See this film clip shot by Ashira Ramdan, who went 
with a group of Israeli leftists to mount a counter-protest against an extreme 
nationalist gathering in Ashdod [where the ships were being brought on Monday]. 
Ashira is amazing there: Calm, courageous, principled. Her assailants-- not so, 
at all.
Quebec court mulls Palestinian villagers' appeal
Quebec's highest court will review the case of Palestinian villagers in the 
West Bank who are trying to sue two Canadian companies under advisement. That 
doesn't necessarily mean that it will actually hear the case. Palestinian 
residents of Bilin are seeking to sue the companies — Green Park International 
Inc. and Green Mountain International — for allegedly violating international 
law by building condominiums for Israeli settlers in the area.
Klaxons and Gorillaz Sound System cancel Israeli shows, apparently due to Gaza 
flotilla raid
Concert producer 'troubled' by the groups' decision to cancel despite numerous 
attempts to convince them to still come.

Siege / Blockade
Israel closes crossings; no move to lift siege
Israeli crossings officials announced the closure of the Gaza crossing points 
on Friday, indicating the continuation of a siege-policy of closing the goods 
terminals at least two days a week. Little effort appears to have been made to 
follow up on calls by the international community to lift the siege on Gaza, 
even as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the press in the wake of 
the armed takeover of aid ships bringing supplies to the coastal enclave that 
"any goods, any humanitarian aid to Gaza, can enter. What we want to prevent is 
their ability to bring in war materiel."
Even with the aid that was confiscated from the overpowered vessels from the 
Freedom Flotilla - some 10,000 tons according to organizers - Israeli officials 
made a single attempt to deliver 20 truckloads of the goods, that Hamas 
officials in the area said were broken with parts missing. Officials refused to 
receive what they called the pirated supplies, particularly when the volunteers 
who carried it to the eastern Mediterranean remained in Israeli prisons at the 
Israel eyes int'l force for Gaza blockade - TV
JERUSALEM, June 3 (Reuters) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has proposed 
easing Israel's blockade of Gaza by means of an international force that could 
monitor the territory's ports, an Israeli television station said on Thursday. 
Government officials had no immediate comment on the report on Channel 2 
television that he had raised the idea in talks with international Middle East 
envoy Tony Blair. Netanyahu was to meet his senior cabinet ministers later on 
As Irish aid ship heads to Gaza, local economy plods on (TIME)
...Every day, a long line of Palestinians queues outside the USAID distribution 
center in Beit Lahiya, north of Gaza City. Thursday was the turn of families 
with nine or more children; they have been issued with the relevant papers, 
allowing them to collect 3 kg of salt, 12 kg of sugar, 12 kg of beans, 16 L of 
olive oil and four 50-kg sacks of wheat flour. After 40 days, they will return 
for more. "The proportion of the population dependent on aid has risen to 80%, 
the number of the poorest of the poor has risen from 100,000 to 300,000 in the 
past year alone, and unemployment has reached 44%," says Chris Gunness, 
spokesman for UNRWA, the U.N. body that has been assisting Palestinian refugees 
since 1949. "How can anyone say there isn't a humanitarian crisis?"
Blair says Gaza trade forced into tunnel industry
Gaza's business and commercial sectors are not allowed to act legitimately as a 
result of Israel's siege on the coastal enclave, the The Quartet's Middle East 
envoy, Tony Blair, reportedly said Saturday.
Israel arrests Free Gaza chief Huwaida Arraf
Israeli forces arrested the chairwoman of the Gaza-bound Freedom Flotilla at 
Friday's demonstration in Bil'in, near the West Bank city of Ramallah, 
supporters said. Huwaida Arraf, a Palestinian-American from Michigan, is a 
human rights activist who was on board the aid flotilla that came under attack 
Monday, in a raid that left nine dead. Activists said two anti-wall protesters 
were also detained, one Palestinian and one Israeli. An Israeli police 
spokesman said three foreign nationals were detained at the rally.
The MV Rachel Corrie
Gaza-bound ship Rachel Corrie enters Israeli port
[with two Israeli videos] The Gaza-bound aid ship "Rachel Corrie" arrived 
Saturday at the Israeli port city of Ashdod after Israel Defense Forces 
soldiers boarded the ship peacefully and escorted it into Israeli territory. 
