> Ramadan
> Series – 1
>  Receiving
> Ramadan.
> Allah [swt] has
> blessed us that we are now at the doorstep at another season
> of Ramadan. We have to be grateful to our lord for letting
> us to live till this Ramadan- that perhaps our good deeds
> this month may be a cause for us to enter Paradise. How many
> of our brothers and sisters among our Ummah have passed away
> since last Ramadan, and hence are unable to gain the
> benefits of this blessed month this year?
>  Ramadan, the
> 9th Month of the Lunar Calendar, is like a type
> of spiritual school, to which we enter every year, but
> unfortunately, very few of us graduate. But Allah [swt] out
> of his mercy, has allowed us to come back year after year to
> this school that perhaps may eventually graduate, learn
> lessons which will lead us to eternal bliss.
> InshaAllah.
>  “… Observing
> al-sawm (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was
> prescribed for those before you, that you may become
> al-muttaqoon (the pious).” [al-Baqarah
> 2:183]
> Sawm [fasting] during
> the month of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. It
> is a very high act of worship, and fasting during Ramadan
> was obligated on every adult, sane, and able Muslim in the
> Month of Sha’ban in the 2nd year after
> Hijrah.
> Ramadan should be
> greeted with joy, warmth and reverence. How can we not feel
> the joy when in this month:
> Allah
> [swt] revealed the Glorious Qur'aan. 
> Allah
> [swt] chose for us the obligation of
> fasting, 
> Allah
> [swt] chose for us, a night [Laylatul Qadr] which is better
> than 1000 months of worship. 
> Allah
> [swt] multiplies our good deeds, and forgives us our
> sins. 
> Gates
> of Paradise are opened, and gates of hell are closed, and
> the Devils are chained.
>  We must make the best
> use of our lives, health, wealth & youth to fill our
> scales with acts of obedience and worship – performing
> what is commanded, and avoiding what is prohibited,
> so
> that we may be of those who are successful on a day when no
> money or children will benefit us. 
>  We have
> to plan our days to achieve the most of this month. Even a
> recreational activity such as going on a vacation takes much
> planning. Are we then spending enough time and taking pains
> to plan how we can get the most benefit from the opportunity
> Ramadan is offering us?
>  We must receive
> Ramadan with a sincere determination to fast and pray with
> Eemaan, hoping for reward from Allah [swt].
>  We must refrain
> from Gheebah, Gossip, Music, Glancing at unlawful pictures
> [whether in T.V, or commercial magazines, or internet],
> filling our stomach with too much food, etc, in order to
> gain mercy and forgiveness.
>  Many of us take
> this month as a month to just be hungry, laze-around, go
> shopping, stay awake in the night watching T.V, gossiping,
> and eating in the night like we have never eaten before.
> Moreover, we feel we
> can’t fast & work both. We just fast and do nothing
> else, be lethargic, and give a very bad picture of Islam to
> the world. Don't we realize that the Great Battle of
> Badr in which the Muslims defeated the disbelievers took
> place in Ramadan, and the conquest of Makkah occurred too in
> the month of Ramadan, after which people entered into the
> fold of Islam in crowds and Makkah became the land of
> Islam. How far are we
> from those righteous believers, engrossed in materialistic
> gains!
>  To Be
> Continued…


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