On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 12:49:01PM -0500, Vikas Agnihotri wrote:
> If someone sends me a mail containing the sequence "\n.\n" i.e. it
> happens to contain a line having only a '.', the mail gets chopped off
> at that point i.e. my external AT&T MTA treats the '.' as end-of-mail.

If I remember that correctly, on every MTA-MTA or MUA-MTA conversation,
the sender is required to quote such lines by appending a '.' and the
receiver is supposed to remove it again.

So it seems like the MTA which speaks to your AT&T MTA is broken (IMHO)

> Is that right? What is the the sending MTA/MUA supposed to be doing
> with such lines? What does Mutt do?

Mutt uses '-oi' on the sendmail commandline to tell sendmail that 
\n.\n on stdin is not EOF.

In 1968 it took the computing-Power of 2 C-64 to fly a rocket to the moon.
Now, 1997 it takes the Power of a Pentium 133 to run Microsoft Windows 95.
                    Something must have gone wrong.

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