On 09.06.2015, Ian Zimmerman wrote: > 1. What version of mutt do you use?
The latest from hg repository, as available. In other words, 1.5.23. At the moment, mutt says it's "Mutt 1.5.23+92". > 2. Do you use the "y" key, or the -y option when starting mutt, at all? No. > 3. Do you have any mailboxes defined with the mailboxes command in .muttrc? Yes, of course. I use the following in .muttrc to generate them dynamically, based on the content of Maildir: mailboxes ! + `\ for file in ~/Maildir/.*; do \ box=$(basename "$file"); \ if [ ! "$box" = '.' -a ! "$box" = '..' -a ! "$box" = '.customflags' \ -a ! "$box" = '.subscriptions' ]; then \ echo -n "\"+$box\" "; \ fi; \ done` -- OpenPGP Fingerprint: 531E 8E75 4395 ED38 CEC2 FD75 A1EB 6944 60F4 A92C