Error in /home/patseal/.muttrc, line 143: previous-message: no such function in map
Error in /home/patseal/.muttrc, line 144: next-message: no such function in map
source: errors in /home/patseal/.muttrc
Press any key to continue...

lines 143-4:
bind pager <esc><up> previous-message
bind pager <esc><down> next-message

however the manual.txt says:

next-message               J   move to the next entry
previous-message           K   move to the previous entry

What the hell is wrong?? Can't I rebind these keys??

------------------------------------ _____________________________________
Patrick Seal                        |"Microsoft isn't evil, they just make
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>             |   really crappy operating systems."
Hyperhost -| -Linus Torvalds
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