Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

As Salaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa 



 Duration of Fast

In the Light of Qur'an and Sunnah

[2. Surah Al-Baqarah: Ayah 187] 

Interpretation of the meaning in English

".. Eat and drink during the nights (of Ramadan)*1
until you can discern the white streak of dawn
from the blackness of night.*2
Then complete your fast till night-fall.*3


 In this connection, too, there was a misapprehension at first. Some 
thought that eating and drinking were absolutely prohibited after the 
performance of the 'Isha' (Night) Prayer. Others thought that one could 
eat and drink so long as one had not fallen asleep, but that if one had 
it was not permissible to eat on reawakening. These were people's own 
fancies and often caused great inconvenience. This verse seeks to remove
 all such misconceptions. It clearly lays down the duration of the fast:
 from dawn until sunset. Between sunset and dawn it is permissible to 
eat, to drink, and to indulge in the legitimate gratification of sexual 

At the same time the Prophet introduced the pre-fasting repast, recommending a 
good meal just before dawn. 

 In fixing the time of obligatory rites, Islam has been mindful that 
these timings should be so clear and simple that people, at all stages 
of development, should be able to follow them. This is why Islam bases 
its timing on conspicuous natural phenomena and not on the clock. 

 'Complete your fasting until night sets in' means that the time of 
fasting ends with nightfall, i.e. sunset marks the breaking of the fast.
 The precise time of the end of the pre-dawn repast is when a lean strip
 of aurora appears at the eastern end of the horizon and begins to grow.
 The time to break one's fast starts when the darkness of night seems to
 have begun to appear over the eastern horizon. 

In our own time,
 some people have adopted an attitude of extreme caution with regard to 
the time of both the end and start of fasting. The Law has not fixed 
these schedules with rigid precision. If a person wakes up just at the 
crack of dawn it is proper for him to eat and drink hastily. 

According to a Tradition the Prophet (sal-allahu- alleihi-wasallam ) said: 
 anyone of you hears the call for [the morning] Prayer while he is 
eating he should not stop immediately, but should finish eating to the 
extent of his bare need.' (Abu Da'ud. Siyam', 14 - Ed.) 
Similarly, one need not wait for the light of day to disappear fully before 
breaking the fast. The Prophet (sal-allahu- alleihi-wasallam ),
 for instance, used to ask Bilal to bring him something to drink as soon
 as the sun had set. Bilal expressed his astonishment, pointing out that
 the light of day could still be observed. To this the Prophet (sal-allahu- 
alleihi-wasallam ) replied
 that the time of fasting came to an end when the darkness of night 
began to rise from the east. (Muslim, 'Siyam', 10; Abu Da'ud, 'Siyam', 
15; etc. - Ed.) 


Delaying the Suhoor until just before dawn

[Sahih Bukhari : volume 3, Book 31, Number 140]

Narrated Hazrat Adi bin Hatim (Radi Allah
When the above verses was revealed: 
"Until the white thread 
appears to you , distinct from the black thread," I took two (hair) 
strings one black and one white , and kept them under my pillow and went
 on looking at them throughout the night but could not make anything out
 of it. 
So, the next morning I went to Allah's Messenger Muhammad 
(sal-allahu- alleihi-wasallam ), and told him the whole story. He 
explained me, "That the verse means the darkness of night and blackness 
of dawn."


[Sahih Bukhari : volume 3,
Book 31, Number 146]

Narrated Anas bin Malik (Radi Allah Anhu), The Prophet Muhammad (sal-allahu- 
alleihi-wasallam ) said, "Take the Suhoor as there is a blessing in it." 

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Interval between Suhoor and Fajr Prayer

[Sahih Bukhari : volume 3,
Book 31, Number 144]

Narrated Hazrat Anas (Radi Allah Anhu): Zaid bin Thabit (Radi Allah Anhu) 
said," We took the Suhoor with Prophet Muhammad
 (sal-allahu- alleihi-wasallam ) then He (sal-allahu- alleihi-wasallam )
 stood for As-Salah (the prayer)." I asked, "What was the interval 
between the Suhoor and the Adhan?" He replied, "The interval was 
sufficient to recite fifty verses of Qur'an."





Hastening to break the fast
as soon as the Sun sets

[Sahih Bukhari : volume 3, Book 31, Number 178]

 Hazrat Sahl bin Sa'd (Radi Allah Anhu): Allah's Messenger Muhammad 
(sal-allahu- alleihi-wasallam ) said, "The people will remain on the 
right path as long as they hasten the Iftar."


[Sahih Bukhari : volume 3, Book 31, Number 177]

Narrated Ibn
 Abi Aufa (Radi Allah Anhu), Prophet Muhammad (sal-allahu- 
alleihi-wasallam ) said, "When you see night falling from this side, the
 person observing fast should break its fast", and he beckoned with his 
finger towards east. 



Alahumma infa`ni bima `allamtani
wa `allamni ma yanfa`uni!

useful for me what You taught me
and teach me knowledge that will be useful to me!


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