On Tue, Feb 02, 1999 at 11:27:06PM -0500, Mary Ellen Foster wrote:
> Here's a question: is there some way to get the "list-reply" functionality
> without some of the other side effects of defining a mailing list?
> Specifically, when you add a list to "lists", messages to that list show up
> as "To List Name" instead of "From Whoever" in the index. Since I procmail
> most of the lists I'm subscribed to into different folders, I don't want
> the sender's name to be obscured; I know by the folder I'm in which list
> the message was sent to.
> Thanks,
And here's an answer :)
Mutt formats the index according to the index_format variable.
Default setting, I believe, is
index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L (%4l) %s"
It's the %-15.15L that's tripping you up. This is an expando which is
the list-from function. I, like you, found this annoying while using
procmail. The solution is to change this from %-15.15L to %-15.15n
(author's real name or address if missing). Much nicer!
If you want this functionality only in certain folders (the ones you
procmail to), but not in others (if some list mail comes into inbox,
and you want to keep the To foo-list stuff), use
folder-hook . 'set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L (%4l) %s"
folder-hook proclist 'set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15n (%4l) %s"
and you're all set. As an extension of this idea, if you keep a
folder with your outgoing mail, try
folder-hook outbox 'set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15t (%4l) %s"
to display who the mail is to, instead of just being from you (duh).
Ian Peters ``Never attribute to malice what can be explained
[EMAIL PROTECTED] by stupidity'' -- Hanlon's Razor