The move came after warnings that Israel would not allow the vessel to reach 
Gaza, which is under blockade by Israel ... The Cambodian-flagged Rachel Corrie 
- named for an American college student who was crushed to death by an IDF 
bulldozer in 2003 while protesting Israeli house demolitions in Gaza - was 
carrying hundreds of tons of aid, including wheelchairs, medical supplies and 
cement ... Netanyahu has instructed the Israeli military to avoid harming the 
passengers on board the Irish boat, a participant at Thursday night's Cabinet 
meeting said. He spoke on condition of anonymity because the meeting was closed.
Israeli military stops aid boat to Gaza - again / FGM
The Corrie carried 11 passengers and 9 crew from 5 different countires, mostly 
Ireland and Malaysia. The passengers included Nobel Peace Prize laureate 
Mairead Maguire, Parit Member of the Malaysian Parliament Mohd Nizar Zakaria, 
and former UN Assistant Secretary General, Denis Halliday ... The 1200-ton 
cargo ship was purchased through a special fund set up by former Malaysian 
Prime Minister and Perdana Global Peace Organisation (PGPO) chairman Tun Dr. 
Mahathir Mohamad... The attack on the Rachel Corrie may spell trouble for 
Israel's relationship with Ireland. The Irish government had formally requested 
Israel allow the ship to reach Gaza. On 1 June, the Irish parliament also 
passed an all-party motion condemning Israel's use of military force against 
civilian aid ships, and demanding "an end to the illegal Israeli blockade of 
Free Gaza Movement videos
Police to allow activists back on ship
The police said passengers of the Rachel Corrie ship will be allowed to return 
onboard after its cargo is unloaded, and will be escorted by Navy ships outside 
of Israel's territorial waters. Police noted the activists' status was 
different than that of those on board the Marmara ship, because they did not 
resist IDF actions and reached an understanding with the forces.,7340,L-3899323,00.html
Rachel Corris activists to be taken to Immigration Authority facility
The activists detained on board the Rachel Corrie ship will be interrogated and 
later taken to an Immigration Authority facility in Holon, near Tel Aviv. (End),7340,L-3899338,00.html
Who is Rachel Corrie? (TIME)
[includes 2003 video interview with Rachel] Rachel Corrie was a 23-year-old 
American from Olympia, Wash., who was crushed to death by an Israeli Army 
bulldozer March 16, 2003. Corrie was in the Gaza Strip, working with the 
International Solidarity Movement, which opposes Israel’s occupation of the 
West Bank and Gaza Strip, and living among Palestinians whose homes were being 
demolished. She was kneeling [NO, standing] in front of a home, acting as a 
human shield, when she was bulldozed.
More ships coming
The Jewish boat to Gaza is sailing soon / The Other Israel
Press release, June 4, 2010 - In a harbour in the Mediterranean (we're not yet 
disclosing which one) a small vessel is waiting for a special mission. She will 
be sailing to Gaza. In order to avoid sabotage, the exact date and name of the 
port of departure will be announced only shortly before her launch.
Lebanon: Palestinian organizations to send ship from Beirut to Gaza (AFP)
Palestinian organizations are raising funds to send a ship from Beirut to the 
Gaza Strip, in an effort to break the blockade. According to the organizations, 
the ship is slated to leave Lebanon next weekend, with European activists, 
journalists and humanitarian supply on board.,7340,L-3899330,00.html
Gaza Flotilla - Witness testimony and the propaganda war
In Memoriam
Remembering the dead and the Rachel Corrie's mission / Paul Woodward
[with photos of each of the men killed] Humanitarian aid workers, a 
firefighter, a politician, a taekwondo champion, a photojournalist, a student 
who hoped to become a doctor -- nine Turkish men, mostly fathers who leave 
behind children and wives. Even while their deaths are at the center of an 
international crisis that is rocking the state of Israel, these individual 
lives lost have scarcely gained attention — firstly because the Israeli 
government resisted revealing any information about who died and in what 
circumstances, and then, while maintaining a stranglehold on the facts, 
Israel’s propaganda machine has worked furiously to portray the victims as 
Gaza flotilla activists were shot in head at close range (Guardian)
Exclusive:  Nine Turkish men on board the Mavi Marmara were shot a total of 30 
times and five were killed by gunshot wounds to the head, according to the 
vice-chairman of the Turkish council of forensic medicine, which carried out 
the autopsies for the Turkish ministry of justice today.The results revealed 
that a 60-year-old man, Ibrahim Bilgen, was shot four times in the temple, 
chest, hip and back. A 19-year-old, named as Fulkan Dogan, who also has US 
citizenship, was shot five times from less that 45cm, in the face, in the back 
of the head, twice in the leg and once in the back. Two other men were shot 
four times, and five of the victims were shot either in the back of the head or 
in the back, said Yalcin Buyuk, vice-chairman of the council of forensic 
'Terror' smear against IHH springs from a familiar source / Marsha B. Cohen
The IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) has backed down from the claim that forty 
activists in the Gaza flotilla, who had resisted the ship's interception by 
Israeli commandos in international waters on Monday, are "al Qaeda 
mercenaries."  Some participants in the Gaza convoy are members of ... IHH, a 
Turkish non-governmental organizaion (NGO) established in the early 1990s.   
