Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

As Salaamu Alaykum wa 
Rahmatullahi wa 

 Al Qur'anic
 Mail [The Best Guide 

Allah is 

for Providing Sustenance


 Surah Hud : Ayah 6]



"There is not a single moving creature on 
the earth but Allah is responsible for providing its sustenance. He 
knows where it dwells and where it will permanently rest.* All this is 
recorded in a clear Book."


*Allah is, on the one hand, All-Knowing. He knows exactly where each of 
His creatures is, be it the nest of a small bird or the hole of a tiny 
worm. On the other hand, Allah provides 
sustenance to all, and provides for them wherever they might be. He is 
aware at all times of where His creatures spend their lives and where 
they will breathe their last. It would be sheer stupidity if someone 
were to think that by resorting to methods such as covering one's face, 
or closing one's eyes one would be able to escape Allah's punishment. 
Even if someone succeeds in eluding the Prophet's observation it is to 
no avail. For no one can escape Allah's observation. Nor should anyone 
entertain the illusion that Allah is unaware of the fact that the 
Prophet (peace be on him) was doing his best to communicate the truth to
 the unbelievers, and that the latter were trying their utmost to clog 
their ears lest the truth reached them. 



Surah Al-Hijr : Ayah 20]



                        "And We provided therein means of sustenance
 for you and for many other creatures for whom you do not provide." 



                        [15. Surah 
Al-Hijr : Ayah 21]




                        "There is not a
 thing whose treasures are not with Us, and We send down each thing in 
appropriate measure."* 


*This is to bring home the fact that it is not vegetable life alone that
 has a fixed limit to its growth, etc: The same is true of everything 
that exists, whether it be air, water, light, heat, cold, mineral, 
vegetable. animal or power or energy, in short, each and every thing 
exists in the prescribed quantity, number, etc. , which neither 
decreases nor increases. It is this "determined course", in each and 
every thing, which has produced appropriate balance and proportion in 
the entire system of the universe to such a perfection that one is led 
to the inevitable conclusion that the whole thing has been designed by 
its All-Wise Creator. For, had the universe come into existence by mere 
accident or had it been created by many gods, it was impossible to have 
such a perfect balance and appropriate proportion with perpetual 
consistence in so many different things and powers.



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