
I've got some problems with autoviewing html messages. It seems as if
mutt doesn't find my $HOME/.mailcap for use with autoview. 

The appropriate part of my .muttrc is

        auto_view text/html
        alternative_order text/enriched text/html text/plain text/*

and my ~/.mailcap contains

        text/html;/usr/local/bin/lynx -child -emacskeys -force_html %s

If I now get some message containing a plain text part and an html
part, mutt tries to display the html part, but then just shows me 

        [-- text/html is unsupported (use 'v' to view this part) --]

and complains in the status line

        mailcap entry for type text/html not found

I tried to set $MAILCAP (like mentioned in the manual page) and
$mailcap_path (like proposed on this list recently) to ~/.mailcap,
but it hadn't any effect.

There is a hint in the mutt manual page, which says:

          User definition for handling non-text MIME types.

          System definition for handing non-text MIME types.

Fine. But where do I have to put definitions for handing text MIME
types, if not in ~/.mailcap?

On the other hand there are a lot of text/something examples in the
online documentation...

BTW: mutt (0.95i and 0.95.1i) seems to crash (Both, bus errors and
segmentation faults) the more often the longer my muttrc is. Is that
normal? :-)

        Regards, Axel
Axel Beckert - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://w5.cs.uni-sb.de/~abe/
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Saarland (Germany)
+ Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (AI Lab), Prof. Dr. W. Wahlster
+ WWW-/FTP-Administrator IBFI Schloss Dagstuhl
+ Students Representative of Computer Science

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