Its mission is to provide humanitarian relief in regions of conflict or that 
have experienced natural disasters ... [In November 2001] Sharon came away 
[from the White House] not only with the inclusion of Israel in the frontline 
of the "war against terror," but the unprecedented American affirmation of 
Israel's right to act both defensively and proactively in dealing with 
terrorists--a right that has gone almost unchallenged for nearly nine years. 
"Link to terror" became an elixir, believed to possess the almost magical 
property of being able to  immunize  Israeli policies from criticism.
Netanyahu: Today we saw difference between peace sail, hate sail
PM Benjamin Netanyahu said following the peaceful takeover of the Gaza-bound 
Rachel Corrie, "Today we saw the difference between a sail of peace activists, 
with whom we don't agree but honor their right to express a different opinion, 
and a hate sail organized by terrorism-supporting violent extremists." He 
clarified that "in both sails the State of Israel used the exact same procedure 
to enforce the marine blockade, to prevent the smuggling of weapons to Hamas 
and to allow civilian goods to enter Gaza after being checked.",7340,L-3899285,00.html
Likud: Saturday's quiet takeover proves Marmara sought clash
Knesset Member Ofir Akonis (Likud) said that the quiet takeover of the 
Irish-owned Rachel Corrie vessel sharpens the difference between "this sail and 
the Marmara's terror sail, and proves to the world that the terrorist 
passengers sought in an intentional clash.",7340,L-3899279,00.html
Flotilla raid diary: 'A man is shot. I am seeing it happen' / Henning Mankell
The prize-winning writer and creator of Wallander was among those on board the 
Gaza flotilla. Here he shares his private diary of the events leading to his 
capture. ...It takes exactly an hour for the speeding black rubber dinghies 
with the masked soldiers to reach us and start to board. We gather, up on the 
bridge. The soldiers are impatient and want us down on deck. Someone who is 
going too slowly immediately gets a stun device fired into his arm. He falls. 
Another man who is not moving fast enough is shot with a rubber bullet. I 
think: I am seeing this happen right beside me. It is an absolute reality. 
People who have done nothing being driven like animals, being punished for 
their slowness.
Maine video producer recounts Gaza flotilla ordeal
PORTLAND, Maine – A Maine video producer recalled hearing shots amid the chaos 
that broke out as Israeli troops raided the aid flotilla he was on that was 
attempting to break Israel's blockade of Gaza ... In a phone interview with The 
Associated Press, Hamann said troops that landed on the boat he was on fired 
high-powered paintball guns and threw a "stun grenade" that hit him on the foot 
before exploding behind him. People aboard the flotilla expected a 
confrontation, but not a deadly one, he said. As soon as we heard the real guns 
going off, that's when we knew things were different than what we thought 
they'd be," he said.
Gaza flotilla: protesters' story / Emine Saner
They have been shot at, imprisoned, deported and threatened – what makes 
somebody prepared to risk their lives to go into the occupied territories? ... 
[Ewa Jasiewicz] saw Israeli soldiers mount a raid on the Mavi Marmara, killing 
at least nine activists and wounding many more, before soldiers came after her 
boat. "Our engines failed and we stopped," she says. "[The Israeli soldiers] 
were incredibly aggressive. They were saying 'fuck you, fucking bitch, I'll 
kill you'."
Flotilla seizure in media
Flotilla raid goes viral as Israel floods YouTube
JERUSALEM (AFP) – Israel may have lost the initial PR battle over its deadly 
raid on a Gaza-bound aid ship [really? Not in the US - its version is all most 
Americans have seen/heard], but it is fighting back with a barrage of video 
clips in a bid to prove activists initiated the violence. Days after the 
botched attack which killed nine Turks, the fight over what exactly happened on 
board the ferry is still raging on YouTube, with both sides posting more and 
more clips on the video-sharing website to support their case.
