In the name of Allah, the Most-Merciful, the All-Compassionate
"May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon You"
Praise  be to Allaah, we seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with 
Allaah from the evil of our own souls and from our bad deeds.  Whomsoever 
guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allaah  leaves astray, no one 
can guide. I bear witness that there is no god  but Allaah, and I bear witness 
that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah
As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu
Fiqh: Sawm or Siyaam (Fasting)
Part 7: Breaking the Fast (Iftaar)
Compiled by Imran Ayub[1]

1. When does the Fasting person Break his Fast?
Allaah, the Most High, says: “…then complete your Sawm (fast) till the 
Allaahs  Messenger (peace be upon him) explained this to mean the approach of  
the night, the passing away of the daylight and the disappearance of the  sun 
below the horizon.[3]
Narrated Umar bin Al-Khattab (may Allaah be pleased with him):  Allaahs Apostle 
(peace be upon him) said, "When  night falls from this side and the day 
from this side and the  sun sets, then the fasting person should break his 
Narrated Amr ibn Maimoon al – Awdee (may Allaah be pleased with him): The  
Companions of Muhammad (peace be upon him) were the earliest of people  in 
beginning the Iftaar and the lastest in taking Suhoor.[5]


2. Hastening to Break the Fast
A  Muslim should break the fast as soon as the sun sets and do not be  bothered 
by the bright redness remaining upon the horizon. In this, he  would be 
following the Sunnah of your Messenger (peace be upon him) and  differing from 
the Jews and Christians since they delay breaking the  fast until the stars 
start to appear.[6]

2.1 Hastening to Break the Fast brings about good. 
Narrated Sahl bin Sad (may Allaah be pleased with him): Allaahs Apostle said, 
"The people will remain on the right path as long as they hasten the breaking 
the fast."[7]
Narrated Aboo Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him): The Prophet (peace be 
upon him) said, “The  Deen will not cease to be uppermost as long as the people 
hasten to  break the fast, since the Jews and Christians delay it.”[8]


2.2 Breaking the Fast before praying the Maghrib prayer
Narrated Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him): “The  Prophet (peace be upon 
him) used to break his fast with fresh dates  before Salaat al – Maghrib. If 
fresh dates were not available, he would  eat dried  dates and if dried dates 
were not available, he would break his fast by drinking a little water.”[9]


2.3 A Warning to Those who Break the Fast Before the Time of Iftaar
Although  we should hasten to break the fast, breaking the fasting before the  
correct time is sinful. Even though only a part of the following hadith  is 
relevant here, I thought I would add the full hadeeth so that we can  reflect 
some of the horrors of some of our actions.
Narrated Aboo Umaamah al – Baahilee (may Allaah be pleased with him): Allaahs 
Messenger (peace be upon him) said, “While I was sleeping, two men (angels) 
to me, held my upper arms and took me to a rough mountain. They said," Climb." 
said," I cannot climb it." They said, " We will make it easy for you." 

He (peace be upon him) continued: "We moved on until I saw some people who were 
suspended by their Achilles' tendons, their cheeks cut and gushing blood. I 
asked, "Who are those?" The replied, "Those are the ones who break their fast 
when it is not permissible." 10]


3. With what should one break his fast?
Narrated Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him): “The  Prophet (peace be upon 
him) used to break his fast with fresh dates  before Salaat al – Maghrib. If 
fresh dates were not available, he would  eat dried  dates and if dried dates 
were not available, he would break his fast by drinking a little water.”[11]
Giving  something sweet to an empty stomach leads to its acceptance and that  
the body takes benefit from it, especially a health body which will be  
strengthened by it. As for water, then the body becomes somewhat  dehydrated 
through fasting and so if it is moistened with water then it  can take 
benefit from the food. And know that the dates and  water contain various 
blessings and specially qualities which have an  effect upon the hearts and in 
purifying them, which will be known only  to those who follow (the Sunnah).[12]
Consider  how far our practice is from that of our Prophet (peace be upon him)! 
In our fast – breaking menu, there are all kinds of fruits and  additional 
items. These items are fried or cooked with a lot of herbs  and spices. This 
result in causing an upset stomach, which may  eventually result in ill health. 
Instead, we have to adopt a more  moderate and comfortable way of breaking our 
fast by which a rich reward  in the Hereafter and a physical advantage in this 
world will also be  achieved.[13]


4. Times of Responding to the Supplication
Those  believers who strive and control themselves, abstaining from those  
things restricted, such as food, drink and sexual desire, all day long,  to 
obtain the pleasure of Allaah, will definitely have a special status  with 
Allaah. This responding to his invocation when breaking his fast is  more 
to occur.[14]So seize  this opportunity and call upon Allaah being sure that it 
will be  answered, and know that Allaah does not respond to a heedless and  
inattentive heart. Call upon Him with supplications for anything good,  and 
hopefully you will attain the good of this like and the Hereafter.[15]
Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al – Aas (may Allaah be pleased with him): 
Allaah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said, “Indeed there is for the fasting 
person, when he breaks his fast, a supplication which is not rejected.”[16]


5. What should a person say when breaking the fast?
There is a well known invocation related in the hadith in this respect: 
“Allaahumma laka sumtu wa – ala Rizqika Aftartu”
(O Allaah! For You I have observed fasting and with Your provisions do I break 
my fasting)
However, this hadeeth is NOT AUTHENTIC.[17]This shows you that you should not 
trust everything you find on things  like Islamic calendars. As much as we hope 
that the people printing  these would do some research on what they put, it 
seems like they are  more concerned with advertising products then anything 
else! And  to make things worse, some people turn a blind eye to the truth and  
ignorantly follow the unauthentic hadith over the authentic! 

