On Wed, May 24, 2023 at 06:29:31PM +0200, Olaf Hering wrote:

I just had the case "Message-Id: something" in one email, and "References/In-Reply-To: <something>" in replies.

As a result mutt failed to recognize that both mails are indeed one single thread.

I just looked at the current Mutt source (relevant code is in parse.c). Function mutt_parse_rfc822_line(), in a section of it at about line 1370, parses Message-ID:. It calls mutt_extract_message_id(); if that doesn't find anything, it calls mutt_extract_message_id() again, this time with an argument that tells it to accept an ID without angle brackets.

So I tested it. Sent myself a message, edited it to remove the angle brackets from Message-ID:, replied to that, replied to the reply (all with Mutt). That all worked. References: and In-Reply-To: all contain angle brackets, as they should, and Mutt showed all three messages as a thread, correctly.

So I guess your problem needs debugging. What version of Mutt are you using? How do you know Mutt failed? How did it display the messages? Do you have any relevant configuration? What exactly is in the bad Message-ID: -- can you show it to us? Can you reproduce the test I did? And so on.

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