IDF video shows flotilla passengers tell Israeli navy to 'go back to Auschwitz'
Army releases audio recording of exchange between Israel Navy ships and 
passengers on the Mavi Marmara, the central ship of a Gaza aid flotilla raided 
by Israel on Monday ... The release of the recording is another step taken by 
the Israel Defense Forces to solidify the claim that the passengers of the Mavi 
Marmara were determined to attack the soldiers who boarded the deck.
Israel accused of fabricating flotilla video
The Israeli army released video footage Monday of the navy radioing the Turkish 
vessel Mavi Marmara prior to the raid that took place in international waters 
and left at least nine activists dead. But on Friday, it released a new version 
of the same footage — one that it says proves its claims that many aboard were 
religious extremists — but that some say has been very obviously tampered with 
... In the first video released in the immediate aftermath of the violent raid, 
a soldier says, "Mavi Marmara, you are approaching an area of hostility which 
is under a naval blockade." There is no recorded response ... But an updated 
version, released five days later, includes three alleged responses from 
passengers who, according to the video, were supposedly on board the Mavi 
Marmara. This new clip shows only a still of the soldier who appears in the 
first footage.  The soldier, who is not named, does not address the Mavi 
Marmara as he did in the video released Monday. Instead, he says, "This is the 
Israeli navy; you are approaching an area which is under a naval blockade." A 
man with an odd, indistinct accent responds, "Shut up. Go back to Aushwitz." 
Exhausting ourselves to death / Israel Harel
...the [Israeli] public, who no one bothered to tell that a demonstration by a 
few hundred Arabs in New York was a failure and certainly did not express the 
public sentiment in the United States, continued to be worn out. Television 
news presenters Yonit Levy and Yaakov Eilon, who were highly disturbed by the 
fact that their colleagues in New York and Washington were angry, broadcast the 
criticism time after time, because after all it is the public’s “right to 
know.”  At the same time, not a word was said about the supportive attitude of 
TV stations that are viewed by tens of millions of Americans ? true, they are 
not the majority on the campuses nor the majority of the readers of The New 
York Times ? where the anchors and viewers actually love Israel, respect it for 
not bowing to terror and for constituting, even if not by choice, the front 
line of western civilization.
The flotilla in the Israeli press / Ron HaCohen
Not many atrocities can be less controversial than Israel’s attack on the 
Turkish-based flotilla ... In any normal place, you would expect masses to take 
to the streets and protest. Indeed, precisely this happened all over the globe. 
Not in Israel. A few hundred people did demonstrate in Tel Aviv and in several 
other towns, but then again a few hundred gathered to throw eggs at the Turkish 
embassy. On the internal front, the Israeli government has nothing to worry 
about. How is this consensus achieved? How can you turn millions of fairly 
educated citizens into silent lambs, or worse, into supporters of their own 
state’s terrorism? If we concentrate on the short term, leaving aside, for the 
sake of brevity, decades of indoctrination, one can spot a few themes in the 
Israeli propaganda, which emerged during the first hours after the incident.
Beyond the Gaza flotilla attack - what needs to be done / Alan Sabrosky
The opening moves in the reaction to the Israeli interception of the first wave 
of the Gaza flotilla have now been made. Israel visibly underestimated the 
international response to its attack and the casualties it inflicted. 
Widespread condemnation ensued almost everywhere, many Americans became aware 
for the first time that something was seriously amiss in that part of the 
world, and attempts were made to bring both the UN and NATO into play. But 
Israel also understood clearly that no matter what it did to whom, or how the 
rest of the world reacted, its dominance of the mainstream media (MSM) in the 
US and its lock on the US Government (USG) assured that its view of the event 
would be the one most Americans received. More importantly, it could count on 
the USG to refrain from joining in the general condemnation
More reactions to the flotilla attack

Jews should leave Palestine and return to Europe, top US journalist says
White House reporter Helen Thomas also slams Obama administration for not 
condemning 'deliberate Gaza flotilla massacre.' -- Israeli Jews should get out 
of Palestine and  go back "home," to Germany and Poland, senior White House 
Press Corps member Helen Thomas was taped as saying earlier this week, bringing 
calls for her resignation by Jewish organization B'nai B'rith. In a recently 
uploaded Youtube video, Thomas can be heard saying that Israel "should get the 
hell out of Palestine," adding that the land was Palestinian, "not German, it's 
not Polish."

