On Thu, Jan 13, 2022 at 11:57:37PM -0500, John Hawkinson wrote:
> I'm not sure the consequences of people using alternative
> $indent_strings are as bad as alternative $reply_prefixes, though. One
> is confined to the content of a message and the other affects critical
> message metadata that is often displayed in abbreviated form.

Maybe a better thread for mutt-users, but I have to say, personally, the
non-standard indent strings bother me way more than the alternative
subject prefixes. I find messy subject lines easy enough to ignore, but
trying to follow a thread with one or more "alternative" indent strings
is very difficult for me, especially when you get people using "super
cite" in the mix. I've seen some pretty passionate flamewars about both.

In practical terms, I don't come across it much anymore, but that
probably has more to do with the fact that email is used for so much
less than it used to be, even in nerd circles.


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