The authentic hadith is as follows:
“Dhahaba adh – dhamau wab – tallatil – urooqa wa thabatal – ajru in shaa Allaah”
(The thirst has gone, the arteries are moist, and the reward is set, Allaah 


6. Providing food for the fasting person to break his fast.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever  gives food to a fasting person 
with which to break his fast, will have a  reward equal to his, without it 
detracting in the slightest from the  reward of the fasting person.”[19]
The  rich reward of helping others break their fast can be achieved to one’s  
best ability, and is not required for a people to over burden  themselves in 
this regard.[20]
And  It is Only Allaah Who grants success. May Allaah Exalt the mention of  His 
slave and Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him), and render him,  his 
and companion safe from Evil.
×    Fasting In Ramadaanby Sheikh Saleem al – Hilaalee and ‘Alee ‘Abdul Hameed, 
al – Hidaayah Publishers, 1999
×    Islamic Studies Book 3, by Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips, IIPH publishers, 
×    Ramadaan: Rules and Related Issues, by Hafiz Salah – ud – Din Yusuf, 
Darussalam publishers, 199
×    The Fragile Vessels – Rights and Obligations between the Spouses in Islam, 
by Muhammad Mustafaa al – Jibaaly, al – Kitaab and as – Sunnah Publishing, 2005

[1]From, ‘Fasting in Ramadaan’, p. 56 – 67 and ‘Ramadaan: Rules and Related 
Issues’, p. 12 – 15 

[2]The Noble Qur’an, Soorah Al-Baqarah 2:187
[3]‘Fasting in Ramadaan’, p. 56
[4](Agreed Upon); Saheeh Bukhaari, Volume 3, Book 31, Number 175; Saheeh 
Book 006, Number 2421
[5]‘Abdur – Razzaq, al – Musannaf, Number 7591; Declared Saheehvby Hafidh Ibn 
Hajaar in al – Fath, 4/199; and al – Haithumee in Majma’ uz – Zawaaid, 3/154; 
quoted in ‘Fasting in Ramadaan’, p. 56
[6]‘Fasting in Ramadaan’, p. 57
[7](Agreed Upon); Saheeh Bukhaari, Volume 3, Book 31, Number 178; Saheeh 
Book 006, Number 2417; Sunan Aboo Daawood, Vol. 2, Number 2346
[8]Sunan Aboo Daawood, 2/305; Ibn Hibaan; Its Isnaad is Hasan; as quoted in 
‘Fasting in Ramadan’, p. 58
[9]Sunan at – Tirmithee, 3/70; Sunan Aboo Daawood, 2/306; Ahmad, 3/163; Saheeh 
Ibn Khuzaymah, 3/277, 278;  through two chains from Anas, and its isnaad is 
Saheeh; as quoted in ‘Fasting in Ramadaan’, p. 61; Classed Saheeh by Sheikh al 
Albaanee in al-Irwa’, Number 922; as quoted in ‘Ramadaan: Rules and Related  
Issues’, p. 13
[10]Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah, Number 1986; Ibn Hibbaan and others. Verified to be 
Saheeh  by Sheikh al – Albaanee in Saheeh ut – Targheeb, Number 991; as quoted 
in ‘Fasting in Ramadaan’, p. 91 – 92
[11]Sunan at – Tirmithee, 3/70; Sunan Aboo Daawood, 2/306; Ahmad, 3/163; Saheeh 
Ibn Khuzaymah, 3/277, 278;  through two chains from Anas, and its isnaad is 
Saheeh; as quoted in ‘Fasting in Ramadaan’, p. 61; Classed Saheeh by Sheikh al 
Albaanee in al-Irwa’, Number 922; as quoted in ‘Ramadaan: Rules and Related  
Issues’, p. 13
[12]‘Fasting in Ramadaan’, p. 61
[13]‘Ramadaan: Rules and Related Issues’, p. 13
[14]‘Ramadaan: Rules and Related Issues’, p. 13 - 14
[15]‘Fasting in Ramadaan’, p. 61
[16]Sunan Ibn Maajah, 1/557; al – Haakim, 1/422; Ibn as – Sunnee, Number 128; 
– Tayaalisee, Number 299; through two chains of narration from him and al – 
Boosairee said: 2/81: This isnaad is Saheeh, its narrators are reliable; as 
quoted in ‘Fasting in Ramadaan’, p. 61. Classed Saheeh by Sheikh al – Albaanee 
in Saheeh Sunan ibn  Maajah, Number 1432; as quoted in ‘Ramadaan: Rules and 
Related Issues’, p. 14
[17]It is rated as Da’eef  by Sheikh al – Albaanee in Irwaa al – Ghaleel, Vol. 
4, Number 919; as quoted in ‘Islamic Studies Book 3’, p. 198
[18]Sunan Aboo Daawood, Vol. 2, Number 2350; al – Baihaqee, 4/239; al – 
1/422; Ibn Sunnee, an – Nasaa’ee in Amalul – Yawm, 269; Daraqutnee, who 
its isnaad to be Hasan, and it is as he said (as quoted in‘Fasting in 
p. 62); Graded Hasan by Sheikh al – Albaanee in Saheeh Sunan  Aboo Daawood, 
2, Number 2066 (as quoted in ‘Islamic Studies Book 3’, p. 198) and in Irwaa al 
Ghaleel, Number 920 (as quoted in ‘Ramadaan: Rules and Related Issues’, p. 15). 
Also Refer to the ‘Fortress of a Muslim’
[19]Sunan at – Tirmithee, Number 804; Ahmad, 5/192; Sunan Ibn Maajah, Number 
1746; ibn Hibbaan, Number 895; Imam Tirmithee declared it Saheeh and it is as 
said; as quoted ‘Fasting in Ramadaan’, p. 62. 

[20]‘Ramadaan: Rules and Related Issues’, p. 15


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