++ 10.04.1999, 16:22:14 (+0800) = [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
>But I don't like the other one, which is showing the list name in the
>index menu display. For example in my mua folder, I'm only getting mail
>from mutt-users, so I'm losing authors' names and jsut being told the
>mail is coming from mutt-users, which I already know.
>folder-hook mua                set index_format="%3C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15F (%3l)

I have this in my .muttrc (snipped away some of the listnames):

folder-hook (mutt-users|other_list) 'set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15a (%4l) 

So i think your problem is in the quotes. As a result of that Mutt
interprets the commands for the folder-hook incorrect. I suggest you try
it with line you have, but with some more quotes, like mine.

I have noticed this is more or less a FAQ. I have seen several others
(including myself) with the same kind of problems.


= Rejo [Sister Ray Crisiscentrum]                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
= http://mediaport.org/~sister             PGP: DSS B20D35F8, RSA FAE40065
= Please do not carbon me on list replies. I'll get my copy from the list.

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