Fadlallah raps 'tepid' Arab response to flotilla raid
BEIRUT: Arab responses to the Gaza Freedom Flotilla massacre have been more 
disappointing than the Western reactions, according to Sayyed Mohammad Hussein 
Fadlallah. During Friday prayers, the senior Shiite cleric said that “while we 
weren’t surprised by the Western complicity with [Israel], we are more 
disappointed by the tepid response by Arab states, and the Arab League, which 
has come to resemble the League of Arab Contradictions.”
UK: 'Israel went beyond what was warranted or proportionate'
UK Foreign Secretary William Hague addressed the House of Commons Friday 
afternoon and gave a strong statement on the issue of the Gaza flotilla. He has 
also stressed the need for the end of restrictions on Gaza to allow for the 
entry of humanitarian aid. In his address to the Commons the Foreign Secretary 
outlined his support for an independent inquiry into the incident stating that 
the UK would "stress to the Israeli Government the need for it to act with 
restraint and in line with its international obligations, given that its 
actions appear to have gone beyond what was warranted or proportionate. "We 
need to know whether more could have been done to minimise the risks or to 
reduce the number of deaths and injuries."
Economist: Israel shoots first, asks questions later
The Economist slammed Israel for its raid on a flotilla bound for Gaza, saying 
the state's government propagates a "siege mentality" in an article to be 
printed Sunday.,7340,L-3899167,00.html
Sayyed Nasrallah: Unite to back Turkey, Egypt; take part in Freedom Flotilla 2
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Nasrallah on Friday stressed unity of Arabs 
and Muslims to stand by Egypt and Turkey to prevent Israel and the US from 
pressuring them. His eminence called for more participation in the Freedom 
flotilla 2 which he said will be the door to end the siege of Gaza.
Opinion / Analysis
The myth of Israeli strategic genius / Michael Desch
The botched Israeli naval commando raid on the Gaza Freedom flotilla has a lot 
of people scratching their heads. How could Israel have made such an 
ill-advised decision to try to storm the ship the Mavi Marmara with 600 peace 
activists on board, which in the best of circumstances could only have ended in 
a public relations disaster? Once it did make that decision, why did members of 
the much vaunted Israel Defense Forces naval commandos Shayetet 13 conduct the 
assault itself in such an inept fashion virtually guaranteeing their 
humiliation and the loss of life? These questions are only puzzling because 
most of us have bought the myth that the Jewish state has an unbroken record of 
strategic brilliance and military success going back at least to 1948.
Israel's commando complex / Doron Rosenblum
Recently an intelligence official actually called the absence of Palestinian 
terror a 'propaganda problem.' -- It’s impossible to understand or explain 
Israel’s passive-aggressive responses to the “flotilla crisis” without 
reference to the ground from which its current leaders emerged. Both the prime 
minister and the defense minister are dyed-in-the-wool “creatures of military 
operations.” Both were steeped in the instant-heroism mentality and the 
commando spirit ? the ethos in which a military force shows up at the height of 
a crisis like a deus ex machina and in a single stroke slices through the 
Gordian knot.
Israeli commando raid is a gift to Hamas / Patrick Martin, Jerusalem
No one could have predicted the fallout from this week's flotilla fiasco -- 
Israel's ill-fated boarding operation of the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara has 
become a nightmare for the government of Benjamin Netanyahu, but a dream come 
true for the leaders of Hamas ... Israeli efforts to wear down the group, 
through large-scale bombardment a year-and-a-half ago, through a virtual siege 
the past three years and through the imprisonment of thousands of Hamas 
members, have failed. Now, with the events of this week, the Islamic Resistance 
Movement (its full name) appears stronger than ever. Israel's hopes of 
isolating Gaza from the West Bank Palestinian Authority led by Mahmoud Abbas 
have also been dashed, as Palestinians throughout the West Bank embrace Gaza 
once again.
