On Thu, May 07, 2020 at 09:52:14AM +1000, Cameron Simpson wrote:
On 06May2020 11:44, Christopher Zimmermann <christop...@gmerlin.de> wrote:
uses cbreak and therefore the terminal will still catch and interpret
\Cc (SIGINT), \034 (SIGQUIT), \Cy (SIGSTOP on next read), \Cz
That is desirable, so that mutt can act like any other well behaved
terminal program[].
that's debatable. TUI programs definitely *aren't* like "any other"
terminal program, and the two others that i use most of the time - mc
and vim - take full control of the tty. in fact, changing the settings
outside mutt may lead to bad results, as it affects non-TUI programs
spawned by mutt, too.
the argument about tty intricacies also stands - it's just bad UX to
have to deal with an additional layer of configuration to make seemingly
obvious settings work.
also, apparently the slang backend behaves differently anyway?