Please find (in seperate emails to follow shortly) three proposed
patches to address this issue that I and others have raised. All three
patches have the use of (some of) the other patches I sent today as a

Patch #1 generates ID's in the form:
<1590350694.yJEHqG0ie/TbuynV@settler>, that is, the seconds since
epoch, followed by a dot and 96 bits of Base64 encoded
randomness. What I like about this patch: It addresses my concerns and
still contains a timestamp that is easy for humans to compare against
other such timestamps while simplifying the message ID generation.

Patch #2 generates ID's in the form:
<20200524201957.R5l+GRVFqFbpYezC@settler>, that is, the old way but
with 96 bits of Base64 encoded randomness instead of GA12345. What I
like about this patch: It addresses my concerns without changing
anything else in the message ID.

Patch #3 generates ID's in the form: <XsrXb8PS4lfD0uJX@settler>, that
is, the seconds since epoch, followed by 64 bits of randomness, all
Base64 encoded. What I like about this patch: It addresses my concerns
and still contains a timestamp while resulting in short(er) message

I'd be happy if any of these patches is accepted or perhaps used as
inspiration for an alternative form that would address the concerns

I know opinions on this topic are varied, so this will be my final
message on this subject in regards to how (un)desirable this requested
change is. Of course, If anyone has any comments or (technical)
concerns about the proposed patches, I'd be more than happy to receive

Stay healthy all,


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