Kill a Turk and rest / Uri Avnery
The “Exodus” affair was repeated, but with a change of roles. Now we are the 
British ... This is Chapter 2 of “Cast Lead”. Then we aroused most countries in 
the world against us, shocked our few friends and gladdened our enemies. Now we 
have done it again, and perhaps with even greater success. World public opinion 
is turning against us. This is a slow process. It resembles the accumulation of 
water behind a dam. The water rises slowly, quietly, and the change is hardly 
noticeable. But when it reaches a critical level, the dam bursts and the 
disaster is upon us. We are steadily approaching this point.
Martin Rowson cartoon on the Gaza flotilla attack
Bible stories retold: Israel defends intensity of military force after autopsy 
results reveal total of 30 bullets in bodies of nine protesters
A new approach to Gaza / Giora Eiland
...Since the Hamas victory in the 2006 elections, and more so since it took 
over Gaza in 2007, Israel’s policy insists on shunning the group. We argue that 
its rule is illegitimate, we’re angry at anyone who talks to it, and we 
confront anyone who suggests a different approach. Yet is this necessarily the 
proper policy?,7340,L-3897639,00.html
With 'linkage', Turkey and Brazil can end the siege of Gaza / Robert Naiman
...Yesterday, US officials set a deadline of June 21 for Security Council 
action on a new sanctions resolution. Of course, it's not up to the US to 
unilaterally set deadlines for Security Council action, but this deadline gives 
Turkey and Brazil an opening. Suppose Turkish and Brazilian diplomats were now 
to say: we demand effective Security Council action to end the siege on Gaza by 
June 20. Do you think U.S. diplomats would get the message? I think they would. 
Now, of course this begs the question of whether Turkey and Brazil have the 
capacity to back up this implied threat: can Turkey and Brazil delay a 
sanctions resolution?
Glenn Beck's Israel problem / MJ Rosenberg
[American] progressives oppose Israeli policies that would almost inevitably 
lead to Israel's dissolution ... Netanyahu's choice of confrontation over 
negotiating the end of the occupation appears suicidal. But that is the policy 
supported by right-wingers like Beck. They don't admire Israel because of its 
intrinsic qualities but because they view it as fighting the good fight against 
the people they most despise: Arabs and Muslims. They will happily fight to the 
last Israeli in a struggle they view as part of the "War on Terror." If Israel 
is sacrificed in the name of that goal, so what? There are more important 
things to the right than the survival of one little Jewish country -- like 
fighting Islam.
National Public Radio gives platform to two Muslims to say end the special 
relationship / Philip Weiss
An unusual moment on NPR tonight that I read hopefully, as a sign of 
perestroika ... Siegel had on two Muslim writers to talk about Obama's Cairo 
speech a year ago, Reza Aslan of the Daily Beast and Egyptian novelist Ahdaf 
Suweif. Both of them said nothing had happened in a year. Both went off on 
Obama's Israel/Palestine policy, Aslan said that Obama was behaving like George 
Bush, and Suweif said that the United States had to break the special 
relationship with Israel. It was a wonderful thing that NPR had two Muslims on 
to trash Obama about Israel/Palestine. It was as if NPR recognizes how 
unbalanced its coverage is. Though Suweif had said that "for some reason" Obama 
was unable to deliver on his Cairo promises. NPR knows why, Siegel knows why. 
When will they say?
Norway supports Palestinian economy / Lars-Kare Legernes
Some weeks ago I was in the West Bank. During that visit I saw with my own eyes 
the fact that Israel does not want peace with Palestine ... During my visit I 
saw shoe factories and olive oil presses, I met Palestinian businessmen who, 
just like me, want to have a decent life for themselves and their families. I 
discovered that life under military occupation does not offer many 
opportunities for a decent life, however. From permission to import, export, 
travel, move and order goods, excessive inspections, increased tariffs for 
passage and documentation for official to even a hard time getting paid for 
products because the money was coming to Palestinians.
I too did not speak out / Yossi Sarid
In Israel too, it is merely a matter of time until they reach me, and you as 
well. Just as German pastor Martin Niemoller said about the Nazi period 
...After that they began to lash out at the country’s Arabs and other 
minorities, saying they were a Trojan horse; that evil would come forth from 
their bellies and their wombs. It is an act of kindness to discriminate against 
them and their children for generations to come, and it is obligatory to make 
their equality conditional on an oath of allegiance. Until they swear 
allegiance and implore, they will be conditional citizens and whenever possible 
will be put to the test. Even the most faithful of the faithful will not return 
to their homes in Biram and Ikrit, as they had been promised. But I did not 
speak out because I was not an Arab and not a refugee.
Twilight Zone: A friend in need / Gideon Levy
Mario Vargas Llosa, the renowned Peruvian writer, is trying to sustain his love 
for Israel, no matter what -- ...What do you think about the IDF operation this 
week? "It was a terrible thing for the victims of course, but also for Israel's 
image. It's very surprising how Israel manages to help its enemies so 
systematically ... And the blockade of Gaza? "The blockade is the source of the 
problem. The invasion of Gaza was a mistake, too. Israel gained nothing from it.
Legal expert: Israel flouted international law with flotilla raid
...The Daily Star spoke with renowned international law expert Marcelo Kohen to 
shed some light on the intricacies of the case. Kohen – both a professor at the 
Geneva Graduate Institute and a defense counsel regularly involved in cases at 
the International Court of Justice – is adamant Israel has flouted the law, but 
he is skeptical at the probability the state will be held to accountability by 
existing legal mechanisms.
UN special committee on Israel, refugees visits region
...The special committee was established in December 1968 by the UN General 
Assembly to examine the human rights situation across the occupied territories. 
These include the occupied Syrian Arab Golan, the West Bank, including East 
Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. Since its establishment, the government of 
Israel has failed to accommodate requests by the committee to visit the 
occupied territories. As a result, the committee conducts an annual visit to 
the neighboring countries of Egypt and Jordan in order to gather information 
from witnesses with first-hand experience of the human rights situation in the 
occupied territories.
U.S., U.K., other world news
UK drafts new law over international jurisdiction
UK Foreign Secretary William Hague announced quick steps being taken by the new 
coalition government toward changing the law on universal jurisdiction, the 
official said Wednesday during the Queen's debate on 26 May. The current law, 
based on the 1988 Criminal Justice Act grants universal jurisdiction on war 
crimes cases to courts in England and Wales, but came under review following a 
near arrest of former Israeli Foreign Minister Tipzi Livni, who was in office 
during the country's 2008-9 winter war on Gaza. The government's move is an 
attempt to pre-emptively block any situation that might lead to the arrest of 
an Israeli government minister. "We cannot have a situation where Israeli 
politicians feel that they cannot enter this country", Hague said.
Obama's agenda, Israel's ambitions often at odds / Scott Wilson
Since its creation more than six decades ago, the state of Israel has been at 
times a vexing ally to the United States. But it poses a special challenge for 
President Obama, whose foreign policy emphasizes the importance of 
international rules and organizations that successive Israeli governments have 
clashed with and often ignored.
Obama's stature among Muslims slips over Israeli-Palestinian standoff
A year after Barack Obama's famous Cairo speech, failure to make headway in 
resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has become a focal point for 
disappointment among Muslims. Sixty percent of Arabs say he's too weak to 
deliver a peace agreement.

It was narrated that 'Umar Ibn Kattab, radhiallaahu 'anhu said: "I heard the 
Messenger of Allaah, Sall Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallaam say, 'The Jews will fight 
you and you will prevail over them, then a rock will say, "O Muslim, here is a 
Jew behind me, (come and) kill him."" (Narrated by Al-Bukhaari, #3593). 
It was also narrated from Umar Ibn Kattab, radhiallaahu 'anhu that the 
Messenger of Allaah Sall Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallaam said. "The Jews will fight 
you and you will prevail over them until a rock will say, "O Muslim, here is a 
Jew behind me, (come and) kill him."" (Narrated by Ahmad and al-Tirmidhi, who 
said, this is a saheeh hasan hadeeth). 

And it was narrated that 'Umar Ibn Kattab, radhiallaahu`anhu said: "I heard the 
Messenger of Allaah Sall Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallaam say: ‘The Dajjaal will come 
down to this pond at Marriqanaat (a valley near Madeenah), and most of those 
who go out to follow him will be women, such that a man will go back to his 
wife, mother, daughter, sister or (paternal) aunt and will tie them up lest 
they go out to join him. Then Allaah will grant the Muslims victory over him, 
and they will kill him and his party, until a Jew will hide beneath a tree or a 
rock, and the tree or rock will say, 'Here a Jew beneath me, (come and) kill 
him.'" (Narrated by Ahmad in his Musnad). This was also narrated by Ibn Maajah 
from Aboo Umaamah Al-Baahili from the Prophet Sall Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallaam 
concerning the Dajjaal. 

And Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala is the Source of strength.  


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